Disney or the rest of the world?


Active Member
I love Disney. It was so much a part of my childhood and it is still a great big part of my life (My wife recently told me we've gone 31 times this year). But I'd pick traveling the real world without a second thought.
There's too much to see, too much to do, so many people to meet, things to experience. My greatest experiences have come outside WDW in my travels, and so I'd have to say goodbye to the Mouse (after one fantastic vacation there, of course).
Besides, WDW only has so many types of beer. The real world has tens of thousands. :lol: Imagine the possibilities.
Imagineers, as great as they are - they've got nothing on fantasy, magic, wonder, and imagination of the real world.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
wannabeBelle said:
so I need to travel outside the USA to find a BF??:veryconfu :veryconfu As far as doing more to broaden my life.....I dont feel any great desire to at this time. I Am very lucky in that I am extremely happy with my life and world as it is. If at some point the opportunity comes about for me to travel abroad, I like to think I wouldnt be closed to it, but to actively search it out? I just dont feel the desire to do so at this time. Just a preference, certainly not written in stone nor is there a time frame on it. Belle
It's your destiny wannaBelle... Come over to the Bright Side... eventually you can't resist...

So it is written, so it shall be done!!!!


New Member
Christina said:
Wow. What pathetic answers I'm reading.

You mean to tell me that if you had the choice of traveling and seeing the world- eating gelato in Italy, swimming in Greece, shopping in Hong Kong- you'd choose to go to DISNEY PARKS instead?
Absolutely, without a shadow of doubt, and without question.

It is absolute utopia to me. I would trade EVERYTHING for a trip to WDW. And I do so every single year. Sure, I would go other places, visit far away lands, but that wasn't the question. The question was, would I give it all away for WDW. And the answer to that question is yes.

And it doesn't sound pathetic to me. It sounds just about as sincere as someone on a European Vacation site saying they would give up WDW to travel to Europe.


New Member
Perhaps pathetic is too strong of a word... or maybe it isn't.

Just to add another dimension to this wonderful topic - maybe it is best for Americans to stay in their own backyards. I don't find them well recieved in Europe or Latin America, that's for sure. Through traveling to places like Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Costa Rica, Germany and Britan I often find many AMERICANS (I mistake them for Canadians as they wear Canadian flags to lie to to the people in the native country and attempt to convince them that they are infact, Canadians) masquerading as Canadians. I always find this silly, and would most likely not approach them had I known before hand that they were actually American. I've NEVER, EVER, EVER, seen someone in Europe or Latin America wearing a PROUD TO BE AMERICAN shirt. When I was on a Euro-Rail tour from Italy to France when I was 15, our guide would actually pass out Canadian flag pins to people who were American, for the safety of the Americans. He said it's safer that way- and in the past summer, in my adventures in Greece, I still managed to encounter many Americans wearing Canadian attire.

I appear to have lost my train of thought baha, and I'm not completely sure my whole splurge was completely relative...erm lets think, OH YES, perhaps Americans should stay and explore there own fantastic attractions and places.

EDIT: Just realized that when I travelled to Cuba, Americans were still "boycotting Cuba".


New Member
Christina said:
Perhaps pathetic is too strong of a word... or maybe it isn't.

Just to add another dimension to this wonderful topic - maybe it is best for Americans to stay in their own backyards. I don't find them well recieved in Europe or Latin America, that's for sure. Through traveling to places like Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Costa Rica, Germany and Britan I often find many AMERICANS (I mistake them for Canadians as they wear Canadian flags to lie to to the people in the native country and attempt to convince them that they are infact, Canadians) masquerading as Canadians. I always find this silly, and would most likely not approach them had I known before hand that they were actually American. I've NEVER, EVER, EVER, seen someone in Europe or Latin America wearing a PROUD TO BE AMERICAN shirt. When I was on a Euro-Rail tour from Italy to France when I was 15, our guide would actually pass out Canadian flag pins to people who were American, for the safety of the Americans. He said it's safer that way- and in the past summer, in my adventures in Greece, I still managed to encounter many Americans wearing Canadian attire.

I appear to have lost my train of thought baha, and I'm not completely sure my whole splurge was completely relative...erm lets think, OH YES, perhaps Americans should stay and explore there own fantastic attractions and places.

EDIT: Just realized that when I travelled to Cuba, Americans were still "boycotting Cuba".
Please tell me you did not just come in here and talk stuff about America. Please tell me you did not just do that. Because if you did, I can tell you you did it in the wrong place and should just leave now. And FYI, I would NEVER wear a Canadian flag shirt in another country... EVER. I am proud to be an American, and would never hide that fact.

As far as I am concerned, you can leave if you choose to talk about the countries represented by ANY person on this website.


