Disney or the rest of the world?


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Christina said:
Wow. What pathetic answers I'm reading.

You mean to tell me that if you had the choice of traveling and seeing the world- eating gelato in Italy, swimming in Greece, shopping in Hong Kong- you'd choose to go to DISNEY PARKS instead?

Snap back to reality people. I adore Disney, but trading it for REALITY is not going to happen in my books. From Italy to Bolivia- there are many things that you can see in other countries that are way more valuable to your whole essance than a Disney theme park. I'd much rather be able to build houses in Costa Rica and see relatives in Spain than spend a week at an playful city built to entertain you - life lessons do not come to you in Disney.


I would once have said Disney. Then I went to Europe over the summer. Here's a "brief" rundown.

See two Olympic Cities in one day (Torino, Chamonix)
See the statue of Christopher columbus in Genoa
Explore Florence and shop on the Ponte Vecchio
See the Bascilica Di Firenze
Walk up the leaning tower of Pisa
See the statue of david
Go to Venice and shop on the Ponte Rialto
Go to Strasbourg
Go to Geneva Luzern and Zurich Switzerland
Drive down the Rhine Valley with the French Roje mountains on my left and the hills of the Black Forest of Germany from half a mile away (that was a truely moving experience)
Ate gelato in Rapallo
Stay in the ski town of Engleberg, Switzerland
Played American classical music for THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND
Made about 50 friends
Had experiences ill tell my children about
Had a life changing experience
Made memories to last a life time

I'm getting all teary eyed and nostalgic just thinking about it.

Would I choose Disney over the actual world? Don't hold your breath.


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peter11435 said:
Who are you to tell me about my essance (whatever the heck that is anyway). Yes there are things I could see in other countries, but I really don't care. There is no reason why I or anyone else needs to see these things in order to fuction as a person. If I want to spend all of my vacations at WDW (which I do) that is my business.


Way to prove her point.


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I'm sure Walt Disney would be so pleased to know that by carrying out his dream, he caused people to become reclusive from reality and uninterested in the world as it is and what contributed to making the world what it is today.

As for those of you who so hasitily made the choice of Disney. You're so ill-equiped to make that decision its not even funny. Know why? because you havent seen the world. Therefore you're gambling your future expiditions without a full deck of cards. When you search for something more out there I wish you luck in pulling your collective heads out of the sand and getting up the courage to leave the fimiliar proverbial home of WDW and stepping into the unfamiliar exciting proverbial forest of the world.


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Connor002 said:
My cousins were our personal tour guides. Maybe they pulled something off.:lookaroun

Did you visit Muinchin? They live there. It really is a nice city.

Munchen* (with two dots over the U)

My uncle and Oma (German for grandmother) were born in Germany.


Active Member
WDWScottieBoy said:
Ok, but think about this? There was a time when my grandparents come over, and we were on a train into France. There was another American on the train and she commented on how rude the French were. My mom told her that she was in THEIR country, and they aren't required to speak English just for her. Do you speak French, do you know the "customs" in France to know what to expect?

This has always bothered me when people hate on the French, when they, in reality, have nothing to base it on.

If you do speak French and understand their country, than I apologize for them that you didn't enjoy it.

I don’t hate the French at all…maybe disagree with some of their political views and the way they view foreigners, but I did meet many nice ones too. (No, they aren’t all rude…I think part of it is just the big-city attitude which is why Paris seems rude). And don’t get the wrong message because I certainly did enjoy my travels over there! I’d love to go back sometime and spend more time touring around. Anyways, just wanted to clear it up :wave:


Well-Known Member
TchaikovskyVCID said:

It's a valid question...for a silly thread like this, anyway...

Besides I was just going to ask whether they had fastpass around the world? It would be a huge time saver in some countries....


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basas said:
I don’t hate the French at all…maybe disagree with some of their political views and the way they view foreigners, but I did meet many nice ones too. (No, they aren’t all rude…I think part of it is just the big-city attitude which is why Paris seems rude). And don’t get the wrong message because I certainly did enjoy my travels over there! I’d love to go back sometime and spend more time touring around. Anyways, just wanted to clear it up :wave:

People are people. People are different. They don't all have the same political views. They don't all view foreigners in the same way.


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objr said:
It's a valid question...for a silly thread like this, anyway...

Besides I was just going to ask whether they had fastpass around the world? It would be a huge time saver in some countries....

Whose being silly? I really do find this disturbing. Yes I love Disney but everyone here says they can't live without it. Can you not see the tragedy in that? Mankind got along fine before Disney came around why not now?


Well-Known Member
TchaikovskyVCID said:
People are people. People are different. They don't all have the same political views. They don't all view foreigners in the same way.

Interesting... different in the way that they may choose Disney over the rest of the world? Or is that the one thing that's not allowed? :eek: :rolleyes:

(before you jump... I haven't said I would choose Disney. I refuse to answer the question because it's so silly. :lol: )


Active Member
TchaikovskyVCID said:

I would once have said Disney. Then I went to Europe over the summer. Here's a "brief" rundown.

