Disney or the rest of the world?

Ok, put down the flames and back away from the thread. Slowly now... :lol:

*puts on serious face*

Given a choice I'd choose WDW but then I intend to move over at some point in the future so I'm a touch bias.

As to the other issues raised, I don't think anyone here has the right to bash other peoples choices, let alone their nationality!

Though there are reasons to be unhappy with some aspects of the U.S.A. (I won't go into detail as it'll get political) I personally love the American attitude to life. Some people see it as arrogant but I see it as self confidence.

They're not backward about comming forward and that's what I like about them.

*serious face goes away*

That was a party political broadcast on behalf of helpmegetavisa.com. :lol:

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I see this has turned into the usual jingoistic chest beating no one likes us we dont care thread. The thing is the line between pride and arrogant isnt really that narrow.

Actually most people I know have no problem with the US or its people, its trendy to knock el presidenty but thats just lazy journos/comedians (ignoring the French as they dont even like themselves).

However if your from New York theres no need to tell anyone, well be able to work that out for ourselves.

And one final thing a phrase my great aunt used to say "theres maybe a good but theres always a better"

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.

It is normal in European loos to have a wee cleaning lady sat at the entrance with a plate with money in it. You dont have to pay, especially if the loo is minging, but it is considered polite.

You may come across this in London, but usually theyll offer some grooming service like aftershave etc. Im asuming that this is exclusive to the Gents unless their offering legs ans Brazillian services in the Ladies:hammer:


Well-Known Member
Connor002 said:
Where did you go!? :lookaroun :lol:
We never had to pay anthing for the bathrooms.
Maybe they didn't like you.:lookaroun

Really? Well - let's see: Heidleberg Castle, Neuschwanstein Castle, Hohenzollern Castle, Lichtenstein Castle, pretty much the whole town of Salzburg...and every rest stop on every autobahn.

You lucked out. One of the first things we were advised about was how every tourist attraction in Germany charges to use the bathroom.

:hammer: Of course, you could be right. Maybe they just didn't like me.


Active Member
Nicole said:
Really? Well - let's see: Heidleberg Castle, Neuschwanstein Castle, Hohenzollern Castle, Lichtenstein Castle, pretty much the whole town of Salzburg...and every rest stop on every autobahn.

You lucked out. One of the first things we were advised about was how every tourist attraction in Germany charges to use the bathroom.

:hammer: Of course, you could be right. Maybe they just didn't like me.

My cousins were our personal tour guides. Maybe they pulled something off.:lookaroun

Did you visit Muinchin? They live there. It really is a nice city.


Well-Known Member
Munich? Yes we did, but just for a day. Actually I don't remember if we had to pay for any bathrooms there - probably not since we would have been in restaurants and things where they provide that as a "service."

It was pretty much just the tourist places that charge for the bathrooms - and living for three years in Stuttgart we ended up seeing a lot of those touristy places!! Having private tour guides would surely have helped!


Active Member
Nicole said:
Munich? Yes we did, but just for a day. Actually I don't remember if we had to pay for any bathrooms there - probably not since we would have been in restaurants and things where they provide that as a "service."

It was pretty much just the tourist places that charge for the bathrooms - and living for three years in Stuttgart we ended up seeing a lot of those touristy places!! Having private tour guides would surely have helped!

Ah, yes, Munich. I always seem to confuse the german and english spellings. Now that I think of it, we missed alot of the touristy things, with the exception of Neuschweinstine (I have no clue if that's the correct spelling). Did you go on the bridge whlie you were they?


Well-Known Member
Me? On a rickety bridge a zillion miles in the air?? Uh...no. But I did get a great photo with my telephoto lens (from safe on the ground) of my DH and kids risking their lives on it. :D (Can you tell I'm a little afraid of heights??)


Active Member
Nicole said:
Me? On a rickety bridge a zillion miles in the air?? Uh...no. But I did get a great photo with my telephoto lens (from safe on the ground) of my DH and kids risking their lives on it. :D (Can you tell I'm a little afraid of heights??)

I was terrified! They made me go, despite the fact I almost got sick and passed out. I'm terrified of heights, I can't walk up staris without getting a little nervous, and they have to either give me some medicine that makes me drowsy or deprive me of sleep before we go on any flights.

But, it does make a good story.


Active Member
It makes me queasy just looking at it...


Premium Member
Guys, I think you should all stops with the attacks on Christina....she's just presenting the facts (it's all true as well....I've talked to people who've done it and have seen it being done myself)....


Well-Known Member
Honestly... after a six month tour of the United States, including two weeks in Alaska where I saw the Northern Lights and a Glacier... plus two weeks in Korea and a week in Japan. Plus throwing in the fact that I have traveled to Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, France and the Netherlands...

