Disney has built last park in Central Florida


Well-Known Member
No 5th park, good news
more DVC, maybe bad news
More marketing "strategies" - bad news
more rides - good news
more clones, maybe bad news



I don't understand why everyone on this site rails against clones like they are the worst thing to ever happen to themeparks. Epcot when opened was a series of pavilions with uniquely themed clone rides. Nearly every pavilion featured an omnimover attraction which you rode through time as it focused on a specific subject. (WoM, Horizons, Living Seas, Imagination, Spaceship Earth). Despite the fact that they were clones we all enjoyed each of those rides because it told an interesting story and kept you entertained. Today everyone here laments the closing of these rides (which were replaced with truly original rides in most cases).

Clones when themed properly can be incredible.

I for one am all for the addition of clones into the park, if WDW wants to bring in a clone of Indy (even though soem argue Dinosaur already is) great! If they want to bring in a clone of the Alice in Wonderland maze from DL terrific!
If they want to clone DS and place it in AK, outstanding!

As long as the theming is done to Disney standards then clone away.

Just a wish to any imagineer or top WDW executive on these boards, please feel free to clone Horizons and bring it back.


Disneyfan1981 said:
Why? I'd like to be able to ride the Monorail through the WDW resort to all four parks. Is there are a reason why it shouldn't be extended past MK and Epcot?:veryconfu
For the tourist, it would be a great addition to have the monorail go everywhere. However, it would cost too much to make sense for the company. The Bombardier MVI costs $88 million/mile. That's not including stations, the actual monorails, cast members/pilots, and paying that one guy to do another monorail speil. :) Although eventually Disney may need to expand the system, for the short term, all that money would be better spent elsewhere.

OMG, that article really saddned me! I always had the hopes that WDW would continue to expand, and that new parks would open. I hope that this is not the "final verdict".. No other parks can even come close to Disney ... Come on, Keep building!! Do it for my childrens, children!!!! :mad:
Al Weiss is not writing the 11th commandment: Thou shalt not built a 5th park in Disney World. This is simply a reporter for the Orlando Sentinal making an article. Eventually the company will change it's mind and build another park.



New Member
PhotoDave219 said:
Its a secret conspitacy to promote the new movie :lookaroun
PHOTODAVE..............that's a bit of a stretch there. my friend...... :lol:
But don't you guys get that from some of the folks around here? every new announcement is the end of the end.......sheesh.... :hammer:


Well-Known Member
my god, you people are also as bad as reporters, just let the news release happen. why do you have to hyperventilate about some things.


Well-Known Member
I believe I read, AK MAY BE the last park in Central Florida...MAY BE...not WAS or WILL BE....MAY BE.....and like some have already said....that really doesn't change anything...anyone smart enough could have come to the same conclusion...The chances of seeing a 5th park soon aren't good...AK and The Studios need a lot of work...

Nothing is for sure, the market could change, the competition could worsen for Disney and they may find the need to build another park. No one can really know what lies in the future.



New Member
I'm glad there's not going to be a 5th park. It would mean more bus routes and more time transferring between parks for one thing. I agree that they should concentrate on turning their existing parks into full-day endeavours - which in turn would help cut down on park hopping and bus costs. Another park means copious increases in employees, whereas if you add to existing parks you already have the CMs in place for turnstiles etc., and you just need employees to staff the new attraction.

Ideally, if time could be rolled back, I would scrap MGM. The major attractions could be placed in other parks. The whole park came from The Great Movie Ride, which was intended for EPCOT. Then, AK would be the third park and there would be room for a 4th park with a theme that really works (I'm sure the Imagineers have something in mind). MGM has some good attractions but the park has never really worked as a whole.

You could have easily built a Hollywood section to EPCOT. Star Tours could go in Tomorrowland, Muppets in Fantasyland, Indy Jones in Adventureland. I guess originally they intended it as a working studio but that's fallen by the wayside. Now, other than Sunset Blvd, it feels like the forgotten child. The Backlot Tour? There's no Backlot! Animation is gone and the Sony Studio sits empty.


Active Member
Remember this is the current plan, a new park could still emerge if all 4 parks are filling. In 10 to 15 years who knows. Seaworld's 'no comment' is more interesting. I don't know what land they have though, and it might have been there was no one available to talk. Who knows. Also I didn't think Universal had any land left, but they said no 'current' plans also. They certainly aren't going to tie their hands forever, but we all knew that no new plans would happen soon anyway, didn't we? I'm glad investment is going on small world type rides, but I'm concerned about the 'new ride' investment funds.



