Disney faced with lawsuit in Mission: Space death

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Miss Bell

New Member
I know the references to the commercials were started as a point to say that Disney is advertising this ride to small kids, the kids in the commercial look to be 7 or 8. Also, it seems many of you are talking about the commercials like they inticed this family to get on the ride--I don't think these commercials came out until this past spring.


Well-Known Member
People sue because friends and family tell them to sue and laywers aproach them and say we will represent you for free. Its a hard offer to turn down. Granted the lawyers will get half if they win.

Thats why i hate Trial laywers. Scum of the earth.


Well-Known Member
You know, I have stayed out of this one for a bit...you all know I think it is a great ride and always enjoy it very much.

That being said...I have never buried a son and I hope I never have to. I can not even come close to understanding the pain involved with something like that. Because I do not know how I would react if I lost my son, I am not going to say one bad thing about these people. They made their choice to file the lawsuit and I would not be arrogant enough to assume I understand their pain or reason for the lawsuit. I have no idea what I would do in a similar situation, and niether do any of you! If I were on the jury, I know what conclusion I may come to, but I wouldn't hold that against the parents.


Active Member
Timmay said:
You know, I have stayed out of this one for a bit...you all know I think it is a great ride and always enjoy it very much.

That being said...I have never buried a son and I hope I never have to. I can not even come close to understanding the pain involved with something like that. Because I do not know how I would react if I lost my son, I am not going to say one bad thing about these people. They made their choice to file the lawsuit and I would not be arrogant enough to assume I understand their pain or reason for the lawsuit. I have no idea what I would do in a similar situation, and niether do any of you! If I were on the jury, I know what conclusion I may come to, but I wouldn't hold that against the parents.

Come on, welcome me back!!!!! I have been lurking, just refraining from posting.. i can no longer remain quiet.. so beware....

Timmay makes the most sense... how can anyone with a heart call these parents names? Those that do are cold-hearted who obviouslt never experienced a loss in their lifetime... This was a tradgic event for a family during a vacation that was supposed to be happy... A mother witnessing her 4 year odl son perish on a Disney attraction.. how unthinkable. And what do you guys do on here??? You say you don't feel sorry? You say the parents are idiots? you say the parents are bad parents?? How dare you.....

I hope this lawsuit goes through. I hope Disney is forced to show how safe this ride is. And I hope, than in trying to prove this, that Disney succeeds. I hope the family walks away with a free vacation and the money recouped for the funeral, but not a penny more. Disney is in no way at fault for this accident.


New Member
dxer07002 said:
This time, I agree with you.... No one is too blame here... The only way anyone can be faulted is if it comes out that the mother knew her son had this severe heart condition or if Disney knowingly built a dangerous ride.. Which, would be extremely hard to prove.. So, no one should have blame cast to them... I was just really peeved when people decided to bash these parents for doing what 99 percent of us would do, and that is sue Disney is our child god-forbid passed after an ride on an attraction...

I wasn't necessarily attacking the parents. I was just saying, if I was a parent...I would probably realize that my 4 year old child's body cannot handle a ride with G-forces (since the majority of people who encounter G-forces are atronauts -mature adults- who go through relentless training, and adjust to it). So, if you don't use common sense and just jump on the ride...I think a tiny bit of blame goes to the parents for being careless. Someone mentioned that going to a park and not knowing anything about the park or the rides is just ignorant. If you go on M:S with no knowledge of G-forces being used...that's stupidity. There are plenty of signs with warnings all over and outside M:S. I think that's where I was going with my comment.

So, it's kind of an "iffy" small amount of blame I put on the parents. They just should have thought out how a ride with G-forces could affect a developing child of 4 years.


New Member
dxer07002 said:
Thanks for that explaining that... When I rode M:S i kept my head forward and back and I did not look side to side and did not get sick or dizzy, thankfully... My problem with M:S is that I just don't care for it.. I really didn't think it was a good attraction.. I am all for thrill rides, love them.. But this ride just didn't appeal to me....