I would give up Disney for the rest of the world.

Disney is great and all... but it ain't the be all end all.


Well-Known Member
NemoRocks said:
Guys, I think you should all stops with the attacks on Christina....she's just presenting the facts (it's all true as well....I've talked to people who've done it and have seen it being done myself)....
uuuuuuum Nemo I think you should go back and re-read the thread. Christina is the one who started pointing out that people here who preferred Disney were pathetic! And we are talking about a preference here, not necessarily facts. Im sure all of the things that Christina mentioned are great. I did not call her pathetic for choosing them over Disney, nor would I have thought badly of her for making that choice. I would have assumed that these are items that she enjoyed doing and for her, that was the appropriate choice. I know people who have traveled all over the world and prefer Disney and I also know people who dont care for Disney and dont understand the attraction. Both are equally valid viewpoints and I respect both. Obviously Christina cannot say the same!! THAT is where the problem lies!!! This is a discussion board and people are going to have differing opinions. That is part of what makes these forums soo interesting to read. Calling people pathetic because they have a different viewpoint than yourself is not very polite. Belle

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
NemoRocks said:
Guys, I think you should all stops with the attacks on Christina....she's just presenting the facts (it's all true as well....I've talked to people who've done it and have seen it being done myself)....
If you're going to toss around thinly-veiled insults like "Americans should just stay home and explore all their own wonderful attractions," you shouldn't be too surprised when you get a less than favorable reaction on a board full of Yanks.

I don't like jingoism and oversimplification, from any source. It ticks me off when I hear Americans badmouthing convenient targets (like the French or the Canadians) just because everyone else is doing it, and it's just as intellectually lazy when people from other countries badmouth America because it's "chic."

If you're going to present yourself as a cultured world traveler, then you should be able to use all that experience to recognize shades of gray instead of painting everyone with one big brush. Tackling broad horizons on earth isn't very useful if your mind is still as narrow as the distance of your backyard.

I know we have more than our share of pinheads in this country. Lord knows I've encountered enough of them myself. I'll never apologize or be made to feel inferior to anyone because of my nationality, though.


Active Member
Wilt Dasney said:
I don't like jingoism and oversimplification, from any source. It ticks me off when I hear Americans badmouthing convenient targets (like the French or the Canadians) just because everyone else is doing it, and it's just as intellectually lazy when people from other countries badmouth America because it's "chic."

Don't forget the sterotype that all germans are angry, mean, and have a harsh language. Comming from a german family, that one really bugs me.


Well-Known Member
Alright I'm going to step into this now.

I spent the first four years of my life living in Geneva, Switzerland, and I'd do anything to move back there. Sure, I love America and I'm proud to be an American, but there's just something about that place that I'd LOVE to be back in. People love to hate on the French just because everyone else does and they don't truly know any different. Until they've gone to france, seen how nice the people are and how beautiful the country is, don't hate it. I lived a mile away from the French border, and I personally love the country and the people. Go to Epcot's France, and tell me if you still hate it. The people there aren't rude or anything else (yes, I know, it's Disney) and maybe I don't have a problem because I speak French and know from the personal experience of being over there.

So what would I pick between WDW and the rest of the world? I have been to Disney World countless times, and would hate the thought of not being able to come back here again. But have I been around the rest of the world? No. I'd love to travel the world. I'd love to visit Hong Kong, Sydney, London, Paris, and many many other countries around the world. I'd take travelling the world in a second, as I LOVE to travel.

And to Christina, yes I think you're making a generalization here about us Americans, and it's going back to the same thing I said about Americans looking at the French. Just because you saw a couple with the Canadian flags, doesn't mean they all were. I'm sure there were plenty more with French clothing on, US clothing, etc. It's always the negative that sticks out in people's minds, it's been proven. But don't come here and tell us to "stay home."

That's my two cents on the issue, take it or leave it! :wave:


Active Member
WDWScottieBoy said:
People love to hate on the French just because everyone else does and they don't truly know any different. Until they've gone to france, seen how nice the people are :wave:

If only that were true. In my experiences in France, I found them quite rude most of the time (especially those from Paris)...the ones down south were a little nicer;) :lol:


Well-Known Member
basas said:
If only that were true. In my experiences in France, I found them quite rude most of the time (especially those from Paris)...the ones down south were a little nicer;) :lol:

Ok, but think about this? There was a time when my grandparents come over, and we were on a train into France. There was another American on the train and she commented on how rude the French were. My mom told her that she was in THEIR country, and they aren't required to speak English just for her. Do you speak French, do you know the "customs" in France to know what to expect?

This has always bothered me when people hate on the French, when they, in reality, have nothing to base it on.

If you do speak French and understand their country, than I apologize for them that you didn't enjoy it.

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