Disney Diet Buddies...


Active Member
SO, back from my last week's Food & Wine Festival trip, which came only two weeks after a week-long trip to London, and I let myself off the hook for both trips--I wasn't going to bother tracking food & exercise calories (Lose It app, or www.loseit.com)

Thanks to all the walking in London, and none of the fine dining I had envisioned/hoped for, I came home from that trip down a pound. :lol:

Now it's time to get back on track and take off the four pounds that Food & Wine Fest put on me!! It's going to be hard to get back to Lean Cuisines for lunch when I've just enjoyed Artist Point and other Disney restaurants!! :cry::D

I took advantage of being "off plan" for the week right up until the last hour on Sunday night--I was still dipping into the leftover Halloween candy at 10pm!

:slurp: that sounds soooo good right now!

I have the Lose It! app on my iPod, but I've always had trouble actually trying to remember to track everything! But, definitely nothing will be worried about when I'm actually IN Disney... my thing is, that's my goal so I can reward myself when I get there. :sohappy:

I finally got to a Zumba class over the weekend (yay finally!), and I have my workout clothes with me so I can hit the gym after work in a few hours.


Active Member
Just so I can be held accountable (lol)... :rolleyes:

I officially decided to start the lifestyle change at 99 days away from my Disney trip (last Saturday... calling it my "I've got 99 problems, but my weight ain't one" plan. Original, isn't it? :ROFLOL: ). Now we are at 94 days, so what's happened in the past 5 days? Well, I've lost my first 2.8 pounds, given up soda, given up beer (but only until Disney... I refuse to not have either while there!), and managed to get more than ten minutes of exercise in every day except on Sunday. :sohappy:

How's everyone elses week going? :wave:


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Just so I can be held accountable (lol)... :rolleyes:

I officially decided to start the lifestyle change at 99 days away from my Disney trip (last Saturday... calling it my "I've got 99 problems, but my weight ain't one" plan. Original, isn't it? :ROFLOL: ). Now we are at 94 days, so what's happened in the past 5 days? Well, I've lost my first 2.8 pounds, given up soda, given up beer (but only until Disney... I refuse to not have either while there!), and managed to get more than ten minutes of exercise in every day except on Sunday. :sohappy:

How's everyone elses week going? :wave:

Oh, good for you!!!! :sohappy: Those are great results, and I think giving a name to your plan is going to help you meet your goal

You will be amazed at what giving up soda will do for your efforts. I stopped drinking soda years ago. I figure, if I'm going to have that much sugar in a beverage, I would rather it be wine or beer!! :lol: (I never drank diet soda)


Active Member
Oh, good for you!!!! :sohappy: Those are great results, and I think giving a name to your plan is going to help you meet your goal

You will be amazed at what giving up soda will do for your efforts. I stopped drinking soda years ago. I figure, if I'm going to have that much sugar in a beverage, I would rather it be wine or beer!! :lol: (I never drank diet soda)

Do you know how hard it was to turn down 99 cent Yuenglings the other night?? :ROFLOL: Afterwards, I'm happy that I didn't cave in, but it was so tempting at the time!
I've done the soda bit once before, earlier this year. But then I got a bad stomach virus and caved to drinking Ginger Ale. Of course, that led right back to the Mt Dews and Cokes of the world. :hammer:


Well-Known Member
I don't really drink a lot of pop (soda to you southerners) but in Disney...Disney Coke is the best soft drink ever. I don't know what it is about it...maybe just drinking Coke in Disney on a hot day makes it more refreshing.

I normally stick to diet green tea/ice tea/dr pepper/mt dew...all diet though.

But nothing can compare to a cold Coke in Disney. Makes the waiting that much better when you get one.


Active Member
I don't really drink a lot of pop (soda to you southerners) but in Disney...Disney Coke is the best soft drink ever. I don't know what it is about it...maybe just drinking Coke in Disney on a hot day makes it more refreshing.

I normally stick to diet green tea/ice tea/dr pepper/mt dew...all diet though.

But nothing can compare to a cold Coke in Disney. Makes the waiting that much better when you get one.

I've decided that I'm definitely not giving up my Disney Coke when I'm down there, it's always better in the world!


Active Member
Last night, a friend of mine was telling me about a new "diet" she was participating in... and it sounded really interesting. So I wanted to throw it out there, see if anyone had any thoughts about it?

Game On Diet


Well-Known Member
I haven't been on this thread or these boards in awhile, but I need to check-in. My husband and I finished Insanity. We are both proud of ourselves for what we accomplished, but I don't think we will ever go through that workout program again.

No we are doing p90x. This is his 4th time through the program and my first. We started week 4 today. I've actually enjoyed it so far. The cardio workouts are definitely a lot less difficult than the Insanity ones. However, the reason why we won't do Insanity all the way through again is because we lost a lot of muscle mass throughout the Insanity program. We have talked about substituting some of the p90x cardio workouts with some Insanity ones.

I got back from a trip to WDW a month ago. We were on the dining plan, but I tried to watch what I ate. I weighed myself before and after, and to my pleasure, I did not gain at all.

I've been losing weight since on p90x. I'm still not to where I want to be, but I'm feeling really good at this point.


Active Member
I haven't been on this thread or these boards in awhile, but I need to check-in. My husband and I finished Insanity. We are both proud of ourselves for what we accomplished, but I don't think we will ever go through that workout program again.

No we are doing p90x. This is his 4th time through the program and my first. We started week 4 today. I've actually enjoyed it so far. The cardio workouts are definitely a lot less difficult than the Insanity ones. However, the reason why we won't do Insanity all the way through again is because we lost a lot of muscle mass throughout the Insanity program. We have talked about substituting some of the p90x cardio workouts with some Insanity ones.

