Disney on 9/11


Well-Known Member
A little OT for the other NYCer's...Did anyone see that the local ABC station decided not to air the ceremony this year and will show regular programming that morning?

I am surprised actually. I didnt know what was being done outside of the NYC area. I figured the NY Affiliate at least would be carrying the whole thing. Ah well, all that will do is make a lot of people very angry. If ABC wants to deal with those kind of reprecussions, I say go for it. I have a feeling they may rethink that as every other network is carrying the whole broadcast in it's entirety. In any event, I cant think of a more appropriate, patriotic place to be in rememberance of those events. Make sure you pop into American Adventure for Voices of Liberty's show which is AWESOME and of couse the main show, which left me teary eyed with the new updated ending. Then celebrate your freedom and How proud you are to be American by enjoying yourself!!! Belle


Active Member
I was there when it happend and I was not worried then and I would not be worried now. They would not do the same thing twice and they would always want to out do the last attack. If you change your life because of these losers then they won.


Well-Known Member
Good for you BrkgNews, I live in NYC and work about 8 minutes from Ground Zero. This wasnt a news broadcast to me at all. This was right up the block. I knew a few of the firefighters who gave their lives that day as well. Come that December, my butt was on a plane back to Disney as I refuse to live in fear. If we cave to that, the bad guys win and I personally wont let that happen to me!!! Belle

Exactly right, and well-said.


Well-Known Member
Good for you BrkgNews, I live in NYC and work about 8 minutes from Ground Zero. This wasnt a news broadcast to me at all. This was right up the block. I knew a few of the firefighters who gave their lives that day as well. Come that December, my butt was on a plane back to Disney as I refuse to live in fear. If we cave to that, the bad guys win and I personally wont let that happen to me!!! Belle

Two days after 9/11 my husband and I went to NY and visited Ground Zero. Two days after that we drove down to DC. Our 2 daughters (in their 20s) went to Ground Zero a few days after we did. I have to admit I was slightly afraid to travel at that time, but my husband felt it was important for all of us to see with our own eyes what had happened. He told our daughters this was their history and that witnessing the aftermath would be something they would remember all their lives. 3 weeks later my husband and I flew to WDW. Although the tragedy of that day will never leave us, we know the importance of carrying on. It's what Americans do.


I'm also from Long Island and remember that day quite vividly! We were working when we heard the news. I knew three people who lost their lives that day in the towers. My bosses daughter worked there but got out but what a frighting day for all. We also had a trip to Disney planned and we also had no fear at all about going. And I have to say it was the best trip we ever had! We stayed 12 wonderful nights. We went to IOA and Universal and Sea World also that trip and it was the last time we went there. There was nobody in the parks and we had the parks to ourselves. Not Disney though even though it was lighter than usual we still had some crowds there. I will never forget that day and I will remember it with pride with all the people who bravely fell that day and all the hero's who helped.

a disney child

New Member
I have said this before,"terrorists do their job when you live in constant fear of them!" I was at WDW soon after 9/11, I wouldnt cancel out of fear then. My flight was one of the first out of Ohare airport, it was near empty. I will not fear anymore! Could they, maybe ,what if , this is where the fear lies , and they sill have their terror. Wear yor flag shirt as we did after 9/11 ,wear a yellow ribbon pin for those we wait to return. See a soldier and say thank you for all that they do. Fear at WDW nohow , noway! Do you know what you need to worry about on this 9/11 at WDW. The 90s temp and rain.

Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
I'm in Jersey, about an hour from the city. I remember that day and the eerie silence I felt after the attacks when I went outside. I didn't even hear the birds chirping, I didn't hear anything. We have a military base nearby and I remember seeing the fighter jets criss crossing the sky above for a long time afterward.

About a week after 9/11 we headed to Montauk LI for our annual family reunion. I remember going over the bridge on our way home seeing the smoke and smelling that god awful smell. It was a horrible, horrible day for all of us. But it has made me even more proud to be an American citizen because we all came together, the rich and poor, every race and religion as one to support each other in that time of need for each and every person who was either lost or had lost a loved one in that tragedy.

My husband is from Long Island (Huntington) and he pretty much was ready to walk out the door and head to the city to help in any way that he could. There are a lot of us in the tri-state area who have been touched by this somehow. You either lost a friend or family member or you know someone who did. With the anniversary so close at hand it brings the memory of that fateful day to the forefront of our minds. It has been embedded there for as long as we live.

I also went to WDW that December after 9/11 and I was not afraid. I did see the military in the airport and I thanked them. I saw the emptiness of the parks when I was there. And I agree with the others, I will not be afraid because that is what the terrorists want. They want us to live in fear and I refuse. After all, I'm a Jersey girl.



Well-Known Member
I'm in Jersey, about an hour from the city. I remember that day and the eerie silence I felt after the attacks when I went outside. I didn't even hear the birds chirping, I didn't hear anything. We have a military base nearby and I remember seeing the fighter jets criss crossing the sky above for a long time afterward.

About a week after 9/11 we headed to Montauk LI for our annual family reunion. I remember going over the bridge on our way home seeing the smoke and smelling that god awful smell. It was a horrible, horrible day for all of us. But it has made me even more proud to be an American citizen because we all came together, the rich and poor, every race and religion as one to support each other in that time of need for each and every person who was either lost or had lost a loved one in that tragedy.

My husband is from Long Island (Huntington) and he pretty much was ready to walk out the door and head to the city to help in any way that he could. There are a lot of us in the tri-state area who have been touched by this somehow. You either lost a friend or family member or you know someone who did. With the anniversary so close at hand it brings the memory of that fateful day to the forefront of our minds. It has been embedded there for as long as we live.

I also went to WDW that December after 9/11 and I was not afraid. I did see the military in the airport and I thanked them. I saw the emptiness of the parks when I was there. And I agree with the others, I will not be afraid because that is what the terrorists want. They want us to live in fear and I refuse. After all, I'm a Jersey girl.


Amen to that. :king:

We had just come home from WDW the week before and we went back again the next summer, what a difference in attendance!

I'm 45 miles north of NYC and I will forever remember that day, but I will not run and hide.


About the ceremony being televised--ABC here in New York was announcing all day yesterday that they will be broadcasting the entire Ground Zero ceremony beginning at 8:25 on Tuesday. Apparently they did receive numerous calls and e-mails complaining that not everyone could watch the ceremony online or on the special digital channels, as was originally planned. Now we will be able to watch on regular old Channel 7 as well.


New Member
I was in WDW on the 1 yr anniversary....I felt safe..Probably felt safer there than anywhere else....We were in the MK, and we attended the Flag Retreat on Main Street...There was not a dry eye to be found..


Well-Known Member
About the ceremony being televised--ABC here in New York was announcing all day yesterday that they will be broadcasting the entire Ground Zero ceremony beginning at 8:25 on Tuesday. Apparently they did receive numerous calls and e-mails complaining that not everyone could watch the ceremony online or on the special digital channels, as was originally planned. Now we will be able to watch on regular old Channel 7 as well.
Oh good. Thanks, I hadn't seen that. :)


New Member
Then again, this is a silly conversation on a Disney board. I was at MK for 9/11 two years ago, and it was a beautiful ceremony in the rain with the VOL.. I used to work at One Liberty, which is across the street from the WDW site, until August of 2001.


New Member
Although 9/11 was a horrific and memorable occasion there is no real significance in the date other than the fact that it was the day the nation was attacked. There is no reason any terrorist {or any sick minded person} should plan an attack on this date. The fear of it is perceptual. After all a terrorist {or sick minded person} could attack on any day of the year.:lookaroun

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