Disney Cruise May 23-30 – Back to the Magic

Who: Dh, Me, Ds 14 and Dd 11 - Plus assorted other family members and friends – 5 cabins total!
Where: Eastern Cruise with Tortola
When: May 23-30th

This was my 4th Disney Cruise. Third in the last 9 months actually:lookaroun, so I’d like that pattern to keep up! This was the second with tons of family and friends. It’s a great vacation for a big group. Everyone can do their own thing and still meet up for dinner and other activities.

We had a great rate with a military discount. We had enough active duty military, retired military and reserve members to get everyone the discount. Yay!!:sohappy:

I'm making my way through about 1400 pictures right now so this report will have to come in segments!

Day 1 – Friday – May 22nd - Travel Day

The departure day was finally here. We booked this cruise about a year and a half ago, so I couldn’t believe it was finally time!

The kids are in school here until June 25th. Luckily their teachers were all very cooperative and this was Memorial Day week so they only missed 4 ½ days of school. I woke up crazy excited. I had been packed for a month or so, but there were little things left to do this morning. I finished just in time to pick up the kids from school at 11:00. We ran home and ate lunch. I finished up my last recorded DVR show during lunch, so it was nice to be caught up on shows before I left! It was also a great week to go TV-wise because so many shows ended in the two weeks before we left. Coming home from a vacation with tons to do, and 20 TV shows to watch is not easy!!:lol:

Dh came home for lunch to take us to the airport. He had to back out of the trip several weeks ago because we didn’t think he’d be able to get away. Luckily, he got the okay and we added him back in, but at this point our plane tickets had gone up and he wouldn’t be flying with us. It worked out well for him though, we were on United with a layover in DC and left 4 hours before him, and he was on a direct flight on Southwest which was scheduled to arrive 10 minutes after us!

We actually arrived in DC about 20 minutes early and were not looking forward to a now 4 hour layover. Blech. We decided to try the United customer service counter to see if we could catch an earlier flight. United said yes! :sohappy: There was 1 hour and 45 minutes before that flight and there was plenty of time to switch our bags. Well supposedly! We called my parents and asked them to stay at MCO and wait for us so we could ride with them to Port Canaveral. We boarded and woohoo – Orlando bound!!

Well of course our bags didn’t make it. :rolleyes: They were coming on our original flight which had been delayed 3 hours! I was irritated, but relieved I wasn’t on that flight.

My parents and I decided to all go to Downtown Disney to kill some time. I love DD. It’s a great way to start a cruise. Dad and Mom ate at Earl of Sandwich and we shopped a little. After Dh arrived at MCO, Dad and Mom dropped me off at the airport to wait for my bags with him. They took the kids with them so they could get a somewhat decent night’s sleep.

United offered to bring the bags to Port Canaveral the next day, but I was terrified they wouldn’t get there before the cruise left. I could not wear a Mickey Mouse tee shirt to formal night!!!:eek::lol:

Dh and I waited for my bags which arrived at 12:32. We got in the rental car and drove to Port Canaveral where we stayed at the Radisson at the Port. It’s a nice hotel but we didn’t get to enjoy it much. We finally got to bed around 2 am.

Next up Day 2!


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We got off with my parents, my in laws and our friends from California. My two brother in laws and family took a taxi to Cane Garden Bay beach for the day. They enjoyed it. We were swimming with dolphins at 1:00 so we didn’t want to risk missing it.

We walked around Road Town. It was pretty rustic compared to St. Thomas or St. Martin, but it was neat.


This is one of my favorite pictures of the trip. The twins, whom we haven't seen since they were 6 months old, just loved my son. He was really great with them. This picture totally captures that for me.


We went back to the ship for an early lunch at Goofy’s Galley and Pluto’s and then got ready to go swim with dolphins!!

I have wanted to swim with dolphins for years and years, but I never wanted to fork out the money. We found a deal on this one and went for it. We disembarked again and caught a cab to Dolphin Discovery.

