Disney Looking To Re-Open Some Clubs at PI For the Holiday Season?


Well-Known Member
I think that everyone hear realizes that the chance of the Adventurers Club reopening is very remote, at best. But there is a chance, nonetheless. Disney execs I'm sure have at least noticed the letters, E-Mails and such. Even if it doesn't open back at Pleasure Island, maybe with all the outcry, it might be reincarnated somewhere else; Animal Kingdom, for example. :)

So why would any Disney fan or member of this site, try to dash any remaining hopes of the ones who truly enjoyed the uniqueness of the AC??
Do they take pleasure in seeing someone elses pain?? Maybe they have such a dismal life, that the only way they can feel good is to try to make others feel bad!! :fork:

So please all, do not let the jerky few spoil the chance to get AC revived. By all means continue to write the letters and anything else to bring to the attention of Disney reps our desire to keep this great club, as it is or somewhere else, open !!

Kungaloosh !! CoasterKing :king:

Thank you for the encouragement. I am not giving up my dream that 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is coming back too!


Infantile point by shoving on the door? That's just a bit out of line and rude.

I was there last night for a couple of hours having drinks with friends while trying to survive the cold breeze in shorts. We were sitting on the steps mostly, sometimes standing, and occasionally at Laffers Cantina for another round. It was fun socializing with people you haven't seen - regulars, die-hards, and casual fans. But none of them exhibited the kind of childish behavior you seem to believe we represent.

We saw MANY guests approach the doors. Some tried to enter and some approached us asking what the place was. Some expressed disappointment that the Club was closed. Others just curious. One guy tried opening all three doors.

We're not all clingy groupies who stalk the actors, create crazy theories about reopening rumors, or make threats against Disney executives. We all appreciate what the Adventurers Club provided. So show a little humility and respect before making assumptions about others. Thanks. :wave:

U are a class act! I agree 100% with what you said KUNGALOOSH! I was there too and the masses all had a great time as far as I could see! It was great to see so many people enjoying themself at PLEASURE ISLAND 2.0! And I am sooooo thankful that the DJ's are back! George went above and beyond to make sure everyone had a good drink and a great time...even if it wasn't a kungaloosh! Thanks George!


Active Member
I think that everyone hear realizes that the chance of the Adventurers Club reopening is very remote, at best. But there is a chance, nonetheless. Disney execs I'm sure have at least noticed the letters, E-Mails and such. Even if it doesn't open back at Pleasure Island, maybe with all the outcry, it might be reincarnated somewhere else; Animal Kingdom, for example. :)

So why would any Disney fan or member of this site, try to dash any remaining hopes of the ones who truly enjoyed the uniqueness of the AC??
Do they take pleasure in seeing someone elses pain?? Maybe they have such a dismal life, that the only way they can feel good is to try to make others feel bad!! :fork:

So please all, do not let the jerky few spoil the chance to get AC revived. By all means continue to write the letters and anything else to bring to the attention of Disney reps our desire to keep this great club, as it is or somewhere else, open !!

Kungaloosh !! CoasterKing :king:

:sohappy: Bravissimo!

I am still hopeful. I just recently sent letters to six execs and plan to write more.
Coasterking, Phil, SGT623 - Kudos to yah for still holding out a shred or two of hope for the AC, and celebrating what it once was as well (at the AC's entrance for two of yah). I'm almost at the point where I'd consider heading over there for a Saturday evening to hang with you all, but I'm not there yet. Having been a fan of the Club since it opened (as an out of stater and local), I feel like part of my evening on the weekend has been obliterated and it's been hard even driving by the area. Sure I find other things to do, but it's not the same.

Perhaps with a group of ACer's in the future, it'll be close. :animwink:

Like many folks have said, keep those letters coming in. Keep them succinct, positive (noting great times you've had) and free of suggestions. And also keep in mind alot of folks in Disney are just as forlorn about this as non-Disney folk are. There are people high up the foodchain and in creative areas who are checking around, seeing what they could do that'd give the AC a chance again. Whether or not their efforts will pan out remains to be seen.


Trinitys Ghost, It's gonna be the future soon...it won't always be this way.

You should make it down to celebrate all that was good and can be again with us. This Saturday it's a different event in Downtown Orlando with one of the "adventurers" from the club. But the following weekend, we should all be at P.I. 2.0 again. Come one come all! KUNGALOOSH!


BSS should be a great time...if you didn't hear their set time has changed it is now at 8:15 on Saturday and not the original announced time of 3:15
Well, I have to agree that it can be very difficult to ascertain exactly what the managment for PI is really thinking or planning moment to moment. A perfect example of this is the recent trip to PI our group made during the day on our trip at the end of October.

After taking several photos of the closed AC and surrounding area, I noticed that PI was filled with banners hanging from posts declaring:

Happy Halloween - Pleasure Island

Now, I have questioned some of the things Disney has done throughout the years as bad ideas and ill conceived but this has to be the most out of touch, rediculous, pointless thing I have ever witnessed.

Someone had taken a fairly significant amount of time and effort to hang multiple copies of these banners all along the street running from Fulton's to the bridge on the opposite end of the island. These banners, hanging there as if a series of great festivities were on tap for 10/31; Announcing this as if the streets would be filled with throngs of party goers dressed in costumes roving through the clubs and revelling in the holiday.

