Disney Looking To Re-Open Some Clubs at PI For the Holiday Season?

Master Gracey

Well-Known Member
they have stated pubically in their press releases that all of the clubs are permanently closed and will be demolished and replaced with other dining and entertainment venues... I don't think the burden of proof lies with me...

The next time you hear the words "Kungaloosh" it'll be the description of the sound the wrecking ball made on it's way flying though AC..

and if, by some miracle, it reopens... don't worry.. I'll be here to eat crow.

Where was it said in the press release that the clubs were being demolished? Not to mention that a lot has changed since June 27th, 1) Disney did not expect our backlash, (or at least our volume of backlash) and have been taking notice, and 2) the economy. As perviously stated, reports are now indicating that due to the sinking economy, there are no third parties moving into Pleasure Island except for the Tequila Bar next door to the Adventurers Club. So, nope, no wrecking ball in the future for 5189 Hill St. Keep fighting Adventurers, we truely are reckless, brave and loyal!

By the way, I'm taking orders in advance, how do certain individuals want their crow served, rare, medium, blackened, ect.


Active Member
I am not negative 100% of time, thank you very much.

I'm just speaking reality. And often it isn't what people want to hear.

And I sincerely hope that most people have dreams and hopes that are much grander than Disney reopening a nightclub. C'mon ...

We should totally be wishing for more shops and restaurants!


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Where was it said in the press release that the clubs were being demolished? Not to mention that a lot has changed since June 27th, 1) Disney did not expect our backlash, (or at least our volume of backlash) and have been taking notice, and 2) the economy. As perviously stated, reports are now indicating that due to the sinking economy, there are no third parties moving into Pleasure Island except for the Tequila Bar next door to the Adventurers Club. So, nope, no wrecking ball in the future for 5189 Hill St. Keep fighting Adventurers, we truely are reckless, brave and loyal!

By the way, I'm taking orders in advance, how do certain individuals want their crow served, rare, medium, blackened, ect.



Active Member
why is it the AC fans are the most delusional of any Disney segment? The club is closed - move on with your life. I enjoyed the club too (and all of PI for that matter), and am deeply sad over it, but I know the reality and have moved on! While I thought the dress-up AC fans at the club (who were there the last week) were slightly kooky and missing a few screws, it seems that this mentality continues far after the clubs have been closed on these boards

The press releases have stated that it is closed permanetly. If it happens to open again, consider yourselves lucky. It's one thing to lament the passing of a beloved attraction - it's another to not recognize the truth and reality of a situation.


^What I want to know is, why does it bother some people so much that we fans of the club want it back and are willing to fight to get it?

Seriously...why would you find a thread like this, then go out of your way to make a negative post that is a bit insulting and completely negative?
Are we bothering you in some way? Why the need to be so negative?

If some of us choose to cling to a sliver of hope, why not just back away and let us be? Maybe it's just me, but I find no joy in throwing a bucket of cold water on folks. Mean is what it is.
Anyway...I'll just carry on with my letter writing and such. Forgive me if the AC, which had more impact and lasting effect on me than anything else that Disney has ever built, means enough to me to keep my hope alive.

You know the saying..."If you don't have anything nice to say..."


New Member
I was just at PI last night and noticed that the signs for the Comedy Warehouse, Mannequins, Rock n Roll Beach Club, and Adventures Clubs were all still up and exposed. The sign for BET Soundstage Club was also still up, however, the purposely only removed the BET portion of the sign. I was at PI for the final night as well as the morning after and noticed how quickly the signs were taken down overnight at Motion, 8Trax (was painted over), bar signs remove, etc. My question is, a month and a half later, why would Disney keep these signs up if there wasn't a reason to? It's not like Disney to show signage for something that’s closed forever - it just invites more questions & complaints from guests, especially the ones who showed up having no idea things were closed. If they took some down, why not all of them?

Also, on a side note, I noticed that DTD was packed last night, even to the point that people weren't able to make left turns into parking lots and the crowd seemed huge. This was after the Festival of the Masters closed and it’s not exactly peak holiday season.


Well-Known Member
Also, on a side note, I noticed that DTD was packed last night, even to the point that people weren't able to make left turns into parking lots and the crowd seemed huge. This was after the Festival of the Masters closed and it’s not exactly peak holiday season.

Between 8ish and 9:30, I saw at least 50 people try to get into the AdvClub...walking up, looking in, pushing on the revolving door. Under normal operating conditions, it would have been packed with the post-Festial crowd.


New Member
Between 8ish and 9:30, I saw at least 50 people try to get into the AdvClub...walking up, looking in, pushing on the revolving door. Under normal operating conditions, it would have been packed with the post-Festial crowd.

Most of them were probably the contingent that was scheduled to meet there last night as a 'quiet protest'... They knew the door was locked, they were just making some sort of infantile point by shoving on the door.


New Member
Why does that matter? Is it wrong that there might be people on here that this was their favorite place to visit? It's not my absolute favorite place on property but its high up there. It was definitely my favorite place to go after the parks. Why is that so wrong to you?

I think the point is that this baseless, uninformed, and never-going-to-happen-rumor is just as bad as the rumors/threads regarding monorail expansion, Castle missle turrets, and the like.. It's drawing conclusions and giving life to a baseless rumor.. Much like the threads about these other subjects.. I've seen many different threads on these baseless rumors, and they all resemble this one.. A bunch of hopefuls giving steam to a story that a random website publishes to generate server hits..

Eventually, once AC is leveled, this rumor will be turned into a "Why DIDN'T they reopen like they had planned?!" when in fact, they never did.. It's some 12 year old with a info-wish-website that SAID it was un consideration..

