I’m not focused on her money.You are the only one in this thread focused on her money, no one but you brought it up in this entire discourse, and you brought it up multiple times. That comes across as jealous to me. I don't know your financial situation, just as you don't know mine. You seem to have a bad habit of assuming many things about people.
As for Zegler's net worth, we don't know where her actual finances are, we just know what is reported. So we don't know if she is liquid, has it tied up in real estate, or if all of it is before she pays out to managers, lawyers, publicists, etc.
Many athletes are said to have a net worth of many Millions, but its found out they are actually poor by many standards because of all the payouts they have to make to many people. Same goes for many in Hollywood.
So for all we know that $3M that is reported might just be way under $1M when is all said and done.
Casper said she was powerless.
Money is a form of power.
I was just pointing out she is not powerless.