They told me I wouldn’t be able to use my waterproof camera, but once we arrived they said I could. Yay!!

Here's a bird there:



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We ended up with just us and our CA friends in our group so we had a lot of dolphin time. We each got to swim twice and do lots of other things with them. Fernando was our trainer and he was great! Our dolphin was Calypso.

Waiting to meet him:


Here he is!


Dd and one of her swims:


My swim:


My kiss:


Dd's kiss:




Ds and Calypso:


Dh and Calypso:



After we were done, I bought the one thing that I said I had no interest in – the DVD! It was only $35 and it was really well done. They had them ready within 10 minutes of us getting out of the water. It was edited and set to music. Loved it!


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Tonight was pirate night!! I love pirate night!! We got ready early enough to see Pirate Mickey and some others.



We had dinner at Parrot Cay where there was lots of dancing and piratey type stuff going on!

My mom and kids:




One of our servers, Iketut, did magic tricks for the kids, puzzles, all sorts of things. He was very entertaining every night. Tonight at our table, he did this crazy balancing trick. I was amazed. Look at this!!! Two toothpicks, two forks!! No magic!


Tonight’s show was actually the movie Earth. It was a great movie, but sad at times. My dh was sitting next to a family with a girl of about 10. She came and sat in her mom’s lap right next to dh. This girl talked nonstop at full volume. She would say, “Wow, look at that” and “Why did that happen?”, etc. and her mom would answer at full volume. :rolleyes:

They didn’t catch a clue after many glances in their direction. Finally dh leaned over and said – “Ma’am, I can’t hear.” :eek:

The woman just looked at him, didn’t say anything and passed her daughter down to another adult. I don’t know if she talked down there, but boy it helped our area!:lol:

After the movie we went right up on deck for the pirate party!! I have a million pictures of it, so I didn’t’ take any this time. To sum up – lots of singing, dancing, characters, fireworks, buffet, etc. Great times!

My ds enjoyed the pirate party and buffet, but it meant that they weren’t showing the playoff game on the big screen for the first time. He ended up watching what was left in the room on a Spanish channel.:D


Active Member
tammy i am so glad you got to do the swim! those are wonderful pictures!

where you the only ones on the ship? there are no pictures with people in them.


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tammy i am so glad you got to do the swim! those are wonderful pictures!

where you the only ones on the ship? there are no pictures with people in them.

Thank you, Louella! I'm so glad I did it too.

There were a few people wandering around and most were taking pictures. I guess everyone else was either already off or sleeping in.:)


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Day 6 – Wednesday – May 27th – St. Thomas

Today we had an official Disney excursion booked. We met in one of the clubs at 8:15. While sitting there I realized I forgot to take my Dramamine! And we were sailing today! :eek: Shoot!!

We all walked in a group down to the sailboat which was docked right next to the Magic. Our excursion was called the Doubloon Sail and Snorkel. We boarded and sailed to Turtle Cove to snorkel with sea turtles. The sail over was about 45 minutes. I didn’t feel too bad, but at some point I did realize I needed to look straight ahead and not talk. :lol:

They passed out the snorkeling gear on the way over. The ship was run by 3 guys. We were informed that one of them was the “turtle whisperer” and we should follow him if we wanted to see turtles! We took turns jumping off the side.


The turtle whisperer swam with us and we followed him for a while. He let us know when he saw turtles or anything else. It was super neat. I really, really enjoyed it. We only had an hour in the water and I was afraid it would seem way to short, but it was actually about right!








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The sail home was great. I walked around and took pictures and didn’t feel sick at all. They had cold sodas and alcohol for those who wanted it. They also passed around chips and salsa which were delicious at this point.

They made everyone get a pirate tattoo which didn’t come off for a few days!







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We were starving when we got back. The girls wanted to order room service and so they stayed in the room while we went up to Topsiders for a Tex-Mex buffet. The view during lunch was incredible.




Afterwards we showered and some of the group went shopping in St. Thomas.

