Disney faced with lawsuit in Mission: Space death

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dxer07002 said:
And I guess you come from the most elite gene pool in the world?? I would say NO because you sound like a bafoon saying you have no sympathy for this family.... Calling his parents terrible parents?? Why were they terrible parents???? I suggest the gene pool of the CMs (NOT ALL OF THEM JUST ONES LIKE YOU) have come from the far depths of retardism... And you wonder why people say Disney has lost the magic???


You really are a miserable person arent you???

You choose to work there so deal with the idiotic questions.. You don't like it, QUIT!!!

Sure there are plenty of warnings... That is all well and good... But, I hate to tell you and others on here.. they are not going to lose... Frivilous suit or not, no jury will deny this family money...

Now... go take a drink of water, take a deep breath, relax, and look at yourself in the mirror and determine how stupid your post sounds.. You dare say this kid's parents are terrible?? Your parents may have been even worse for raising someone as ignorant and unsensitive, and dare I say, idiotic as you...

Ah *claps* Very good sir. You got me there but at the same time I could care less what you think. "Maybe it is you that should go sit down and take a drink of water."Because you've been on the edge of your seat waiting to respond to every single person that has something to say. My opinions btw. Wrong or right, they're mine nonetheless.

I go back and think about what I posted about not having sympathy and you're right on that part. I was insenitive and I say my sorries but I'm just going by what I see everyday in the parks. I love my job and I do make magic. I've been working for disney for the last 5 years and it's a wonderful place to be.

You should work here because while it's all smiles (sometimes fake) and which btw, that's understandable, It does have it's drawbacks and just like any other job.

It was raining pretty hard at EPCOT yesterday and I while walking over to CC (character connections,) this dad comes up to me and asks me if I was going to give him his money back for raining? He was yelling at me because it was raining? Can you believe that? I then gently told him that there was still plently of things to do at the parks when it rains. Most of the rides at epcot with the exception of test track are inside rides. I suggested to view some of the country movies or go take a seat and enjoy the view with his family. Or maybe eat something quick. I was able to cheer him up when I gave him a no strings attached to some new shirts instead of them being drenched in the rain. But still.....

I deal with this and more from getting yelled at, stepped all over and we have the mentality that "customers are always right." Which no, they're not and we have all the right to step in and correct anything that seems out of place.

People are amazing.....and while I'm not perfect, I stop to think about what I'm going to say and do while at the parks.

I've found kids climbing the most dangerous areas in the park and the parents are just laughing about it. I've found children that have been lost for hours and the parents don't even thank me, but instead hit the child right in front of my eyes.

I'm still sticking to my opinions and the point is, it was their choice to let a 4 YEAR OLD CHILD mind you, on the ride. They saw the signs and it was the parents choice. The End.

Oh and the "huh" response to character connections at epcot was just priceless. Cue lines are there for a reason and yet people don't follow the rules and that's why people get hurt.

nd just incase you don't know because you didn't seem to understand what I said when I mentioned CC is that CC is a new place to go take pictures with the main characters at epcot and that has cue lines, no backtracking and no food and drinks for rules. All which of course go to hell as soon as the majoirty of the guest show up. =D

I suggest going to http://stupidguesttricks.com and attack everyone in there because I'm not the only one that goes through this at the parks.


Active Member
v_misses_epcot said:
I've found kids climbing the most dangerous areas in the park and the parents are just laughing about it.
I am pretty sure you mean the kid is climbing his/her way to the seat in the capsule inside Mission: Space.


New Member
Dr Albert Falls said:

You have said over and over that a parent should know better than to allow a four-year-old child to endure such G-forces.

First of all, how is a responsible parent supposed to know that Mission Space even produces G-Forces? Not a single warning sign mentions "G-Forces" and I think the boarding announcement mentions it once.

How is a parent supposed to know why types of G-forces are proper for a small child? After all, Mission Space produces a maximum of 2G. Slamming on the brakes on a car, sneezing, or collapsing in a chair produces up to 10G. So does that mean a child who sneezes without health problems can ride Mission Space? "Oh, SUSTAINED G-forces you mean!" How is an educated parent supposed to know what a sustained G-force is, how much sustained G-forces Mission Space produces, and how much their child can tollerate?? All this while juggling potty breaks, snacks, and fending off the sweltering sun and souvenir vendors at Disney.

ilovepluto23---- you say (and others on here agree) that it is irresponsible to take a four-year-old child on this ride.

If that's the case, where is Disney's responsibility in all this? If some schmuck on a message board can say with total authority that a parent is irresponsible for taking a seemingly healthy 4-year-old on Mission Space--- then shouldn't Disney's highly-trained engineers (and even more over-cautious lawyers) be saying the same thing?