New Member
Christina said:
Just to add another dimension to this wonderful topic - maybe it is best for Americans to stay in their own backyards.

Or not.

I think we're grown enough to decide what's best for ourselves, but thanks.:kiss:

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Well, Christina, looks like you've mastered Sweeping Generalizations 101. Might as well move on to the sophomore-level course now.



Active Member
Dear Christina,
You have no right to tell these people where they should take their vacations. If you want to insult them for their choice of destination, you clearly don't not understand the concept of personal choice.



Well-Known Member
Rotel1026 said:
They made you pay extra to use the restroom?

Actually, Disney probably hides their bathroom fees in ticket and hotel rates. LOL :lol:

Absolutely. Pretty much everywhere you go in Germany there is a fee for the bathroom. Either you have to put a coin in a slot in the door to get it to open (like a gumball machine) or there is an attendant there that you have to pay. Anywhere from 25c to 50c.

Restaurant bathrooms are generally free (though not always) but things like castles and even autobahn rest stops are always pay-as-you-go. (pun intended)


Well-Known Member
Christina said:
I've NEVER, EVER, EVER, seen someone in Europe or Latin America wearing a PROUD TO BE AMERICAN shirt. When I was on a Euro-Rail tour from Italy to France when I was 15, our guide would actually pass out Canadian flag pins to people who were American, for the safety of the Americans. He said it's safer that way- and in the past summer, in my adventures in Greece, I still managed to encounter many Americans wearing Canadian attire.

I appear to have lost my train of thought baha, and I'm not completely sure my whole splurge was completely relative...erm lets think, OH YES, perhaps Americans should stay and explore there own fantastic attractions and places.

I'm confused as to why someone from Europe would wear a "Proud to be American" shirt. Because of course they are not American.

And you are right that America has enough potential touring sites to keep anyone happy for many many vacations (should they choose not to visit WDW).


Well-Known Member
I've been around the world Christina. It ain't Disney. We're better and we know it. That's why they hate us. They're jealous. And, yeah, I'm not going to attack your obvious political objectives here because it is not the place. Try moveon.org. :mad:


Well-Known Member
Texas84 said:
I've been around the world Christina. It ain't Disney. We're better and we know it. That's why they hate us. They're jealous. And, yeah, I'm not going to attack your obvious political objectives here because it is not the place. Try moveon.org. :mad:
Well said Texas!!!! And if we are so bad, why do people from literally almost every country in the world seek to come to America to live, work here and raise their families here?? hhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm Belle


Well-Known Member
Christina said:
Wow. What pathetic answers I'm reading.

You mean to tell me that if you had the choice of traveling and seeing the world- eating gelato in Italy, swimming in Greece, shopping in Hong Kong- you'd choose to go to DISNEY PARKS instead?
Maybe you should snap back to reality and respect other people's opinions. Anyway, I'm confused as to why I would need to travel half way around the world to swim and shop. :veryconfu
Christina said:
I appear to have lost my train of thought baha, and I'm not completely sure my whole splurge was completely relative...erm lets think, OH YES, perhaps Americans should stay and explore there own fantastic attractions and places.
Thank you for pointing out that America does indeed have plenty of fantastic attractions and places. Because there are. That's why many people don't feel the need to travel outside the country or would choose disney and the US over the rest of the world (if they were made to choose).

I would choose Disney and the U.S. because of the same reasons many people have stated. I love Disney too much to give it up, there's always something new and yes I have actually learned "life lessons" from Disney (although I don't know what Christina's defintion of life lessons is), and there are so many places in the U.S. that I want to see, that would be enough to keep me happy.


Active Member
Nicole said:
Absolutely. Pretty much everywhere you go in Germany there is a fee for the bathroom. Either you have to put a coin in a slot in the door to get it to open (like a gumball machine) or there is an attendant there that you have to pay. Anywhere from 25c to 50c.

Restaurant bathrooms are generally free (though not always) but things like castles and even autobahn rest stops are always pay-as-you-go. (pun intended)

Where did you go!? :lookaroun :lol:
We never had to pay anthing for the bathrooms.
Maybe they didn't like you.:lookaroun


Active Member
Nicole said:
Absolutely. Pretty much everywhere you go in Germany there is a fee for the bathroom. Either you have to put a coin in a slot in the door to get it to open (like a gumball machine) or there is an attendant there that you have to pay. Anywhere from 25c to 50c.

Restaurant bathrooms are generally free (though not always) but things like castles and even autobahn rest stops are always pay-as-you-go. (pun intended)

I found this also when we were in Ireland in a mall in Dublin, they charged for the use of the bathroom, I think it was 10p (before the Euro).

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