We took a taxi over to the main shopping area. On the edge is a huge collection of tents where you can buy souvenirs, $5 t-shirts and fake purses by the dozens. We also walked through the market area. It was crazy hot at this point, we were dying.


While we were gone Dh, Bil’s, Fil and Ds went to the sports bar to watch the Champions League soccer final. Dh informs me that Barcelona won in a bit of an upset.

Before dinner the men played some shuffleboard and Minnie came to watch them! Of course none of them had a camera.

Tonight was a French dinner in Lumieres. None of us were crazy about it, but I’m sure it was due more to our picky eating then the quality of the food.
After dinner we went for pictures with – rare character sighting!!! – Carl and Dug from Up!! The line was ginormous, but it was worth it, they were adorable.


The show tonight was a hypnotist, Ricky Kalmon. The kids thought it was the best show of the week. The adults – not so much! It was hysterical, but it just seemed so hard to believe.

It was a long day, so after the kids went swimming, and watched some more basketball, it was time for bed.


Well-Known Member
Tammy, the underwater pics turned out great. I LOVE the sea turtles--so cool. And love the pic with Carl and Dug, especially since we just got home from seeing the movie tonight!


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Tammy, the underwater pics turned out great. I LOVE the sea turtles--so cool. And love the pic with Carl and Dug, especially since we just got home from seeing the movie tonight!

Wasn't it a good movie?:)

I was really happy with the underwater camera! The sea turtles were awesome to see!


Well-Known Member
Wow... there's so much to comment on!

First of all, the sea turtles are beautiful and now I really want to swim with them. What kind of underwater camera are you using? We swam with the stingrays in Grand Cayman on our recent cruise, and as soon as we got back I purchased the olympus 1050 for underwater pictures because the whole time we were out there I was wishing I had one... too bad I didn't just buy it before we went :rolleyes:. But at least I get to try it out at Typhoon Lagoon in July!!! I just hope my pictures turn out as well as yours.

The dolphin encounter looks like so much fun. My mom and I really want to do this, but are also a little put off by the price :eek:.

Oh yeah, and I adore the picture of your kids and mom from pirate night; its definitely frame worthy!


Well-Known Member
Tammy got to tell you I have not read a trip report in while that I have enjoyed this much! The pictures are beautiful.....Keep em coming!

Oh and Tammy did not realize that we could probably be neighbors...(ok not that close but RI being soooo small, I'm in West Warwick.....not to far :))


Active Member
tammy your underwater pics came out fantastic! so worth the wait for your camera. (now i might just have to get one)

all your pics are great. love the turtles. glad you did not get sea sick on the sail over to swim with them.

the up characters look so cute, haven't seen the movie yet.


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Wow... there's so much to comment on!

First of all, the sea turtles are beautiful and now I really want to swim with them. What kind of underwater camera are you using? We swam with the stingrays in Grand Cayman on our recent cruise, and as soon as we got back I purchased the olympus 1050 for underwater pictures because the whole time we were out there I was wishing I had one... too bad I didn't just buy it before we went :rolleyes:. But at least I get to try it out at Typhoon Lagoon in July!!! I just hope my pictures turn out as well as yours.

The dolphin encounter looks like so much fun. My mom and I really want to do this, but are also a little put off by the price :eek:.

Oh yeah, and I adore the picture of your kids and mom from pirate night; its definitely frame worthy!

I'm not sure my mom wants me to frame that one!:lol:

I got the new canon d10 waterproof camera. I really like it. I've heard good things about the Olympus camera too so I think you'll be happy.

Tammy got to tell you I have not read a trip report in while that I have enjoyed this much! The pictures are beautiful.....Keep em coming!

Oh and Tammy did not realize that we could probably be neighbors...(ok not that close but RI being soooo small, I'm in West Warwick.....not to far :))

Thanks, Dixiegirl! We are neighbors!! I go to Warwick to eat at Chipotle and shop at Target!:)

tammy your underwater pics came out fantastic! so worth the wait for your camera. (now i might just have to get one)

all your pics are great. love the turtles. glad you did not get sea sick on the sail over to swim with them.

the up characters look so cute, haven't seen the movie yet.

