Disney is big legal & public trouble...


Well-Known Member
The appearance of profiling is coincidental. I'm glad they are cracking down on the loitering, because in all honesty, loitering is what develops into domestic disputes and other problems. Its a fine line to cross, but something has to be done about it or the families and other people who do go out to Downtown Disney to shop and eat are going to start shying away from it. It doesn't help the Orlando Sentinel once again focused on everything negative about the situation.


New Member
Just a snippet from the story:

"Why else would they follow them for an hour and a half to two hours?" said Moody, whose son, Nickolas Moody, listed on the police report as Nickolas Cannon,

If you aren't doing anything wrong, why bother giving a false name to the police? Which is illegal, in case someone doesn't know. Buh bye lawsuit.

All this is is that the 'civil rights lawyer' father wants to make some money.
A mall near our home town had to ban kids that were not accompanied by an adult during the day. It seems parents have found this to be a cheap form of child care.

What I find disturbing is the parents who automatically say not my angel. The teen that left had no problems! I live near a college town and I have seen some of the kids become defiant when asked to behave. And lets face it put a group of teens (especially ones that are a little full of themselves) and it can be worse. As a parent I guess my question to my child would have been why did you not leave when they asked you to?


Well-Known Member
A mall near our home town had to ban kids that were not accompanied by an adult during the day. It seems parents have found this to be a cheap form of child care.

What I find disturbing is the parents who automatically say not my angel. The teen that left had no problems! I live near a college town and I have seen some of the kids become defiant when asked to behave. And lets face it put a group of teens (especially ones that are a little full of themselves) and it can be worse. As a parent I guess my question to my child would have been why did you not leave when they asked you to?
Exactly. I know I did a lot of things my parents never knew about. Nothing bad, but stuff I would probably get in trouble for had they found out. Parents would be truly surprised to know just what their teenagers get into when they aren't around.


Active Member
Why would someone who works for Disney drop kids off at DTD to "hang out" for over 2 hours when they know (or should know) that Disney is craking down on teens who go to DTD just to hang out?

And just a question... Does Orlando not have a city wide cerfew for teens? It said in the story that one of the kids called their parents at midnight to tell them they were having problems with the security gaurds. I know that in my city if a kid 17 or younger is out past midnight they are braking the law.


Well-Known Member
I know that in my city if a kid 17 or younger is out past midnight they are braking the law.

Well I live in a smaller state/town than Florida or Texas, but here anyone under either 17 or 18 can't drive after 1am unless they have a note from their employer.
Unless that's changed since I got my license... six years ago... ouch. But you can be out with someone over 17, there's no curfew.


Well-Known Member
Just a couple of things...

5 teens were approached and told to move along. One teen said "yes sir" and everything was fine for him. 4 others apparently said "You can't tell me what to do!" or something to that effect and were removed from the property and banned for life. IMHO they got what they deserved.

Exactly what I'm saying. That's fine in my book. If they comply...then leave them alone. If they don't...then do whatever you need to do.

But, again, if there is a large group of 40+ year olds in Pleasure Island hanging out...they won't be approached unless they do something wrong.

If they're not doing anything wrong...they'll comply to what the security guards say...much like teens. If you're going to do it to the teens, do it to everybody.

You can't have security that's profiling...it's just trouble all around. Whether it be racial profiling, profiling by age, profiling by $ex, or financial status.

(By financial status I mean...if Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, the Olsen Twins, Paris Hilton, and Nicole Ritchie were all loitering in PI...I highly doubt security would ask them to move along).


Well-Known Member
People seem to forget that Downtown Disney/Pleasure Island is a Shopping and Entertainment Complex It is not a City/State Park and it is not a playground. It is a place to shop and spend money. If you are doing nothing more than hanging around to "Meet girls" then you are concidered loitering and should not be there. If those kids had no intention of doing anything more than just hanging out there, then they should have never been dropped off there in the first place.
If my teenaged daughter told me she wanted to go to the Mall, she dang well better have some money to buy things with, and dang well better come back with something in a bag with a receipt and she dang well better do it in three hours or less. Downtown Disney, dispite what some may think, is there to provide a safe and friendly shopping environment for local shoppers and Disney resort guests...and if shooing off vagrants and loiters is what it takes to get the job done then sobiet.

