Florida Man
Active Member
Originally posted by figmentmom
My worst Disney experience was certainly no fault of Disney's! We waited until our youngest was five before we ventured to WDW. We'd saved up for quite a while to stay on Disney property and really do things right, and ALL of us were really looking forward to a perfect vacation (ha!) Our little guy started coughing a bit on the plane ride down, but not enough to even sound the alarm in my head. By the time we got to the hotel, though, he was starting to sound like a barking seal, so I dutifully got out the Dimetapp and Robitussin. By the next morning it was apparent that an antibiotic was probably in order, so we headed for the clinic. The doctor prescribed Amoxicillin, assuring us he was no longer contagious. We filled the prescription, dosed the kid, and headed for the MK. All was well until an hour after his second dose of the medicine. He broke out in bright red splotches, and I mean fire engine red! Between that and the ever-worsening cough, people were fleeing us in droves. NO ONE would get close enough for me to feebly explain that he wasn't contagious (and can you blame them???) We sheepishly headed for First Aid, where they kindly told us that he was probably just experiencing a reaction to sunlight because of the Amoxicillin. By the time we had it all sorted out, it was back to the hotel (where we were STILL pariahs!) It was several days before we had the nerve to venture too far. :lol:
Oh!! Yea when I was little the same thing happened to me. I'm 14 now so everything I fill out, I have to put I'm allergic to Amoxil. I didn't know that it could be caused by the sunlight. I will tell my parents this tommorrow and see what they say. ok just my 2 cents. Now back to Not-So-Fun-Disney vacations!