It's a cute movie, Louella. Go see it!:)


Well-Known Member
Your report is awesome! I am really enjoying it. The picfture of your son and the one twin is priceless. My bothers were around his age when I had my son and they are amazing with him!


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Day 7 – Thursday – May 28th – Day at Sea

We woke up to a beautiful day. The seas today were like glass. I couldn’t believe how smooth it was.

A few of us woke up early for our scheduled character breakfast, but most wanted to sleep in. Dd and Dh went, as well as Fil and CA friends with twins. It was in Parrot Cay and all in all it was pretty empty. Iketut made us all lovely napkin hats.:lol:

CA friends:










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After breakfast Dh, Dd and I went to an animation class. We drew Goofy. This cm was very nice, but he didn’t give us a ton of instruction. We were all pretty happy with our drawings though. We went back to the room afterwards and woke up Ds. He was sad we didn’t wake him before the animation class.

We found just about everyone else on deck 4 relaxing. We joined in until lunch time.

Dh and dd:







Here’s a random picture of the often empty “secret” deck on deck 7:


We decided to go to Lumiere’s for lunch and it was delicious. My father in law was seriously considering booking a Mediterranean cruise onboard so we talked about it during lunch. They were offering 20% off and $400 stateroom credits if you booked onboard, but we just didn’t have the mullah right now.

The lead animator from Up, Dave Mullins, was onboard with us. Up was to premiere in the US tomorrow, so we were going to have a special premEAR that night at midnight. Our kids couldn’t wait. They were also going to show it several times on Friday, but we didn’t want to miss any time on Castaway Cay so midnight it was. But anyway – the animator had a question and answer presentation in the theater today. We went right after lunch. He showed us how they came up with the characters, showed us some never before seen clips, and answered questions. It was really neat!

Next they were showing a matinee of tonight’s show Dreams. We decided we’d like to free up our night, so most of us went to see it. It was excellent as always. Even the twins loved it.

After the matinee the men were playing shuffleboard again, and who came to watch them? Lilo and Goofy!! No camera again.:rolleyes:

Tonight was our adult only dinner in Palo. It was semi formal night, so before we went the twins got all gussied up again for some pictures. Does this just make your heart melt or what?


Palo was amazing as always. Andrea was our server again, and we ate in the private room. The kids decided they wanted to go eat with Iketut and Valentin in Animators Palate. I’m sure they were treated like kings and queens.

The kids also went to the family cabaret which was the hypnotist again and they liked it.

After dinner we all went swimming. The pool was crazy warm. Of course the hot tub was even better.:D

The theater opened for Up at 11:00. We went right at 11. The kids were in their pjs, and we brought blankets and pillows from the room. The midnight dessert buffet was also tonight so ds went to get some desserts at 11:30. The rest of us were way too full.

By midnight the theater was full. Dave Mullins introduced it right at midnight. He’d also made a video of some of the animators at Pixar introducing it for us. They had some funny ship jokes for us.

The digital 3d in the theater is awesome. Up was great. I confess, I fell asleep for about 20 minutes in the middle, but it was 1:00 in the morning, so it had nothing to do with the entertainment value of the movie.


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Day 8 – Friday – May 29th – Castaway Cay

We got to Castaway Cay pretty late this morning! I like to be the first ones off and get pictures of an empty beach. Didn’t happen today. We arrived about 9:00 and weren’t able to get off until about 9:45. There was a huge line of people waiting to get off so it took a few minutes. The weather forecast was NOT good, but we made it there and we were happy. It was beautiful for a few hours.







Dh ran the Castaway Cay 5k right when we disembarked. The rest of us non running people, went to rent our snorkel gear and get some spots!


We like to go to the family beach over by the stingray excursion. It’s always pretty empty.


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