Disney Board of Directors -- News and Drama

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member

He sounds more like a politician everyday.

He’s had 20 years to fulfill this goal, and is now basically saying “just vote for us again and we’ll fix everything, just ignore the fact we haven’t fixed it during the previous 20 years, this time we really mean it.”

They bought and then damaged Star Wars, they bought and then damaged Pixar, they bought and are in the process of damaging Marvel, they are nickel and diming us to death in the parks… BUT they are the team to fix it. Don’t try something new, don’t change anything, just stay the course and watch the ship sink.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.


Well-Known Member
He sounds more like a politician everyday.

He’s had 20 years to fulfill this goal, and is now basically saying “just vote for us again and we’ll fix everything, just ignore the fact we haven’t fixed it during the previous 20 years, this time we really mean it.”

They bought and then damaged Star Wars, they bought and then damaged Pixar, they bought and are in the process of damaging Marvel, they are nickel and diming us to death in the parks… BUT they are the team to fix it. Don’t try something new, don’t change anything, just stay the course and watch the ship sink.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
If you think Disney is going to go bankrupt and going to be shut down forever, that’s not going to happen. Deal with it!🙄


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Original Poster
He sounds more like a politician everyday.

He’s had 20 years to fulfill this goal, and is now basically saying “just vote for us again and we’ll fix everything, just ignore the fact we haven’t fixed it during the previous 20 years, this time we really mean it.”

They bought and then damaged Star Wars, they bought and then damaged Pixar, they bought and are in the process of damaging Marvel, they are nickel and diming us to death in the parks… BUT they are the team to fix it. Don’t try something new, don’t change anything, just stay the course and watch the ship sink.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
So, you gonna vote for the guy that will make it even worse?


Well-Known Member
He sounds more like a politician everyday.

He’s had 20 years to fulfill this goal, and is now basically saying “just vote for us again and we’ll fix everything, just ignore the fact we haven’t fixed it during the previous 20 years, this time we really mean it.”

They bought and then damaged Star Wars, they bought and then damaged Pixar, they bought and are in the process of damaging Marvel, they are nickel and diming us to death in the parks… BUT they are the team to fix it. Don’t try something new, don’t change anything, just stay the course and watch the ship sink.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
Despite the recent slump, all of those things became wildly successful during Iger’s tenure as CEO of TWDC.

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
So, you gonna vote for the guy that will make it even worse?
If I was a voting stockholder I would absolutely vote for P and P, I think where we disagree is you think they’d make it worse, I don’t see any scenario where 2 out of 12 members can make it worse, but they can bring just enough dissenting voices into the room to shake things up.

If one was running for CEO, with the means to make drastic decisions, I’d take a different stance but a couple of seats won’t allow for the massive change many fear.

If I could vote to put Chapek (who I despise) on the RCiD board (over one of the Governor’s hand selected picks) I’d pick Chapek also, he wouldn’t be able to override the other 4 members but at least there’d be one person on the board who wasn’t a yes man for the boss.
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Well-Known Member
Successes Iger either bought or inherited. The only ones that were actually made during his time are Frozen, Moana and Zootopia.
Bob Iger was named President at COO of Disney in 2000, and CEO in 2005. Each of those properties have been extremely successful under his leadership:

Star Wars: Purchased 2012 for $4B. The Force Awakens was released in 2015 and Star Wars is now worth $66B (plus whatever value it adds to Disney+).

Marvel: Purchased 2009 for $4B. The biggest films pre-Disney were Spider-Man trilogy, which made $700M each. Disney’s MCU has has multiple $Billion+ films, accrued a total of $29.5 billion dollars in worldwide box office sales, and billions more in merchandise, licensing, etc.

Pixar: Purchased in 2006 for $7.4B, after years of partnership with Disney. Under Iger’s leadership, Pixar earned $17B at the worldwide box office, with an average worldwide gross of $547M per film and billions more in merch, licensing, etc. Everything after this first Cars was made after Iger purchased Pixar. Additionally, much of Disney Animation’s success could also be attributed to this purchase.

I’m not defending Bob Iger here, I’m just hoping we can deal in reality for our discussion.


Well-Known Member
An asset is only worth what someone would be willing to pay for it. There is nobody on the planet who would pay $60+ billion for Star Wars right now.
Maybe I worded it incorrectly?


Disney Irish

Premium Member
That's how much Star Wars films have earned since 1977, not how much the Lucasfilm division is worth today. It's not even the net earnings, it's the gross.

That's the equivalent of saying Sears is worth eleventy billion dollars right now because its paper catalog sold a ton of merchandise in 1936.
Well that is typically how valuation for a specific IP is calculated in the media, ie based on its overall earnings, not what the company making the IP would fetch in the open market.

With that said I believe the number I've seen thrown around for LFL these days is about $30B+. As remember it would include all of LFL which would also including ILM and all production capabilities including Stagecraft. Now whether someone would actually pay that is another matter.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Original Poster
Here's how Peltz is going to make the magic happen...

“Fundamentally and crudely, we want the stock to go up”

Y'all remember his first attempt at getting on the Board and his concern for guests at the parks?

Apparently, he doesn't.


Disney Irish

Premium Member
Here's how Peltz is going to make the magic happen...

“Fundamentally and crudely, we want the stock to go up”

Y'all remember his first attempt at getting on the Board and his concern for guests at the parks?

Apparently, he doesn't.

So which is it Nelson, Disney must reinstate the dividend as you said in Feb 2023 or that they can't afford it? Sounds like you're projecting when talking about throwing spaghetti on the wall.

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