Disney Buying LucasFilm! WHOA


Well-Known Member
on John Williams...
Problem is John Williams will be 81 in February. If they make them every 3 years, he will be 83 for episode 7, 85 or 86 for episode 8, and 88 or 89 for episode 9.
I don't think Williams will make it through the entire trilogy (he might retire) and for that reason he might decline to compose this new set of films.
health would be a concern, so maybe he does the first one and see how it goes for the other films

Could be. But Miklos Rosza composed his last score when he was already approaching the 90ies. I hope Williams is in good health and will make it through the new movies because I cannot imagine ANY composer replacing him.


Well-Known Member
Which could indeed happen if Rowling decides she can't come up with something new that's just as good. Which is pretty much the decision Iger made. He has no faith in the artists within the Disney company to come up with something boys will like, so he bought Marvel and now Lucasfilm. There! Problem solved! Screw originality and innovation. Stockholders are scared of those. Out with the new, in with the old. I guess you can't go wrong marketing nostalgia to an audience that's largely made up of baby boomers and their hapless kids...

I really believe the failure of John Carter caused a massive shift in their strategy.


Well-Known Member
1. Star Wars expansion in DHS is an absolute no-brainer, win-win, situation.

2. Yes I think this should be combined with the Pixar expansion (if it wasn't a smoke screen proposal).

3. Yes, we all know Star Wars is better than Avatar. Why must people continuously shout about the Avatar acquisition? If it is still on the table, let's see if WDI can take it a step past what the movie tried to accomplish & then we'll see what effect it has. If Disney is going to build it, we can at least pray for the best.

4. A 5th park should NEVER happen so long as there is room for expansion in the 4 parks that they have. MK still has a lot of room for expansion, IMO. In fact, they could probably make it into a 2-day park if they wanted! If they continue to grow the 4 parks that they have, they can essentially negate the need for a 5th park entirely. If they can possibly grow the parks enough to where it takes more than one full day to see everything, they will accomplish keeping people within the World for a full week without time to visit anywhere else.

5. I decided to jump on the "meme-train" & conjured this up on my own. Original Hogwarts picture is by David Wirth. I have nothing against UNI as I think they have a great head of steam & I hope they continue to produce to keep Disney on their toes but I still thought it was funny.

Hard to tell who the bad guy would be. Several pages back I linked an article/blog from the official Star Wars website that loosely reviews the history of episodes 7, 8, and 9. Lucas apparently has an old notebook of ideas regarding these unmade films. If Disney uses his ideas and build a 3 film story arch from it, we may see villains we have never heard or seen before, which I hope is the case.

Okay ill search for it and take a look. I would love some new bad guys, I mean Darth Maul was in 10 min out of 12hr of movies and he is almost at the stature of Darth Vader. If done right, could be huge huge huge.


Well-Known Member
Remember: Wizarding World of Harry Potter doesn't take up that much real estate, but it's still a draw that people are structuring their vacations around. A big roll-out of a "Star Wars Land" that takes up, say, half of Echo Lake at DHS, including where Sounds Dangerous, Indiana Jones, and Backlot Express are now, plus Star Tours staying put, would be a huge national media story. There's actually a lot of space there (Epic Stunt Spectacular takes up a TON of space). It would be enough room for an immersive land, the size of WWHP or Carsland or FE. This could be the shot in the arm DHS needs, and it could raise attendance enough to justify further spending on the park.
If you factor in the footprint of Dragon Challenge, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter takes a huge footprint.
I really believe the failure of John Carter caused a massive shift in their strategy.

I know the movie was a failure , lost huge amounts of money, but was it that bad of a movie? Maybe my expectations were low because i knew it was a huge flop. Not sure it was a movie good enough to make 300mil, but did not think it was terrible. I was just wondering what other people thought.

Jimmy Thick

Well-Known Member
I don't necessarily think this would be on a theme park insider's radar.

Well, from what I have read, this deal has been in discussions since May of 2011. I haven't seen any "insider" post anything about this.

Jimmy Thick- Goes to show you, Disney does not spill secrets the public should not know.


Well-Known Member
I really believe the failure of John Carter caused a massive shift in their strategy.

Not sure if that caused a massive shift, but it does point out how hard it is to
jumpstart a franchise like Star Wars from scratch. These things are lighting in
a bottle, you don't know what's going to hit, and what's not. Disney could spend,
oh, 4 Billion on new films, and maybe not hit it with any of them. Now, I thought
John Carter was passable in some ways, and I actually quite like the new Tron movie.
But both of those underscore just how hard it is to reach the Star Wars stratosphere.

Look also at how Harry Potter spawned Percy Jackson, et. al, and none of those have
hit the heights that it did. Being first matters.

Nothing says that Disney cannot continue to develop original IP. They might hit a Star Wars
or HP on their own, they might not. Now they have this in the meantime, and each time
they launch something, they don't have to dream of the next tentpole franchise, they
can just let it become....in some ways, this could allow for more creative freedom in the
company, now that the weight of 'complete synergy across all brand market opportunities'
has been somewhat ameliorated . . . .

Jimmy Thick

Well-Known Member
Buying Lucas puts Disney in the money for the forseeable future. As long as Disney keeps making Star Wars movies, and lets face it, they will milk it for all they can, everything else is cake.

Jimmy Thick- Get Christopher Nolan on board NOW!!!


Well-Known Member
I know the movie was a failure , lost huge amounts of money, but was it that bad of a movie? Maybe my expectations were low because i knew it was a huge flop. Not sure it was a movie good enough to make 300mil, but did not think it was terrible. I was just wondering what other people thought.

It's better than Avatar by miles ...


OV 104
Premium Member
Disney got a great deal, personally I think Lucas gave it to them on the cheap.

Jimmy Thick- They also got Indy...

The stock is the butter in this deal. How many shares exactly is the wait I am waiting to see. If it is a good number then it might not have been that cheap.


Well-Known Member
I really hope Brad Bird is brought in for the new SW movies. I don't know if he is a big SW fan or not but this guy knows how to direct great movies. MI4 was a great movie and he got great performance out of everyone in it. He knows how to stage great action sequences and knows how to hit the emotional notes that the movie would need. He would be a perfect fit. If they want to go young I think Neill Blomkamp would be a great pick. He has shown that he is a visionary and do alot with a little. So imagine what either one could do with ILM.


Well-Known Member
It will be interesting to see how big this Uni announcement is gonna be tomorrow. I can just see Uni screwing their faces up because Disney has stolen their moment. The news has taken the Internet by storm and overseas - it's been in every newspaper and news show this week in the uk. And on top of that all the you tube response via videos and yahoos made a big deal about it. But then I do wonder what Uni WILL announce.


Well-Known Member
Star Wars is still popular. My nephew is 6 and watches all the movies and the Clone Wars and his favorite ride at DHS is Star Tours. Star Wars continues to get new fans because it is a timeless epic story. And now a whole new generation will be introduced to it.


Well-Known Member
It will be interesting to see how big this Uni announcement is gonna be tomorrow. I can just see Uni screwing their faces up because Disney has stolen their moment. The news has taken the Internet by storm and overseas - it's been in every newspaper and news show this week in the uk. And on top of that all the you tube response via videos and yahoos made a big deal about it. But then I do wonder what Uni WILL announce.
From what I gather, they are announcing 3 or 4 E ticket attractions: Transformers, Hogwarts Express, and 2 more HP attractions. The UNI fan sites are complaining that Disney stole their thunder. However, it is interesting to note that they are also pointing out how the "rivalry" is really in the fan's minds and actually in California the theme parks work harmoniously.

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