I offer this example not only as evidence that the PI management is clearly "out to lunch" but to also show that a tremendous amount of confusion abounds as to exactly what is going on with this space.

So, to rule out the idea that AC and other clubs will never open again is short sighted when placed into this context.

Oh yes, lets gut the AC concept in favour of a street filled with mediocre resturants and shops! I mean, come on... it's clear that WDW is really hurting for places to shop and dine. :brick:
Wow...that is unusual AMartin. I look at it two ways. If some lucky group had an event booked in PI that might be a nice touch (for Halloween). Then again, if PI hadn't been booked that week, that is indeed a very odd approach to take. I know why the area had to close when it did (accounting year end), but to place banners throughout it when it's dark is just...weird.


Most of them were probably the contingent that was scheduled to meet there last night as a 'quiet protest'... They knew the door was locked, they were just making some sort of infantile point by shoving on the door.

When someone is this wrong they need to be called on it and I'm glad others have commented. I'm actually at P.I. 2.0 several nights a week at the Laffers bar with friends and the nightly, steady stream of people that approach the Adv Clubs doors is amazing. They don't go to BET or Comedy or anywhere else but the Adv Club door gets a workout. The 'quiet protest' people already knew it wasn't open and didn't try. Take it from people who were actually there, not those assuming what transpired from home.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the encouragement. I am not giving up my dream that 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is coming back too!

Me too ... but first we must get If You Had Wings back ...

If you had wings ... had wings ... had wings ... ... had wings ... Let Eastern be your wings ...


New Member
I just wanted to add that I didn't make it Sat. but went there Sun. night as my first time to the area since last year. Again the air was on in full force blowing the flags around & the light was on even if nobody seemed to be home. For the short time I was able to stay (around 20min) I had at least 6 groups come up to me (with at least half being new to the AC) asking why it was closed,wanting to get in,ect. Yes it was the last night of Fest of the Masters but I believe if it was open there is no doubt it would have been packed. I may stop by again tomorrow since I will be at the parks but who knows each time I go I know it will be harder & harder for me to hold back the tears.


Well-Known Member
Of course its dead in the center of Downtown Disney, they closed it all. Of course management already knew that would be the case. Some rumors are just plain made up out of the blue.
This was something planned to do probably at least a year in advance. No turning back no matter how many people get upset.

NOTICE: Just a rumor from Screamscapetake from it what you will. Reopen AC

Downtown Disney & Pleasure Island News - (10/21/08) According to one source, in the weeks that have followed the closure of Pleasure Island, WDW Management has been made aware of just how dead and silent the middle of Downtown Disney has become. On top of this, we’ve heard rumors that the poor economy has also made several of the 3rd party companies who were set to move in, start to second guess these costly projects. With serious demolition not even planned until sometime in 2009, the rumor leaking from Team Disney is that management is looking into possibly reopening some of the venues for the busy Holiday season. Anyone else heard this?

Master Gracey

Well-Known Member
Yeah.. I walked by 8pm and saw the mourning.... Who was the guy in the banana republic get-up?

Is this the man in question?


If so, that is "Right Guard" Ian of Jungle Cruise fame! He proposed to his girlfriend, Kristin, at the Adventurers Club that made quite a youtube sensation! I believe he was wearing a Col. Wayne P. McSwagger outfit, also known as the main character of the old Adventureland Challenge scavenger hunt.

After taking several photos of the closed AC and surrounding area, I noticed that PI was filled with banners hanging from posts declaring:

Happy Halloween - Pleasure Island

Are these the ones?


Any news of the Kungaloosh returning to Laffers again SGT623?

Some days you eat the mouse.
Some days the mouse eats you.
But never give into the mouse without a fight!


Well-Known Member
Received some bad news last night and wanted to pass it along without compromising anyone's identity. This comes from Team Disney Orlando. I wish I could provide you more proof and names - but this is the best I can do under the circumstances.

Contracts have been signed with operating participants and architects have drawn up blue prints for the replacement. The Adventurers Club will be demolished in the first of the year after the last remaining scheduled private events (Superbowl Weekend) have concluded. There are no plans to reopen the Club to the general public within that time.

While Disney has received countless letters from impassioned guests about the closing of The Adventurers Club, it is overshadowed by surveys/communication of how most other guests wanted Pleasure Island to go. Most guests felt that the Island was outdated. In addition, TDO crunched their numbers/statistics and found that Pleasure Island was a huge operating expense loss. I am sure there are some additional reasons, public relations probably, that the decision was made to shudder the clubs.


Received some bad news last night and wanted to pass it along without compromising anyone's identity. This comes from Team Disney Orlando. I wish I could provide you more proof and names - but this is the best I can do under the circumstances.

Contracts have been signed with operating participants and architects have drawn up blue prints for the replacement. The Adventurers Club will be demolished in the first of the year after the last remaining scheduled private events (Superbowl Weekend) have concluded. There are no plans to reopen the Club to the general public within that time.

While Disney has received countless letters from impassioned guests about the closing of The Adventurers Club, it is overshadowed by surveys/communication of how most other guests wanted Pleasure Island to go. Most guests felt that the Island was outdated. In addition, TDO crunched their numbers/statistics and found that Pleasure Island was a huge operating expense loss. I am sure there are some additional reasons, public relations probably, that the decision was made to shudder the clubs.

Heard it from your same source Phil and it is so crushing and really is a shame.

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