Disney or the rest of the world?

Tim G

Well-Known Member
wannabeBelle said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: Very well put!!!!
I have to agree with almost everyone here and say USA and Disney are the way to go!!!!!! I love Disney. I love the escape that I get from going there. I Am calmer and more at peace with my essence than anywhere I have been to before or since. Belle
Well in your case... better stay at home... :kiss:

The outside world is too scary for you... :D

BTW... What countries did you visit, or was Boise the greatest event that happened in your life... :lol: :lol: :lol:


Active Member
NemoRocks said:
Couldn't agree with you more. That's something that has always bugged me around here....

I don't get how someone who's made 11,000+ postings onto a Disney website can say something like that?


Active Member
NemoRocks said:
Couldn't agree with you more. That's something that has always bugged me around here....

Anyways, if I need my "theme park fix," I can always go to the great Universal theme parks or even try some of the other parks around the world. :)

What has 'bugged' you around here? That people have an opinion that is different from yours? I've been several places throughout the world and while I’ve enjoyed them, would like to return, and would enjoy visiting more, I don’t enjoy myself more than, or get the pull to come back that I get from WDW. Sure, seeing a monument in a foreign city is neat, but after I see it- I’m not already booking at trip to go back! I myself could still live without seeing it, and still be able to enjoy the many great things to visit right here in NA. Anyways…I would pick WDW/US as my choice, but that is just my opinion. Don’t call it pathetic though.


New Member
Christina said:
Wow. What pathetic answers I'm reading.

You mean to tell me that if you had the choice of traveling and seeing the world- eating gelato in Italy, swimming in Greece, shopping in Hong Kong- you'd choose to go to DISNEY PARKS instead?

Snap back to reality people. I adore Disney, but trading it for REALITY is not going to happen in my books. From Italy to Bolivia- there are many things that you can see in other countries that are way more valuable to your whole essance than a Disney theme park. I'd much rather be able to build houses in Costa Rica and see relatives in Spain than spend a week at an playful city built to entertain you - life lessons do not come to you in Disney.

Basically you're saying that going on vacation around the world is REALITY, but going on vacation to Disney is NOT??

It's the same flipping thing. They're both ways to escape REALITY. Either way, you'd have to go back to your everyday life after vacation is over.:rolleyes:

And how do you know what is valuable to my "whole essance"? Or anyone else on this board for that matter?:brick:

life lessons do not come to you in Disney.
There's no way you could know what "life lessons" people have/haven't learned or where they learned them.


Well-Known Member
Corrus said:
Well in your case... better stay at home... :kiss:

The outside world is too scary for you... :D

BTW... What countries did you visit, or was Boise the greatest event that happened in your life... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Not true actually.....more of a case of been there, done that. I have been to the Islands and was bored mostly, I have been to different parts of the USA and have found quite a bit of variety in our amazing country. I havent gotten to Europe yet but I Am sure I will someday. It is not the same burning passion that drives me to visit Disney again and again though. Maybe I Am just happy going to Disney and dont care to change it? Belle

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Go try Disneyland Paris Resort
Tokyo Disneyland Resort
Hongkong Disneyland...

You don't know what you're missing...


Well-Known Member
Corrus said:
Go try Disneyland Paris Resort
Tokyo Disneyland Resort
Hongkong Disneyland...

You don't know what you're missing...
Will do!!!! I just need a good travel mate!!!! No BF or hubby here so I take my travel buddies where I can find em!!! Belle


Well-Known Member
Okay, although this is a remarkably heated topic I will have to vote DISNEY as well. I've BTDT on the Europe thing - lived in Germany for three years. It cost just about as much for me to take my family to Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria for a day trip as it costs for a day at WDW. Only at Disney they don't make you pay extra to go to the bathroom.

Thankfully the odds of any of us being given the ultimatum of Disney vs. world travel are slim, but although I do hope to see a bit more of the world someday I wouldn't give up Disney for it. Disney is a state of mind as much as it is a place.


New Member
Nicole said:
Okay, although this is a remarkably heated topic I will have to vote DISNEY as well. I've BTDT on the Europe thing - lived in Germany for three years.