One more thing: The fact that these kids are future college athletes shouln't even be a part of this equation. This shouldn't even have been mentioned in the news article as far as I'm concerned. I suppose they mentioned it to show us that the kids were just good, clean cut kids having fun, but the fact is, if they were indeed just "hanging out to pick up girls", I don't care WHO they are, they should NOT be allowed to do it in a shopping and entertainment complex, whether it is a Shopping Mall or Downtown Disney.
Ok I understand that there are problems at DTD and things need to be done to correct them but I also understand that its time as a Country that we need to start holding parents accountable for raising there kids, and to comment on the Mall issues, If I tell my child to sit and wait for me at said food court and some Rent-A-Cop comes up and tells them to move along you can bet im going to get ed, you can also bet that just wait for that one day that some cop comes up to a kid and says that and the kid doesn't move and the cop grabs them and the kid has some medical problem and dies and you see how fast people will jump ship on the whole system. So yes we need to have some rules but also the people making the rules need to have some rules on the way they are to handle and not handle things.

Ive seen in person security at a local mall cursing at a kid just for sitting on a bench waiting for his parents to pick him up. The kid walked out, had said nothing to the guard and sat down on the bench and the guy came from across the sidewalk and started cursing and screaming at the kid that he was not allowed to sit there and that he needed to move NO BLANK BLANK or he was going to arrest him and the kid was only about 13 at best. The parents showed up right as the guy was screaming and the poor kid was balling his eyes out. I can tell you one thing as a parent I would have had that guys job and alot more.

So Yes we need to have rules and such but also the ones that have the rules need to be held to a code of conduct and have rules themselves to follow and obey.

Also to comment on the story, I find it very interesting that the race card is played once again.


Well-Known Member
Well, to that case above...that was just a jerk of a security guard.

Moreso than regular police officers...Security guards are way to power-hungry and throw their weight around just because they think they "can."

Yes, they are there for protection...but, for the most part, they are Rent-A-Cops that think that they are real cops and just like to show their "power" because they know that they really have none outside of that environment.

I think Security guards are there more to keep the minds of the innocent at ease rather than to actually enforce anything and get a job done. If someone escalates...the first thing they do is call the real police...so, in essence, they are the middle-man.

Trust me, if a gang comes into to PI...and trouble starts brewing...the security guards will be at a safe distance away waiting for the cops to show up.

I'm not saying that ALL security guards are like this...but the majority of them are.


Active Member
What is the definition of loitering?

If they were just hanging around and not doing anything...then fine, ask them to move along or leave.

I know I have gone to DTD and not bought anything...I just went there to walk around. Is this not allowed anymore? People can't window-shop in DTD?

What if I go there, have dinner...and I leave the restaurant and sit to rest for a while...is this now loitering?

Do I think they need to crack down on security...yes...but a line does need to be drawn. If this was a group of kids/teens that were just hanging around. Great, ask them to move along or leave. But, they need to do this across the board.

Would they ask the typical family (Mom, Dad, 2 1/2 kids) to move along or leave? No. There is definitely some profiling going on. Rules are rules...No loitering means no loitering. If it's a group of punk kids loitering...treat them the same as if they were an elderly group that was loitering. No action is needed unless they don't comply.

This is exactly what I was just thinking. Like what do you mean loitering? I thought DTD was made for that spacific purpose?

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
Just a snippet from the story:

If you aren't doing anything wrong, why bother giving a false name to the police? Which is illegal, in case someone doesn't know. Buh bye lawsuit.

All this is is that the 'civil rights lawyer' father wants to make some money.

It's entirely possible that he didn't give a false name to police. His parents very well could be divorced and he gave the last name of another parent or something.

All I am saying is that he may not have been consciously lying to the police.


New Member
What struck me as interesting in the article was how they were hanging out right outside Pleasure Island at 11:30 p.m. and that they had tried to get in when all of them were under 21.

I suspect they tried to get in, got booted then waited outside, possibly asking people for alcohol or hitting on females exiting Pleasure Island. The movie tickets seem like they told parents they were going to go to a movie and bought them so they'd have a ticket stub as evidence.

I don't think it was profiling. I bet Disney would have done the same to a group of white football players doing the same thing.

As for being banned for life, well, that does seem kind of harsh. But no one really knows what transpired between them and the security guards. Perhaps it got a little nasty.


Account Suspended
To be legally loitering, don't you have to not have X amount of dollars in your pocket but still hanging out? It's some relatively small sum like $20.

So, they can't just say they were loitering, they had to fit the definiton of the FL laws.

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