Then everyone gets angry at disney for not doing it.. Just like EVERY October everyone says "Big park announcements this month!" and there never are.. Of course, they hide behind the cloak of "Disney must have backed off their plans..."

In other words, this thread is no different than any other baseless-rumor-thread.. A bunch of people hanging onto a piece of information that is as reliable a information from TMZ.

Karma is a :eek: Witch..

I'm sure I'll be eating my own words here if they ever announce a shut down of CoP.. :hammer:


New Member
Fine.. I'll let it go... I won't need to defend the "It's not going to reopen" point much longer anyway...

Like I said.. Hopefully I won't be on the other side of this defending CoP, or something else I like.



Like I said.. Hopefully I won't be on the other side of this defending CoP, or something else I like.
Unfortunately, it happens to all theme park fans eventually.
Horizons, Imagination, Wonders of Life, Toad, Motion....didn't phase me. Not a bit. Couldn't have cared less.:shrug:
Adv.Club, though...hit me like a ton of bricks and I will defend it until I no longer can.
Seriously, I'd trade almost any current attraction to get the Club back.


New Member
Unfortunately, it happens to all theme park fans eventually.
Horizons, Imagination, Wonders of Life, Toad, Motion....didn't phase me. Not a bit. Couldn't have cared less.:shrug:
Adv.Club, though...hit me like a ton of bricks and I will defend it until I no longer can.
Seriously, I'd trade almost any current attraction to get the Club back.

Well, having said everything I have in this thread.. I understand where you are coming from.. With the loss of Horizons, I feel an emptiness in the park when I'm near MS... and the death of Buzzy hasn't been too much easier.. I don't discourage those from wantng, and hoping it will open... I just don't want them to get false-hope from a know unreliable (or at least inconsistently reliable) source. It's hypocritical at best to believe the rumor for this thread, but not others ..

but, like I said.. I've said my part, and I respect your wishes to leave it alone.. again, hopefully I won't be here defending another attraction soon.


Well-Known Member
Most of them were probably the contingent that was scheduled to meet there last night as a 'quiet protest'... They knew the door was locked, they were just making some sort of infantile point by shoving on the door.
Infantile point by shoving on the door? That's just a bit out of line and rude.

I was there last night for a couple of hours having drinks with friends while trying to survive the cold breeze in shorts. We were sitting on the steps mostly, sometimes standing, and occasionally at Laffers Cantina for another round. It was fun socializing with people you haven't seen - regulars, die-hards, and casual fans. But none of them exhibited the kind of childish behavior you seem to believe we represent.

We saw MANY guests approach the doors. Some tried to enter and some approached us asking what the place was. Some expressed disappointment that the Club was closed. Others just curious. One guy tried opening all three doors.

We're not all clingy groupies who stalk the actors, create crazy theories about reopening rumors, or make threats against Disney executives. We all appreciate what the Adventurers Club provided. So show a little humility and respect before making assumptions about others. Thanks. :wave:


Active Member
It's some 12 year old with a info-wish-website that SAID it was un consideration..

Any potential offense was completely negated by your poor sentence structure and posting style in this one "sentence" (if you could even call it that) alone... :ROFLOL:

I double checked again on Saturday with the one of my friends from the club and he confirmed that as of right now, nothing will happen for the holidays.

Now, as I wait for my 18th birthday, I'll go back to the "info-wish-website" as a 12 year old--away I go! :lol:


Well-Known Member
I got nothing else.

But my point stands on starting unfounded rumors.

And I miss PI (all of it, not simply one club, however unique it was).


Well-Known Member
Most of them were probably the contingent that was scheduled to meet there last night as a 'quiet protest'... They knew the door was locked, they were just making some sort of infantile point by shoving on the door.

My wife and I were there between 9:30-11:00pm saturday night.. Did I walk up to the door?? Yes.. Did I make an infantile point by shoving the door?? No.. What did I notice?? Alot of people, young, old, families, walk up to the door, try to open it, and walk away confused. While standing outside the door I also noticed that the air conditioning/ventilation system was running on max because the flags on the ropes at the top of the mezanine were flapping, also notice the Yakoose head turning from side to side every few minutes. Only thing I saw different from the past was that the Adventurers Club creed outside the front door was gone. There is no doubt in my mind that club would have been filled that night. The Island was literally packed with people, and the DJ was hard at work. I was told just a few weeks ago the island was mostly dark except for a light shining on a musician in front of the club. Festival of the Masters closed much earlier in the night so I find it hard to believe it was spillover from that.. We had a great time roaming around the Island, talking to other optimistic fans, etc... Especially enjoyed the Kungalooshs' served up by George! I can also say that a AC cast member I ran into sunday expressed their thanks for all the support and said to keep the letters coming. This person also told me there was no plans to reopen around the holidays, and that as is stands now the club will be done after the corporate events are done. It did give me hope that knowing a letter can possibly make a difference so I am taking their advise and writing another one and encouraging others to do the same. Kungaloosh!!


I think that everyone hear realizes that the chance of the Adventurers Club reopening is very remote, at best. But there is a chance, nonetheless. Disney execs I'm sure have at least noticed the letters, E-Mails and such. Even if it doesn't open back at Pleasure Island, maybe with all the outcry, it might be reincarnated somewhere else; Animal Kingdom, for example. :)

So why would any Disney fan or member of this site, try to dash any remaining hopes of the ones who truly enjoyed the uniqueness of the AC??
Do they take pleasure in seeing someone elses pain?? Maybe they have such a dismal life, that the only way they can feel good is to try to make others feel bad!! :fork:

So please all, do not let the jerky few spoil the chance to get AC revived. By all means continue to write the letters and anything else to bring to the attention of Disney reps our desire to keep this great club, as it is or somewhere else, open !!

Kungaloosh !! CoasterKing :king:

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