Disney After Hours Event


Well-Known Member
I have no problem if somebody has the money and wishes to spend $150 for 3 hrs in a mostly empty park and has the opportunity to meet rare characters. I can guarantee it won't be me. :)

I wouldn't even be to upset if EMH's were done away with, if that means that the park hours are more stable and more time is available for routine maintenance. I think the biggest cause of wear and tear of the parks and seemingly high amount of ride downtime has come from the strain of all the extra hours that the parks remaining open due to evening EMH's

Even though I am sure it wouldn't happen, maybe they could use the extra funds from these upcharged events to devote to maintenance.:rolleyes:

Just go with the perk of extra hours that Universal offers (open 1 park each morning 1 hour early with limited rides operating), it would allow onsite guests the advantage of early access without causing undue strain on the park infrastructure.
I wouldnt call 2 hours a week at 3 of the 4 parks a strain


Resident Curmudgeon
Rivers of Light is not an up charge show...

Not yet anyway, Since it's supposedly NOT an upcharge show why do AK's published hours show part closing times BEFORE LOCAL SUNSET. It's hard to draw any other conclusion other than RoL will be an upcharge event since the park apparently closes BEFORE IT GETS DARK.


Premium Member
Not yet anyway, Since it's supposedly NOT an upcharge show why do AK's published hours show part closing times BEFORE LOCAL SUNSET. It's hard to draw any other conclusion other than RoL will be an upcharge event since the park apparently closes BEFORE IT GETS DARK.
Please stop trolling threads.

You know very well that the DAK hours have not yet been updated for RoL, and you know full well it will be available during regular park hours and included with a regular park entry ticket.

If you continue with deliberately posting mis-information you will be banned.

Please take this as a final warning, you have been asked many times.


Well-Known Member
I see this as testing how far they can go with special event pricing. I would not be surprised to see the parties exceed the price of a single-day ticket as soon as this year.


Well-Known Member
While I accept this as a "rumor"...it is appearing in a number of places and, if true....Eeek! How much money are they losing on Shanghai? How far behind the projected 11% increase in per guest spending was NOT realized by implementing MM+ (or NGE) whatever you want to call it.

Lest we forget...some meaningful quotes from the rollout of MM+

"Disney’s Chief Financial Officer Jay Rasulo made an interesting comment when asked about MyMagic+: “We have known for a really long time that getting our visitors to Walt Disney World to make decisions about where they spend their time before they leave home is a powerful driver of visits per guest. When they get into the Orlando market and their time isn’t yet planned, they can be subject to everything you see down there, which is a lot of in-city marketing for all the many products that people have put there to basically bleed off the feed that we fundamentally motivate.”

Jay went on to say: “So if we can get people to plan their vacation before they leave home, we know that we get more time with them. We get a bigger share of their wallet. So that’s one thing for you guys to think about. And the second thing is what happens to purchases when they become much more convenient, and you don’t spend time queuing up for a transaction, queuing up to get in the park, and you actually have more time to enjoy the entertainment and, subsequently, spend more money doing things — other than standing in line, which, of course, you can’t spend any money while you’re doing that.”

I guess that hasn't materialized and Shanghai is bleeding money.

ETA: the quote was from 2013


Well-Known Member
Not yet anyway, Since it's supposedly NOT an upcharge show why do AK's published hours show part closing times BEFORE LOCAL SUNSET. It's hard to draw any other conclusion other than RoL will be an upcharge event since the park apparently closes BEFORE IT GETS DARK.

Dude, take it down a notch. You're flying along at an 11 this week, take it down to a 4 or 5 for a bit....


Love a little Disney every day!! ;)
So it's 100% official that EMH are no more?

No this from what most info I gathered in the rumors ongoing will be offered to non resort guests (all guests as well but what resort guest that still gets free EMH will pay unless there is some stellar special offerings) that could not do this prior on select dates in April and May, and EMH will still be free on normal EMH days/nights for resort guests. There is still EMH nights scheduled through Sept right now. :)
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Love a little Disney every day!! ;)
3,000 people is a tiny amount of guests. Maybe they're stacking these paying guests to the already existing emh's?
That's what I gathered it would be offered to non resort guests that couldn't do it before and still be free on certain nights for resort guests like always on normal scheduled EMH evenings, etc. I know the dates rumored don't correlate with the already scheduled evening EMH's but they have not taken away those evening EMH's either. :)


Active Member
You have to love how they send out a survey about adding a resort fee because of the exclusives of staying at a Disney resort like EMH. Then just a week later they introduce something that shows that they may be planning to take that exclusive away and instead make it an upcharge available to anyone for the right price.

And $150 for that upcharge?! Even if it would be a very limited amount of people, I can't imagine saying that's a great deal, especially when you could buy a 2-day pass at a cheaper price, get more hours in the park and most likely still get on all of the rides you want.

With Disney implementing all of this stuff that involves paying them extra cash, they will definitely not be seeing as much of my money on my next trip to Florida. I will stay at an offsite hotel and rent a car for less or about the same as I spend to stay at a Disney resort. And, since I now have a rental car, why limit all, or all except one of, my days to Disney property? Maybe I'll go to Universal for a day or two, or Sea World or some other sites in the area.

Disney really needs to watch just how much they want to push this nickel and diming of their customers because I'm sure that I'm obviously not the only one that's had these thoughts. And I really think if they keep trying to squeeze every last penny they can out of their guests, in the end, it's going to end up costing them money, money they could have made if they had just left things as they were and made it a "free" service to their guests.

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