I'm not trying to pick on you or anything...but if you don't really care for M:S...then why is your icon about M:S??? LOL :lol:

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
ilovepluto23 said:
I'm not trying to pick on you or anything...but if you don't really care for M:S...then why is your icon about M:S??? LOL :lol:

You dragged me back in.. AGH!!!

because I supported the decision for Disney to offer a mild, tamer version.. that's all... when everyone else was mocking the idea, i supported it... now, it seems most everyone supports it cause people who have been on it said it is very good... it is a win win... and that is what I support... Notice it is the green team avatar, not the orange team avatar LoL... I don't care for the attraction and will ride it anytime soon :)

not picking on you, but you seem to be choking Pluto.. I mean his tongue is hanging out... LOL


Well-Known Member
ilovepluto23 said:
I'm not trying to pick on you or anything...but if you don't really care for M:S...then why is your icon about M:S??? LOL :lol:

He supports the "kinder, gentler" green version.:p

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Timmay said:
He supports the "kinder, gentler" green version.:p

YES!!!!! TIMMAY!!!!! You got it right buddy :)
More so that Disney decided to offer this version to those who were scared or couldn't get themselves to ride the intense version... Just feeling like it was a good business decision and a good public relations decision.


Active Member
What's wrong guys? Why you care so much about Disney might lose money on this case? Thinking about Disney won't be able to afford anther 100 millions E-ticket killing machine because they lost the sue? ha ha ...funny.

Dr Albert Falls

New Member

You have said over and over that a parent should know better than to allow a four-year-old child to endure such G-forces.

First of all, how is a responsible parent supposed to know that Mission Space even produces G-Forces? Not a single warning sign mentions "G-Forces" and I think the boarding announcement mentions it once.

How is a parent supposed to know why types of G-forces are proper for a small child? After all, Mission Space produces a maximum of 2G. Slamming on the brakes on a car, sneezing, or collapsing in a chair produces up to 10G. So does that mean a child who sneezes without health problems can ride Mission Space? "Oh, SUSTAINED G-forces you mean!" How is an educated parent supposed to know what a sustained G-force is, how much sustained G-forces Mission Space produces, and how much their child can tollerate?? All this while juggling potty breaks, snacks, and fending off the sweltering sun and souvenir vendors at Disney.

ilovepluto23---- you say (and others on here agree) that it is irresponsible to take a four-year-old child on this ride.

If that's the case, where is Disney's responsibility in all this? If some schmuck on a message board can say with total authority that a parent is irresponsible for taking a seemingly healthy 4-year-old on Mission Space--- then shouldn't Disney's highly-trained engineers (and even more over-cautious lawyers) be saying the same thing?

If the ride is truly NOT safe for 4-year-olds, and that a parent is stupid for bringing their child on the ride (which is what you and others assert) then Disney is irresponsible (and financially liable) for ALLOWING that child to ride. They should have raised the height limit (which not only deals with a child's true body length, but also their age and maturity). They should also post signs saying "4-year-olds should not ride or risk death".


This 4-year-old boy met the height requirement. His family was unaware of any health problems, so they were right in ignoring the warning signs pertaining to medical conditions. There was no posted age limit.

How on earth were they supposed to know this ride was dangerous for their son?

And how dare you blame this family for being irresponsible?

"Oh," you may now be thinking. "I was wrong. Mission Space IS safe for 4-year-olds, and this was just a freak accident."

Then if the ride is apparently safe for small healthy children, there is even LESS reason to call the parents irresponsible! They let their child get on a safe ride and he died. They did NOTHING wrong.

As for their lawsuit---- this message board has already rung up more than 230 widely contrasting opinions on this matter. This is NOT an open-and-shut case. There are questions. LOTS of them.

And this family, who must walk past a bedroom every night and know their little boy is not sleeping in there, deserves to have those answers. And the only way they can get them is to file a lawsuit and force Disney to PROVE what they've been telling the world: that Mission Space is safe.

