Disney After Hours Event


Resident Curmudgeon
Now I'm wondering if DAK will get those after hour events as well. WDW seems to be in a roll lately with upcharges. At least this happening at DAK would make a little more sense.

Based on what's happening my thought that RoL would be an upcharge event seems to be coming closer every day especially since AK park hours have not changed and RoL is what 6 weeks away now, It will be a very sad day if however if my prediction comes true.


Well-Known Member
-Resort fee for Magical Express? Check
-Possible beginning of the end to EMH? Check
Soon we'll get the news that disney resort to park transportation will be charged, mark my words

Still, I feel like this price is too much, even for what we've seen of them so far. I'm guessing either this includes regular admission or there's something else thrown in there which they think will justify this absurd thing


Well-Known Member
2007 MNSSHP tickets, in advance, were $39. That's around $45 today depending where you look.

Last year the cheapest were $68

Bets on this year?
Wow $39 to $68 in 7 years!! In 2014 I paid $68 with tax for a mvmcp ticket, on a night that was regularly priced. In 2015 I paid $78 with tax for a mvmcp ticket on a regularly priced night. $10 increase was a little surprising.. From 2013 to 2014 it was only a few dollar increase. Curious to see the prices this year.


God bless the "Ignore" button.
I don't think one can really judge until we know what entertainment is or isn't included
Try to stop me!!!


Well-Known Member
I suppose I don't really have a problem with this if it doesn't affect regular park hours and didn't impact EMH. However, if this is the move to get rid of EMH, I am not happy about this. And I would be even more upset if they began to shorten park hours to facilitate this up charge event.
I guess I will withhold angst until I know more and it is confirmed for sure. Until then, I'll just sit here and await the next price hike or up charge or elimination of something that was previously included.


Well-Known Member
I have no problem if somebody has the money and wishes to spend $150 for 3 hrs in a mostly empty park and has the opportunity to meet rare characters. I can guarantee it won't be me. :)

I wouldn't even be to upset if EMH's were done away with, if that means that the park hours are more stable and more time is available for routine maintenance. I think the biggest cause of wear and tear of the parks and seemingly high amount of ride downtime has come from the strain of all the extra hours that the parks remaining open due to evening EMH's

Even though I am sure it wouldn't happen, maybe they could use the extra funds from these upcharged events to devote to maintenance.:rolleyes:

Just go with the perk of extra hours that Universal offers (open 1 park each morning 1 hour early with limited rides operating), it would allow onsite guests the advantage of early access without causing undue strain on the park infrastructure.

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