I got back from a trip to WDW a month ago. We were on the dining plan, but I tried to watch what I ate. I weighed myself before and after, and to my pleasure, I did not gain at all.

I've been losing weight since on p90x. I'm still not to where I want to be, but I'm feeling really good at this point.

That's an amazing accomplishment!!! Congrats! :sohappy:

I felt the need to check in as well (and to see how everyone else is doing)... I started my new weightloss journey on the 5th, working towards being a happier me for my February WDW trip. I weighed myself last night (I know, I know. weigh yourself in the morning, not at night... :lookaroun ) and I am officially down my first 5 pounds! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
That's an amazing accomplishment!!! Congrats! :sohappy:

I felt the need to check in as well (and to see how everyone else is doing)... I started my new weightloss journey on the 5th, working towards being a happier me for my February WDW trip. I weighed myself last night (I know, I know. weigh yourself in the morning, not at night... :lookaroun ) and I am officially down my first 5 pounds! :sohappy:

That's great! Congratulations!

Good luck to everyone on a weight-loss journey through the holidays. After I got home last night from family Thanksgiving I threw out any leftovers that I had from what I made. I know, I know how wasteful, but I really just didn't want any temptation around the house.


Active Member
On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me..... a reading on the scale that says I'm 8.3 down from where I started! I figured out the math, and there's a good chance that I'll be -30 by the time the Disney trip rolls around in 9 weeks (-2 a week isn't a bad deal when you think about it apparently!).

How is everyone doing during the holidays so far??? I feel like our little thread has been dying and I miss my Disney motivation!


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Oh, good for you!!! :sohappy:

I'm still successfully maintaining, which is all one can hope for at this time of year. Trying not to beat myself up about not working out, and promising myself that I'll get back to it on New Year's Day.


Well-Known Member
I'm starting a diet and exercise plan after the holidays! Going in March 2012. Don't want to look terrible in DPP pictures anymore! Haha


Active Member
I was down in the dumps for a few weeks and decided I needed to make a few changes. I knew my weight was one of the things that needed to change!!! Looking at my Disney pictures from this past trip I was thinking, "That's not my body!" I weigh 15lbs more than I am comfortable with (and none of my cute clothes fit!!) I know I needed something to get me motivated so I came down to the "Chit Chat" section to add a new post asking if there were any Disney Weight Loss forums/blogs, but instead I found this post!

So... I don't have a Disney trip planned, (Kevin, my boyfriend, is planning our vacation this year and he wants it to be a surprise) but I am planning our trip for 2013... it'll be for Disney!!!

So my goal is to weigh 120lbs by summer 2012, and then 105lbs by 2013 for our next Disney trip!!!! I started my weight loss plan yesterday. It includes- working out everyday using Wii Fit, Wii active, and yoga, eating a salad with homemade, low-fat dressing every night for dinner, and keeping motivated with all of this by posting my progress online in forums!


Active Member
I was down in the dumps for a few weeks and decided I needed to make a few changes. I knew my weight was one of the things that needed to change!!! Looking at my Disney pictures from this past trip I was thinking, "That's not my body!" I weigh 15lbs more than I am comfortable with (and none of my cute clothes fit!!) I know I needed something to get me motivated so I came down to the "Chit Chat" section to add a new post asking if there were any Disney Weight Loss forums/blogs, but instead I found this post!

So... I don't have a Disney trip planned, (Kevin, my boyfriend, is planning our vacation this year and he wants it to be a surprise) but I am planning our trip for 2013... it'll be for Disney!!!

So my goal is to weigh 120lbs by summer 2012, and then 105lbs by 2013 for our next Disney trip!!!! I started my weight loss plan yesterday. It includes- working out everyday using Wii Fit, Wii active, and yoga, eating a salad with homemade, low-fat dressing every night for dinner, and keeping motivated with all of this by posting my progress online in forums!

Welcome to our group!! :wave: Everyone here's great with motivation and such to keep you on track so good luck. :)


Active Member
Last night, a friend of mine was telling me about a new "diet" she was participating in... and it sounded really interesting. So I wanted to throw it out there, see if anyone had any thoughts about it?

Game On Diet

My boyfriend and I are going to buy this now that I saw your post!!! But before I do... do you know if it is a good "game" for just 2 people or is it more of a team thing? All the reviews I'm reading seem to be set up as teams with lots of members.


Active Member
My boyfriend and I are going to buy this now that I saw your post!!! But before I do... do you know if it is a good "game" for just 2 people or is it more of a team thing? All the reviews I'm reading seem to be set up as teams with lots of members.

I've heard of people doing it as a team, but I have the book at home... The two that started the "game" did it just the two of them the first time around from what I had read.

Though.... maybe we can get a Disney Diet Buddy game going on if we can get more people interested??


Active Member
I've heard of people doing it as a team, but I have the book at home... The two that started the "game" did it just the two of them the first time around from what I had read.

Though.... maybe we can get a Disney Diet Buddy game going on if we can get more people interested??

I LOVE that idea! I'm in!

Today on the scale it says I've lost 2 lbs. Although it's exciting, I think it is inaccurate because, unintentionally, I haven't eaten since 2pm yesterday. It wasn't my fault though! I went on an animal rescue! I'll let you all know the details once the farm releases the details (it's our policy to let the world know all at once). So even though the weight probably isn't exactly right, it's just nice to see that the number on the scale is a possibility for me!

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