New Member
Pirate665 said:
I whole-heartedly agree. Bring back our animation studio. Give kids stories. Not plots. And for the sake of things, don't bring politics into kids movies.

"Give kids stories. Not plots," what the heck does that mean? They're the same thing.

Plot: "The pattern of events" or "main story in a narrative or drama"
Story: "An account or recital of an event or a series of events"
(http://dictionary.reference.com )

Sergeant Tibbs

New Member
To finish that thought, I agree both parks need filler attractions not just E-tickets. On another note is it true Disney is trying to buy more land in California?


Well-Known Member
It seems pretty obvious that the article was completely out of speculation, i'm surprised you all immediately think it's legit.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
stitchcastle said:
It seems pretty obvious that the article was completely out of speculation, i'm surprised you all immediately think it's legit.

Exactly...it seems just as silly to draw concrete conclusions from this as it is to say "The 5th park will be all villains and thrill rides because our bus driver said so!"

All this seems to be (and I admit I skimmed it) is the writers' best guess for the immediate future based on what Disney is saying in public. Even if it's a good guess (and that's an "if"), it hardly settles the issue of future growth at WDW in perpetuity.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
stitchcastle said:
villains and thrill rides? ew, hasn't it already been confirmed that something like would never work?

I was just using one of the many ideas that have a habit of recurring around here. :animwink:


I feel the need to throw my 2 or 3 cents worth in here as well on this topic, which I am very interested in.

MiklCraw4d said:

First, I've been against a fifth theme park in the short term. I don't consider MGM or DAK to be full-day, complete parks.

Personally, to me DMGM Studios is MORE than a full day park. I go in the slow periods, and if you try to hit all the shows and rides, as well as eat one meal in a themed restaurant, it's impossible. I can't imagine trying to do it in the summer time. We were flying around the park in December hitting TOT, RnR, Beauty and the Beast, Fantasmic, Indy Stunt Show, Animation station thing, etc. etc. and didn't hit GMR, Backlot Tour, and others... I agree on DAK though, I've never had a full day there.

MiklCraw4d said:

Perhaps with the pool of families with younger children shrinking, WDW will no longer be able to depend on culling the endless pool of first-time vistors. Instead, they'll have to focus on retention and bringing in repeat visitors more than ever. I can only hope that this will lead to constant refurbishment and enhancement of the existing parks, more emphasis on the fantastic out-of-park activities, and - dare I suggest it - a more forgiving price structure.

Personally I see this as meaning we're screwed as hard core WDW fans. As the baby boomer generation continues to age, and becomes less mobile, and doesn't have family at home any more, that is a HUGE part of the population gone. I don't think, unless it's in the next 5 years, we'll ever see 43 million guests again in my lifetime, which is why Disney is focusing on longer stays and repeat guests rather than new/more guests... its impossible to get more. Problem will be there with everything for everyone, meaning the younger generations here (X & Y) will be paying out the ying yang for things because the sheer number of people buying are less, so margin's will need to increase or revenues will decrease for every mature company/product out there.

There are over 70 million baby boomers in the US and only 59 million Gen X'ers to replace them. Gen Y is slightly larger at 71 million, but still that's a definite decline in the population, meaning less NEW visitors to WDW in all likelihood...


New Member
Pirate665 said:
I whole-heartedly agree. Bring back our animation studio. Give kids stories. Not plots. And for the sake of things, don't bring politics into kids movies.

Yes Disney 2D animated movies should come back very soon, they are the best at it. By the way what kid Disney movie has politics? :wave:


Le Meh
Premium Member
speck76 said:
The percentage of overseas visitors to Orlando is not big.....3-4 million per year (of the 51 million total). If they can get 12 million people at the overseas park, it is a better investment.

Agreed....if Disney can get people into their international parks, I think people would spend the money that they would have shelled out for air transportation (thousands of dollars per person) at the Disney Parks (Paris, Hong Kong, Tokyo, etc.)


Real_Epcot_Fan said:
Pepsi rules anytime over coke, coke totally stinks!!! i hope Pepsi one day would be the official Soft Drink of WDW and DL

Hate to be the bearer of bad news....Coke will remain the official drink of Disney for a long time (My S.O. works for CCE) :p

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