Disney or the rest of the world?


Active Member
No, trolling for flame wars is not going to work with me, it only shows your immaturity to post what you've posted so far. I hope you're smarter and more mature than what you're coming off on the board. And you're the future of this country?

I'm blocking any future posts by you, you have nothing to add to any intelligent conversation.


New Member
TchaikovskyVCID said:
You know for someone more then twice my age, you'd think you could show a little maturity... or at least a clever comeback.

"I'm trying to be fearsome, but I think I'm just coming off as annoying."


Account Suspended
Rotel1026 said:
No, trolling for flame wars is not going to work with me, it only shows your immaturity to post what you've posted so far. I hope you're smarter and more mature than what you're coming off on the board. And you're the future of this country?

I'm blocking any future posts by you, you have nothing to add to any intelligent conversation.

The only thing you do by claiming your own maturity is prove your lack thereof.

Yes, I am the future of this country.... I'm still trying to figure out what you hoped to gain by asking that.


Well-Known Member
Why make 5 of the EXACT same post. And no, you're not thinking. YOu have to look at what Gary, myself, and EVERYONE else has said. You AND Christina are the ones being "p3wned"

Just let this go. All this is going to turn into is either people getting banned or this thread getting locked.

Stop reading so danged into it and let it be some silly question.


Account Suspended
basas said:
VERY scary....:lookaroun :eek:...Maybe the future of the nation's democrats? :)

How in God's name does anything that i've posted indicate im a democrat? Political parties suck. I'm an independent conservative thank you very much


Account Suspended
WDWScottieBoy said:
Why make 5 of the EXACT same post. And no, you're not thinking. YOu have to look at what Gary, myself, and EVERYONE else has said. You AND Christina are the ones being "p3wned"

Just let this go. All this is going to turn into is either people getting banned or this thread getting locked.

Stop reading so danged into it and let it be some silly question.

I still don't take it seriously, I've been laughing for the past half hour because i really do sometimes find it hard to believe that what i read on here is actually true.

As for 5 of the same posts: sorry about that my computer stopped loading the page after I hit post. I hit reload 5 times. You can't delete posts on here.


Well-Known Member
OK, just get over it that there are MANY other people here who would outwit, outsmart, and that are WAY more "worldly" than yourself or Christina.

Just get over this, and LET IT GO!

Jose Eber

New Member
I don't know if I'm diffusing or exacerbating this all but...

Some folks bounce off walls, then
there are arrogant people,
Critical people,
Those who complain,
and those who blame.


I guess I see Christina as being arrogant but I don't believe being critical is being any better of a person.


Well-Known Member
TchaikovskyVCID said:
wow her post obviously went way over your head
Well then explain it to us, if we can't understand it then obviously we need someone to tell us what it means.
TchaikovskyVCID said:
It's not about vacation spot preferences. It's about life experiences. WDW, it's cool and all, but I don't find much adventure there.
Since when was the question about life experiences? It was a silly question to ask for fun. I don't know why people were reading so much into it. Also, you could learn something from the post you responded to. You probably didn't even read it though since you still seem to think your opinion is the only opinion.
TchaikovskyVCID said:
Well don't you just fit the cookiecutter stereotype. "The looks on my kid's faces" yada yada yada. I think it says something profound about her character that her decisions about what's important aren't swayed by monetary value.
First of all, I don't have any kids, so I guess I don't fit into your "cookiecutter stereotype." I was talking about other people. I assume you don't have any kids either since your only 17 so you would have no idea the love a parent has for their child, and how they would do anything to make their child happy. If I did have kids, and fit into your stereotype, I can tell you that my kids would be more important to me than gaining life experiences for myself, so I would be more than happy to fit into your stereotype.