I was in Frankfurt...:D

for about an hour lol.:lol:


Active Member
Nicole said:
Only at Disney they don't make you pay extra to go to the bathroom.

They made you pay extra to use the restroom?

Actually, Disney probably hides their bathroom fees in ticket and hotel rates. LOL :lol:

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
shoppingnut said:
pyramids -- ride a smelly camel in the heat with no bathrooms, I can see pyramids in Las Vegas.

Stonehedge -- a bunch of rocks laying around in the middle of nowhere

Roman Colosseum -- if I want to see that many cats I'll visit the ASPCA

the catacombs -- I see dead people, go to local funeral home for that

Great Wall of China -- So someone built a wall, do we really need to climb it and take photos of trees.

Great Barrier Reef -- Do I really need to be some shark's lunch

Big Ben -- A giant clock, been there done that, seen better things.

the Eiffel Tower -- How about the Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty

Rio De Janeiro -- if I need to be scared for my life, I can find a nice place right here in NYC

Panama Canal -- Hudson River.

the Mayan temples -- plenty of nice landmark churches right here in the US and you don't have to tramp through the rainforest to get there.

the Inca City -- Williamsburg, Virginia

Tokyo -- Visit NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles, same thing millions of people rushing to work or where ever.

Diamond Head -- been there done that, it's okay, no need to rush back

Bora Bora -- no thanks far too rural

Acapulco Bay -- again, if I need to be scared for my life, I can find a nice place right here in NYC, been there done that.

Wellington...yes, New Zealand -- go to the local zoo to see the wildlife.

While I think if you want to go to these places, then by all means go, but they aren't high on my list of "must do's."

Ohh dear.... but then again your from New York.

And some people question the worlds perception of US citizens, how do you spell parochial again?


New Member
Pumbas Nakasak said:
Ohh dear.... but then again your from New York.

And some people question the worlds perception of US citizens, how do you spell parochial again?

LOL...I had something similar posted but I deleted it. "Dumb American" seemed a bit harsh. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Pumbas Nakasak said:
Ohh dear.... but then again your from New York.

And some people question the worlds perception of US citizens, how do you spell parochial again?
And I guess that some British dont understand levity??? Anyhow I think what Shopping Nut is trying to point out is that there are just as many beautiful things to see and do in Disney and the rest of the United States as there are in the World. I agree with Nicole in that the choice is probably not ever going to be limited, and I am grateful for that. If I ever feel an overwhelming need to see any of the above items I Am sure they will be there. As of right now that hasnt happened. I like Disney I go to Disney, end of story for the moment. Belle
P.S. They make you pay to go to the bathroom in Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria??? :eek: :eek: :eek:


Active Member
Pumbas Nakasak said:
Ohh dear.... but then again your from New York.

And some people question the worlds perception of US citizens, how do you spell parochial again?

Don't "Oh Dear" me, being from NY has nothing to do with it and I question your perception to have some fun with this thread. The simple fact is that so many people don't take advantage of things that are right in their own backyards. There are plenty of historical wonders to see right where you live that we often don't take advantage of because we tell ourselves that we can do it another time. Also, it wasn't so long ago that the majority of people would not ever travel outside the country in which they lived.:eek:

Lighten up!!!!:wave: :lol:

Tim G

Well-Known Member
wannabeBelle said:
Will do!!!! I just need a good travel mate!!!! No BF or hubby here so I take my travel buddies where I can find em!!! Belle
That's because you're not going anywhere outside the US...

Broaden your life... "Have Fun Will Travel"...


Well-Known Member
Corrus said:
That's because you're not going anywhere outside the US...

Broaden your life... "Have Fun Will Travel"...
so I need to travel outside the USA to find a BF??:veryconfu :veryconfu As far as doing more to broaden my life.....I dont feel any great desire to at this time. I Am very lucky in that I am extremely happy with my life and world as it is. If at some point the opportunity comes about for me to travel abroad, I like to think I wouldnt be closed to it, but to actively search it out? I just dont feel the desire to do so at this time. Just a preference, certainly not written in stone nor is there a time frame on it. Belle

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