Disney is big legal & public trouble...


Well-Known Member
Of course. If teenagers are the source of the problem, why would you target the older crowd? I fail to see your point. If I have gophers in my yard (and I do), I don't go out and spread fireant and weed killer to go along with the gopher traps. I just treat the problem that I have.

The point is...that not all teens are problems! If you go around and pick out teens just because they are teens...then THAT is a problem.

It's the same with all the new "laws" these days.

Oh, somebody gets hurt by misusing their gun...let's ban all guns.

If there is a kid at school that does something wrong...do we punish every kid in the school just to make sure it doesn't happen again? No.

As it was before...if you wanted to go to DTD and just sit on a bench for the day...you could. Now, if you're a teen...you can't.

Age is only a number...it's the maturity level of that teen that should be in question...not the age. A 40 year old person could still have the maturity level of a child...he should be put in the same boat as the teen with that maturity level.

If there's a group of teenagers minding their own business and just enjoying a day in Disney World...leave them alone. If they start doing wrong things...then confront them.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
I'll be at DTD from 10am onwards tomorrow.

Any suggestions? Should I wear Fubu... or should I bring a copy of the Koran with me to read?



Active Member
The point is...that not all teens are problems! If you go around and pick out teens just because they are teens...then THAT is a problem.

It's the same with all the new "laws" these days.

Oh, somebody gets hurt by misusing their gun...let's ban all guns.

If there is a kid at school that does something wrong...do we punish every kid in the school just to make sure it doesn't happen again? No.

As it was before...if you wanted to go to DTD and just sit on a bench for the day...you could. Now, if you're a teen...you can't.

Age is only a number...it's the maturity level of that teen that should be in question...not the age. A 40 year old person could still have the maturity level of a child...he should be put in the same boat as the teen with that maturity level.

If there's a group of teenagers minding their own business and just enjoying a day in Disney World...leave them alone. If they start doing wrong things...then confront them.

I'm still having trouble understanding. Has there been evidence of Disney telling a teenager sitting on a bench to move? All we know is that Disney has targeted an undesirable element at DTD that has been causing problems for other guests. That element is clearly teenage and there has been some gang-like activity. I haven't seen evidence of Disney harassing law abiding teenagers that are simply walking around or sitting on a bench. Have I missed something?


Well-Known Member
I'm still having trouble understanding. Has there been evidence of Disney telling a teenager sitting on a bench to move? All we know is that Disney has targeted an undesirable element at DTD that has been causing problems for other guests. That element is clearly teenage and there has been some gang-like activity. I haven't seen evidence of Disney harassing law abiding teenagers that are simply walking around or sitting on a bench. Have I missed something?

No you haven't. We are just discussing the fact that they are cracking down on teenagers...and to what extent. That's all :wave: :D

The security at Disney has been cracking down on groups of teenagers and dispersing them. That's all...we're just saying that not all groups of teenagers are doing wrong...the same as a group of adults that are at DTD.

By all means, if there is anything questionable going on...of course disperse or remove them from the premises...but if they're not...leave them alone.


Active Member
No you haven't. We are just discussing the fact that they are cracking down on teenagers...and to what extent. That's all :wave: :D

The security at Disney has been cracking down on groups of teenagers and dispersing them. That's all...we're just saying that not all groups of teenagers are doing wrong...the same as a group of adults that are at DTD.

By all means, if there is anything questionable going on...of course disperse or remove them from the premises...but if they're not...leave them alone.

OK. I'm all for hypothetical discussion. :) It's unfortunate that this has to happen. It's tough for both sides, I guess. Disney doesn't want to lose the money brought in by the youth, but you can't have a bad element present. One crowd looks similar to the next. Makes it tough.


Active Member
That would cause a paradox and disturb the space/time continuum therefore eliminating all of existence as we know it! :D
I hate it when that happens!

I really don't see racial profiling as a scenario here. WDW goes out of their way to make all races feel welcome. All you have to do is look at their video's to see it. They have actively tried to increase minority attendance in their parks. The Mouse does not see people in different colors, all he can see is the green in their pocket. He is going to do what is necessary to make all guest feel welcome, and safe. I'm sure security there knows how to handle matters when race could be interpeted as an issue. Chances are we will never find out the real story of what happened here unless a certain person (hint hint) in this forum gets it for us. Some how I just don't picture Disney security or the Orange county Sheriffs Dept. arresting teens without a reason. As always, just my opinion, I could be wrong.


Well-Known Member
I hate it when that happens!

I really don't see racial profiling as a scenario here. WDW goes out of their way to make all races feel welcome. All you have to do is look at their video's to see it. They have actively tried to increase minority attendance in their parks. The Mouse does not see people in different colors, all he can see is the green in their pocket. He is going to do what is necessary to make all guest feel welcome, and safe. I'm sure security there knows how to handle matters when race could be interpeted as an issue. Chances are we will never find out the real story of what happened here unless a certain person (hint hint) in this forum gets it for us. Some how I just don't picture Disney security or the Orange county Sheriffs Dept. arresting teens without a reason. As always, just my opinion, I could be wrong.