Or should that grieving family just call you, ilovepluto23 ??? You seem to have ALL the answers.


Premium Member
Dr Albert Falls said:
Not a single warning sign mentions "G-Forces" and I think the boarding announcement mentions it once.

"ORANGE TEAM - MORE INTENSE TRAINING is a highly turbulent motion-simulator thrill ride that spins and creates G-forces during launch and re-entry sequences and includes intense maneuvers that can result in nausea, headache, dizziness and disorientation even if you have never experienced motion sickness before."

This warning is on four signs outside the building.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Dr Albert Falls said:

You have said over and over that a parent should know better than to allow a four-year-old child to endure such G-forces.

First of all, how is a responsible parent supposed to know that Mission Space even produces G-Forces? Not a single warning sign mentions "G-Forces" and I think the boarding announcement mentions it once.

How is a parent supposed to know why types of G-forces are proper for a small child? After all, Mission Space produces a maximum of 2G. Slamming on the brakes on a car, sneezing, or collapsing in a chair produces up to 10G. So does that mean a child who sneezes without health problems can ride Mission Space? "Oh, SUSTAINED G-forces you mean!" How is an educated parent supposed to know what a sustained G-force is, how much sustained G-forces Mission Space produces, and how much their child can tollerate?? All this while juggling potty breaks, snacks, and fending off the sweltering sun and souvenir vendors at Disney.

ilovepluto23---- you say (and others on here agree) that it is irresponsible to take a four-year-old child on this ride.

If that's the case, where is Disney's responsibility in all this? If some schmuck on a message board can say with total authority that a parent is irresponsible for taking a seemingly healthy 4-year-old on Mission Space--- then shouldn't Disney's highly-trained engineers (and even more over-cautious lawyers) be saying the same thing?

If the ride is truly NOT safe for 4-year-olds, and that a parent is stupid for bringing their child on the ride (which is what you and others assert) then Disney is irresponsible (and financially liable) for ALLOWING that child to ride. They should have raised the height limit (which not only deals with a child's true body length, but also their age and maturity). They should also post signs saying "4-year-olds should not ride or risk death".


This 4-year-old boy met the height requirement. His family was unaware of any health problems, so they were right in ignoring the warning signs pertaining to medical conditions. There was no posted age limit.

How on earth were they supposed to know this ride was dangerous for their son?

And how dare you blame this family for being irresponsible?

"Oh," you may now be thinking. "I was wrong. Mission Space IS safe for 4-year-olds, and this was just a freak accident."

Then if the ride is apparently safe for small healthy children, there is even LESS reason to call the parents irresponsible! They let their child get on a safe ride and he died. They did NOTHING wrong.

As for their lawsuit---- this message board has already rung up more than 230 widely contrasting opinions on this matter. This is NOT an open-and-shut case. There are questions. LOTS of them.

And this family, who must walk past a bedroom every night and know their little boy is not sleeping in there, deserves to have those answers. And the only way they can get them is to file a lawsuit and force Disney to PROVE what they've been telling the world: that Mission Space is safe.

Or should that grieving family just call you, ilovepluto23 ??? You seem to have ALL the answers.

:sohappy: Well said... I want to see the responses now.. :sohappy:

I was looking at the Disney World site describing M:S.. For those of you who said PEOPLE NEED TO RESEARCH THE RIDES.. Ok, well I did.. NO WHERE ON DISNEY'S SITE DOES IT STATE HOW MANY SUSTAINED G'S YOU WILL FEEL.. NOR DOES IT SAY THAT M:S IS A SPINNING RIDE.. NOR DOES IT SAY YOU WILL HAVE ANY G'S AT ALL... So, thus proving my point... When does a person find out about all this?? AFTER IT IS TOO LATE!!!!

Right from the site:

This ultimate interactive thrill-packed adventure is as close as you can get to blasting off into space without leaving Earth. Each member of your astronaut team has a challenging role in a dynamic and daring cosmic mission dodging meteors and navigating nebula. Feel the force of lift-off and have an exhilarating, mystical rendezvous on another planet. It's out of this world!