Secondly, Looking back at what I wrote, I can almost see why you think what's important to me is swayed by monetary value, I should've phrased my last sentence differently, but to be honest, the way I read her post, it sounded like she was trying to compare WDW to something not very important. I still stand by the point I was trying to make, which was that most people wouldn't be able to spend thousands of dollars on something just for a little fun trip that their going to forget about.
TchaikovskyVCID said:
pssst... read all the content of the posts...
I did read them all, thanks. If you had read them all maybe you would be able to give me an example, or maybe you did read them all and you couldn't find one.
TchaikovskyVCID said:
You post that as if it proves something...
I haven't seen you even try to prove anything yet. I've only seen you respond with general responses that you can use to respond to anything. You didn't even try to disprove anyone. Did you even read any of the posts you responded to? If you did you obviously didn't put any thought into your responses.
Wow, what a thread!

I read a lot of wise posts and I read a lot of arrogant and/or ignorant posts.

I think there's no ultimate truth to this topic.

I've heard that there are indeed a minority US-American Tourists who deny beeing from the USA. They are a handful people that believe the propaganda from some of the US-media.

But fact is, that people from the USA are welcome as they've always been and not treated differently.
Europe has nothing against the American people.

As I'm living in the center of Europe I have traveled almost every country in Europe.
When I was 23 I visited the USA for the first time.
I immediately fell in love with this country and the people.
And now 12 years later I've been to Washington, NY, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Memphis, New Orleans, traveled all across Arizona, New Mexico and Florida (8 times in WDW alone).
Since 1993 I made not a single vacation in Europe anymore (with the exception of some visits to the UK because I have friends there).

What I learned is that you can form a valid opinion for yourself about something after you have been to a certain place/country and met it's people. And then you can say if you like it or not.

This goes for us Europeans (most of the professional America bashers have never been there) but also vice versa.

So Disney or the World for me? I don't know. I don't want to think about it cause I know I never have to make this decision.

But I know where I wanted to live if I had the money:Florida or where I live now? It's Florida with a few trips back to my old home spending two or three months a year where I'm from.

I hope you can understand what I'm trying to say though my English is far from beeing perfect.


Well-Known Member
wdwfanaustria said:
I think there's no ultimate truth to this topic.

DING DING DING! Looks like we have a winner.

Anyone that claims to have the ultimate truth, as it relates to the matter put forth by the OP, is arrogant, ignorant and delusional. Which is why the question and thus, some of the reaction, is silly. Of course, that's just MY opinion. And hey silly is funny, and funny is well...fun.



Trophy Husband
MouseMadness said:
Apparently :lol:

Yet I am not bothered.

:lol: Sort of like how you're not bothered when your kids say things that are over your head.

"MOM! You just don't understand." Followed by an exaggerated eye roll and sigh. Sound familiar?


I'd love to see the world. I'd love to get back to Disney World. However, seeing as how we have always had relatives living in different ends of the country, that pretty much has dictated where we spend our vacations. That may sound stupid to some people but I don't see this changing any time in the future, as we want our children to grow up knowing their family.

I grew up in a diverse area, and have always wanted to see the places from which my friends' families emigrated. I'd love to have accompanied the toys and letters I've sent to Pakistan, China, the Philippines, Russia, Nepal, Zambia. I long to see Poland and Sweden, where my great-grandparents once lived. Instead, this December, I'll be boarding a plane with my husband bound for Chicago. We'll enjoy a week of being together where he's not rushing off for work every morning. We'll visit our friends. We'll spend time with my in-laws. And to me, that's as meaningful as any trip can be.


Active Member
TchaikovskyVCID said:
"There's a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path"

While there is a difference between knowing and walking, if I choose not to walk, that is MY choice and no one has the right to tell me I am wrong or otherwise. Also it doesn't say you have to walk it, you are looking at this as black and white, while there are many shades of grey in between that you are not considering. The shade of grey might be taking into account whether or not I can afford it and/or desire to in the first place.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
TchaikovskyVCID said:
As for 5 of the same posts: sorry about that my computer stopped loading the page after I hit post. I hit reload 5 times. You can't delete posts on here.
*cough*cough*Yes you can*cough*cough*

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