Agreed...but we weren't talking about race...we were talking about age.

(All the same really...)
It all boils down to this:

If you are caught acting badly, then you are going to be treated badly. Life has consequences. These guys will be better off if this is the worse treatment they receive their entire lives. However, I doubt that this will be their worst behavior as their parents only seem to encourage and enable their bad behavior by screaming bloody murder over the punishment while ignoring the behavior of their children. Maybe the parents should be banned too!


Active Member
Maybe a "life long ban" is a bit much. And if one of them was the son of a hotel manager why wasn't she called in too? Does she get banned? What if he is there with his mother? I dont give a rat's butt about who you wanna go play football for. I dont care if your a fan of that teams rival. If you were trying to get into somewhere but you couldn't because of age, and you get denied, go someplace else. Your a "highly regarded" prospect. That put you in the spotlight. If they had gotten in to Pleasure Island and something happened, like a fight or under age whatever, we'd all be sitting here talking about how Disney let them in because of who they were. Just my .02s...


New Member
Original Poster
I guess both sides have very different stories, obviously. I do believe this will either be settled or dropped at the common agreement of both FSU and Disney.


Active Member
To be legally loitering, don't you have to not have X amount of dollars in your pocket but still hanging out? It's some relatively small sum like $20.

So, they can't just say they were loitering, they had to fit the definiton of the FL laws.

By this Definition I am loitering at work while on the clock :lookaroun


Active Member
I'm heading to orlando tomorrow with my brother for a fortnights holiday we are staying off site but we always go to DTD most nights to past the time and sometimes we will sit maybe for up most to an hour just talking and watching the world go by, im 23 and hes 18 does this mean that if we are sitting on a bench just relaxing that we will be told move.

If you wear Ohio State Stuff Yes..lol:ROFLOL:


Active Member
Just a couple of things...

5 teens were approached and told to move along. One teen said "yes sir" and everything was fine for him. 4 others apparently said "You can't tell me what to do!" or something to that effect and were removed from the property and banned for life. IMHO they got what they deserved.

The same thing is done in malls all over America. The management of said malls do not want their retail establishments to become teen hangouts simply because shoppers do not want to deal with that and will spend their money somewhere else. At one of the local malls here in Jacksonville where teens are a problem if security sees teenagers sitting at a table with no food and or shopping bags they are instructed to leave. If they do not comply they are arrested. What Disney is doing is no different.

Is it profiling in a literal sense? Sure is. Every type of security screening is. DTD is private property owned by Disney sole for the purpose of making money. The way DTD makes money is by people buying things. If teens that are spending no money are inhibiting others from coming to DTD and spending money then Disney is well within their legal rights to remove them.

Well said, my thoughts exactly.


Active Member
Agreed...but we weren't talking about race...we were talking about age.

(All the same really...)
Two seperate statements on my part. The first on your comment, the second on how I feel about the whole issue of racial profiling in this matter. First one directed at you in a humourus way, the second just my general opinion on this thread.:wave:


New Member
Well, to that case above...that was just a jerk of a security guard.

Moreso than regular police officers...Security guards are way to power-hungry and throw their weight around just because they think they "can."

Yes, they are there for protection...but, for the most part, they are Rent-A-Cops that think that they are real cops and just like to show their "power" because they know that they really have none outside of that environment.

I think Security guards are there more to keep the minds of the innocent at ease rather than to actually enforce anything and get a job done. If someone escalates...the first thing they do is call the real police...so, in essence, they are the middle-man.

Trust me, if a gang comes into to PI...and trouble starts brewing...the security guards will be at a safe distance away waiting for the cops to show up.

I'm not saying that ALL security guards are like this...but the majority of them are.

Hold on a second there. You ever think that maybe they are people who are trying to make a little money on the side doing a job that has lots of night hours. Maybe they just want to make some money on the side so they can go back to college or something.

I worked at a store in dangerous part of town a few years ago and the guard there was a great guy. He kept an eye on my shop when I was counting down the tills at night and always looked out for everybody. This guy even stopped a robbery at gunpoint by talking to crook down while the cops were on the way.

A security guard in a privately owned place (like DTD) should be expected to look at loitering teens and see trouble. Teens get into trouble, its a fact. I was a teen at once time and I got into plenty of trouble. Being a teen makes you suspicious looking. Don't talk back to your elders, say yes sir, and move along.

EDIT: I was a little mad when I wrote this. Sorry, I just get a upset when people put other folks down for doing their jobs, didn't mean to jump on anybody.


New Member
I am not here to comment on who's dad is a civil rights lawyer right here in philly..or who's mom was a manager at disney. Or profiling blah blah. I am here to ask...why the life long ban? It is very very extreme, especially considering what they were "banned" for.

Now if they were...abusing a substance of some sort, orrr harassing other guests, stealing, setting things on fire, flashing people...then I can see the life long ban. But from what I gathered in the article, they were just hanging out keeping to themselves for the most part.

Just my 2 cents...but you know what they say about giving your 2 cents haha


New Member
I belive all of your views are valid and this has been an interesting thread to read. My advice is, be careful when you switch on machines so you don't get caught in them.

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