If the ride is truly NOT safe for 4-year-olds, and that a parent is stupid for bringing their child on the ride (which is what you and others assert) then Disney is irresponsible (and financially liable) for ALLOWING that child to ride. They should have raised the height limit (which not only deals with a child's true body length, but also their age and maturity). They should also post signs saying "4-year-olds should not ride or risk death".


This 4-year-old boy met the height requirement. His family was unaware of any health problems, so they were right in ignoring the warning signs pertaining to medical conditions. There was no posted age limit.

How on earth were they supposed to know this ride was dangerous for their son?

And how dare you blame this family for being irresponsible?

"Oh," you may now be thinking. "I was wrong. Mission Space IS safe for 4-year-olds, and this was just a freak accident."

Then if the ride is apparently safe for small healthy children, there is even LESS reason to call the parents irresponsible! They let their child get on a safe ride and he died. They did NOTHING wrong.

As for their lawsuit---- this message board has already rung up more than 230 widely contrasting opinions on this matter. This is NOT an open-and-shut case. There are questions. LOTS of them.

And this family, who must walk past a bedroom every night and know their little boy is not sleeping in there, deserves to have those answers. And the only way they can get them is to file a lawsuit and force Disney to PROVE what they've been telling the world: that Mission Space is safe.

Or should that grieving family just call you, ilovepluto23 ??? You seem to have ALL the answers.
I knew what sustained g forces were when I was 12.....


Well-Known Member
Dr Albert Falls said:

You have said over and over that a parent should know better than to allow a four-year-old child to endure such G-forces.

ilovepluto23---- you say (and others on here agree) that it is irresponsible to take a four-year-old child on this ride.

If that's the case, where is Disney's responsibility in all this? If some schmuck on a message board can say with total authority that a parent is irresponsible for taking a seemingly healthy 4-year-old on Mission Space--- then shouldn't Disney's highly-trained engineers (and even more over-cautious lawyers) be saying the same thing?

If the ride is truly NOT safe for 4-year-olds, and that a parent is stupid for bringing their child on the ride (which is what you and others assert) then Disney is irresponsible (and financially liable) for ALLOWING that child to ride. They should have raised the height limit (which not only deals with a child's true body length, but also their age and maturity). They should also post signs saying "4-year-olds should not ride or risk death".
(*I only shortened your quote so this post wouldn't be so long on the page*)

I actually agree with most of what you seem to be getting across in this post, but the fact is, the autopsy showed why the boy died. If he was found to be perfectly healthy, maybe it would look like it was Disney's fault. I'm sure this wasn't the first 4-year-old to ride Mission Space because one would think it's perfectly safe for most 4-year-olds who meet the height requirement. If it wasn't, don't you think Disney would do something about that? All of your questions that you stated in your previous post don't matter in this case because the boy had an undiagnosed condition BEFORE he got on the ride. If the autopsy showed he was a prefectly healthy, then yes those questions would probably need answering. Since they didn't know about his condition, they probably would have also taken him on rides like Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, Thunder Mountain, or any other ride that has warning signs about heart conditions that could have also acted as a catalyst to his death, it just happened to be Mission Space. I have to wonder that if this happened on another ride, would their be such a big fuss about rather it was Disney's fault or not?

I've stated previously that I have sympathies for the family, but I don't think blaming Disney is the answer. For those or you who think we would do the same thing if we were in their shoes, well who really knows? I do think I would also be drawing up irrational conclusions if it were me so maybe I would think about suing, but since it's not me, I'm going to be rational. Yes, I can understand why suing would be an option, but as I see the facts from an outsiders point of view it's obviously not Disney's fault. So I do think it is a frivilous lawsuit. As others have asked, the question is, is this lawsuit the families decision, or did a lawyer push them into the lawsuit?


Active Member
wdwishes2005 said:
I knew what sustained g forces were when I was 12.....

You are a genius?? :)
I wasn't that much of a nerd at 12... I knew what G.I Joe was... Not sustained G Forces....

But seriously, AGH WITH M:S THREADS!!! These are getting worse that Harry Potter rumors and monorail expansion rumors...


Well-Known Member
GothMickey said:
You are a genius?? :)
I wasn't that much of a nerd at 12... I knew what G.I Joe was... Not sustained G Forces....

But seriously, AGH WITH M:S THREADS!!! These are getting worse that Harry Potter rumors and monorail expansion rumors...
If you don't like a topic you don't have to post on it, or even click on it. :wave:


New Member
As far as people "reading" signs & such....NO they don't & it's a shame. I sell on Ebay & you'd be amazed at the plethora of questions I get for items that are answered already in the description.
As much as I feel for the family, they are just morons tring to "cash-in" on an unfortunate incident.


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
I'm sorry, but I've really had it with this topic and the way it is being handled by so many people!
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