See two Olympic Cities in one day (Torino, Chamonix)
See the statue of Christopher columbus in Genoa
Explore Florence and shop on the Ponte Vecchio
See the Bascilica Di Firenze
Walk up the leaning tower of Pisa
See the statue of david
Go to Venice and shop on the Ponte Rialto
Go to Strasbourg
Go to Geneva Luzern and Zurich Switzerland
Drive down the Rhine Valley with the French Roje mountains on my left and the hills of the Black Forest of Germany from half a mile away (that was a truely moving experience)
Ate gelato in Rapallo
Stay in the ski town of Engleberg, Switzerland
Played American classical music for THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND
Made about 50 friends
Had experiences ill tell my children about
Had a life changing experience
Made memories to last a life time

I'm getting all teary eyed and nostalgic just thinking about it.

Would I choose Disney over the actual world? Don't hold your breath.

Congratulations. I could just as easily list many similar experiences i've hand in different countries and how much i've enjoyed them. That still doesn't make anyone elses answers pathetic. I still would pick WDW/US over the rest of the world because i know I can still see many amazing destinations without giving away my favorite travel spot. My point is that different people appreciate different things in a vacation and it's not your spot to step in and say they should like one travel destination more than another.


Well-Known Member
TchaikovskyVCID said:
Whose being silly? I really do find this disturbing. Yes I love Disney but everyone here says they can't live without it. Can you not see the tragedy in that? Mankind got along fine before Disney came around why not now?

I'm sorry...did I say someone was being silly? No, I said the thread was silly. As in the idea behind the thread.



Active Member
TchaikovskyVCID said:
I'm sure Walt Disney would be so pleased to know that by carrying out his dream, he caused people to become reclusive from reality and uninterested in the world as it is and what contributed to making the world what it is today.

As for those of you who so hasitily made the choice of Disney. You're so ill-equiped to make that decision its not even funny. Know why? because you havent seen the world. Therefore you're gambling your future expiditions without a full deck of cards. When you search for something more out there I wish you luck in pulling your collective heads out of the sand and getting up the courage to leave the fimiliar proverbial home of WDW and stepping into the unfamiliar exciting proverbial forest of the world.

Excuse me? Perhaps it is YOU who is the one that is ill-equiped to makes these kind of comments because you don't know what we have, and what we haven't seen. I assume you have been everywhere in the World then (every single spot possible) to makes these types of comments then?:rolleyes: Don't tell me what i should be interested in. Don't tell me what i need to make a decision. Don't tell me what is gambling my future. Maybe instead of us 'getting our heads out of the sand', you should take the crown off your head, step down off your high-horse, and stop acting like King of the Universe.


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basas said:
Congratulations. I could just as easily list many similar experiences i've hand in different countries and how much i've enjoyed them. That still doesn't make anyone elses answers pathetic. I still would pick WDW/US over the rest of the world because i know I can still see many amazing destinations without giving away my favorite travel spot. My point is that different people appreciate different things in a vacation and it's not your spot to step in and say they should like one travel destination more than another.

My point was not to choose the world over Disney. My point was not to make the choice. My point was that not only would you be naive to make the choice you would be naive to assume you have the necessary requirements to make the right decision if you've never been to the rest of the world. But, then again, trying to make that point on this particular stage is basically like :brick:


Active Member
TchaikovskyVCID said:
People are people. People are different. They don't all have the same political views. They don't all view foreigners in the same way.

Your point? Doesn't mean i have to like them.


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basas said:
Excuse me? Perhaps it is YOU who is the one that is ill-equiped to makes these kind of comments because you don't know what we have, and what we haven't seen. I assume you have been everywhere in the World then (every single spot possible) to makes these types of comments then?:rolleyes: Don't tell me what i should be interested in. Don't tell me what i need to make a decision. Don't tell me what is gambling my future. Maybe instead of us 'getting our heads out of the sand', you should take the crown off your head, step down off your high-horse, and stop acting like King of the Universe.

I said the ones who hastily made the choice who haven't been to the rest of the actual world. And before you go off on me not specifically stating that, there is such a thing as intuition and reading into what someones saying.


Active Member
TchaikovskyVCID said:
Whose being silly? I really do find this disturbing. Yes I love Disney but everyone here says they can't live without it. Can you not see the tragedy in that? Mankind got along fine before Disney came around why not now?

No-one said they can't live without Disney. They said they would prefer to continue to visit Disney and other American sites instead of giving it up for the ability to visit foreign tourist sites. It's hardly "a tragedy". I "could live" without seeing Sydney, or Cairo too. Mankind also got along fine before humans could travel more than 5 miles from their birthplace, let alone across the ocean.


Active Member
TchaikovskyVCID said:
My point was not to choose the world over Disney. My point was not to make the choice. My point was that not only would you be naive to make the choice you would be naive to assume you have the necessary requirements to make the right decision if you've never been to the rest of the world. But, then again, trying to make that point on this particular stage is basically like :brick:

Right...so you apparently can't make this choice until you've seen 'everything' in the world...first off, not even possible, and second off- there are no 'necessary requirements' considering its only a personal choice of what you have a desire to see, and the places you want to visit. The point can't be made because it makes no sense.

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