Height Requirement: 44" (113 cm) or taller
Category: Big Thrills
Land : Future World

Additional Information

Due to the nature of the experience, service animals are not permitted on this attraction.

May cause motion sickness. Please see Cast Member at the attraction for further cautionary information.

For safety, you should be in good health and free from high blood pressure, heart, back or neck problems, motion sickness, or other conditions that could be aggravated by this adventure. Expectant mothers should not ride.

Guests with young children may take turns experiencing attractions. See a Cast Member for additional information.

Guests may rent attraction translation device units at Guest Relations locations in the Theme Parks with a refundable deposit.

Guests must transfer from their wheelchair/ECV to the attraction/ride vehicle

TIPS & FUN FACTSThe outcome of your mission varies depending on how each astronaut performs during the flight.

•Big Kids
•Active Fun
•What's New

Splash Mountain®
Summit Plummet
Slush Gusher

Please point out where it states YOU WILL HAVE SUSTAINED G'S AND YOU WILL BE SPINNING.... Ohh and no where does it state that if you may have any concerns about your health, then do not ride... I highlighted the warning about being in good health... does not stare if ythink you may have health problems..

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
MrNonacho said:
"ORANGE TEAM - MORE INTENSE TRAINING is a highly turbulent motion-simulator thrill ride that spins and creates G-forces during launch and re-entry sequences and includes intense maneuvers that can result in nausea, headache, dizziness and disorientation even if you have never experienced motion sickness before."

This warning is on four signs outside the building.

The key's here are highlighted... Which suggests to me, since this is a new concept in the ride, that this sign is new and this could have easily been added in... Now, if someone can produce the OLD SIGNS, I would say OK..
I too feel there are not enough warning signs before that ride for the deaf, Illiterate and blind. I don't think I saw one sign that was all in brale. I mean, poor child had no chance if he couldn't read or pay attention to the many many signs posted along the way. or should I say, the child had no chance haveing irresponcible parents like that.


Premium Member
dxer07002 said:
The key's here are highlighted... Which suggests to me, since this is a new concept in the ride, that this sign is new and this could have easily been added in... Now, if someone can produce the OLD SIGNS, I would say OK..


There were SIX of these outside the building and an additional one inside.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Laufschneller65 said:
I too feel there are not enough warning signs before that ride for the deaf, Illiterate and blind. I don't think I saw one sign that was all in brale. I mean, poor child had no chance if he couldn't read or pay attention to the many many signs posted along the way. or should I say, the child had no chance haveing irresponcible parents like that.

Ok I am going to lower myself.. You are a first class idiot.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
MrNonacho said:

There were SIX of these outside the building and an additional one inside.

is that the old sign?? Unfortunately I am in work now and the screen doesn't show the picture too big...


Well-Known Member
dxer07002 said:
:sohappy: Well said... I want to see the responses now.. :sohappy:

I was looking at the Disney World site describing M:S.. For those of you who said PEOPLE NEED TO RESEARCH THE RIDES.. Ok, well I did.. NO WHERE ON DISNEY'S SITE DOES IT STATE HOW MANY SUSTAINED G'S YOU WILL FEEL.. NOR DOES IT SAY THAT M:S IS A SPINNING RIDE.. NOR DOES IT SAY YOU WILL HAVE ANY G'S AT ALL... So, thus proving my point... When does a person find out about all this?? AFTER IT IS TOO LATE!!!!

Right from the site:

Please point out where it states YOU WILL HAVE SUSTAINED G'S AND YOU WILL BE SPINNING.... Ohh and no where does it state that if you may have any concerns about your health, then do not ride... I highlighted the warning about being in good health... does not stare if ythink you may have health problems..
From 2003:

By the way... the warning that MrNonacho posted is extremely similar or exactly the same (except the first part) that I've seen at the ride since the first time I rode. I also seem to remember a video that mentioned g-forces, spinning and enclosed spaces. There are tons of warnings.
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