Main Street USA
Well-Known Member
Re: hmm.
You need to relax.
Your second paragraph doesn't make any sense. I clearly stated that Disney owed the doctor money for his damages, and that Disney was clearly wrong. You should probably read before you post next time.
Also, you need to watch the language. The fact that it gets edited out doesn't matter. Don't type it to begin with.
I've sent you a PM.
Originally posted by SG4779
Hey, here's and Idea...lets through something in your eye, and she how you have no idea if this girl's eye is ok, maybe something in the ash cut her eye, or it permently damaged a nerve in her don't know anything, THIS is what makes ME mad that you can sit her and tell me nothing was wrong with her eye b/c you don't know that. 2nd this IS NOT at ALL equivalent to that STUPID LAW suit by that STUPID woman who spilled coffee on her...HOW can you compare that TO THIS!!!:fork: GIVE ME A BREAK, THIS IS FIREWORKS that EXPLODE, and THROW crap around...SO what I GUESS your saying is that if I through a Knife in the air and it hits someone, that its NOT my fault? PLEASE! Like you said "Disney can't help the wind" YOUR RIGHT, they can't...BUT they sure as ___ DON'T HAVE to light FIREWORKS when the wind is Blowing. The only reason your mad is b/c its Disney, and as we all see the pictures of you etc. of you there with your wife etc...So, your just upset someone is saying WDW isn't a vacation heaven...face it thats the only reason your mad. Your mad b/c Its Disney, and its a god to you...and someone said something bad.
You need to relax.
Your second paragraph doesn't make any sense. I clearly stated that Disney owed the doctor money for his damages, and that Disney was clearly wrong. You should probably read before you post next time.
Also, you need to watch the language. The fact that it gets edited out doesn't matter. Don't type it to begin with.
I've sent you a PM.