Discusted with Disney World

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Active Member
I'd love a Disney retro park with all the old rides rebuilt. But then again, I would enjoy all the new rides as well.


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roninbrian said:
I'd love a Disney retro park with all the old rides rebuilt. But then again, I would enjoy all the new rides as well.

Yes, because an entire park of attractions that didn't draw guests will draw in guests when they are put together. :hammer:


Well-Known Member
some valid points..

Let me say that when I get excited, I don't use the spell check either.

Let me also say that while WDW is ever changing, I do believe that Eisner and crew STOPPED listening and started reaping in profits.

I really do miss 20k a lot. It was a giant mistake to tear this out because of PROFIT MARGINS. Other people have other classic rides that they too miss, and they have their right to MISS THEM AND SAY SO.

Consequintely, I have not seen Disney, either Give a deal, or hold the line on prices when in the past few years, gas prices have soared and made going to WDW out of reach for a number of us loyal customers who are on the financial edge. I feel, and really against all of Walts beliefs, that WDW has taken a decided edge to the wealthy in moulding its prices and whatnot. In fact, Walt's big thing was that "there will alway's be 10 cent coffee at Disneyland." What I am saying is THAT attitude has gone the way of the DODO, and WDW is pushing toward a land of the elite. And for those who are saying that Disney is barely making it, check out the new private road that they are building.

instead of ripping this person who many of you, WHO DON'T PAY your WDW bills but are being supplemented by someone else, I would step back, read what this person is truly saying, and put myself in the bill paying mode. Like if this money was coming out of MY POCKET instead of someone else, and then be open to a free discussion of different minds. Because without this we can never progress in our learning.


New Member
"Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world."

-Walt Disney

I love that quote and I think it is very fitting here. Change is a part of life. I personally love that everytime I go to Disney there is something new to see and explore. Yes I shed a few tears when some of the old greats were removed (ex: 20,000), but at the same time I can't imagine MK without Winnie the Pooh and Epcot without Mission Space. They are just part of the landscape now of these parks. I just think thatthe statement that Disney i sbeing "completely destroyed" is just harsh and untrue... in my opinion at least.


Well-Known Member
bjlc57 said:
Let me say that when I get excited, I don't use the spell check either.

Let me also say that while WDW is ever changing, I do believe that Eisner and crew STOPPED listening and started reaping in profits.

I really do miss 20k a lot. It was a giant mistake to tear this out because of PROFIT MARGINS. Other people have other classic rides that they too miss, and they have their right to MISS THEM AND SAY SO.

Consequintely, I have not seen Disney, either Give a deal, or hold the line on prices when in the past few years, gas prices have soared and made going to WDW out of reach for a number of us loyal customers who are on the financial edge. I feel, and really against all of Walts beliefs, that WDW has taken a decided edge to the wealthy in moulding its prices and whatnot. In fact, Walt's big thing was that "there will alway's be 10 cent coffee at Disneyland." What I am saying is THAT attitude has gone the way of the DODO, and WDW is pushing toward a land of the elite. And for those who are saying that Disney is barely making it, check out the new private road that they are building.

instead of ripping this person who many of you, WHO DON'T PAY your WDW bills but are being supplemented by someone else, I would step back, read what this person is truly saying, and put myself in the bill paying mode. Like if this money was coming out of MY POCKET instead of someone else, and then be open to a free discussion of different minds. Because without this we can never progress in our learning.

I pay the bills at my house so I can respond, right? :rolleyes:

Disney is about making money... not about making you or anyone else happy at the parks. The only people they need to make happy are the shareholders.


New Member
Well that was an ignorant post. To ASSUME that I do not pay my WDW bill?? Honey, I pay for every trip I go on and have paid for everything for myself since I was 18 years old. I think someone has a case of foot in mouth disease.

Yes, we have a right to say we don't like when something has changed. We also have the right to opt not to go to Disney. And we have the right to reply to any and every message in this forum because it is, after all, a public forum and if you can't take the heat, get your booty out the kitchen ie. don't post if you can't handle an opposing opinion.

I do not ASSUME that most posters that are opposed to the OP are not paying for their Disney vacations.

I pay for an excellent trip every year, sometimes twice a year, and I am never disappointed. If she is, if you are, if anyone is, go somewhere else and spend your green elsewhere. You both need to scratch your mad spots and get over it.


New Member
bjlc57 said:
Let me say that when I get excited, I don't use the spell check either.

Let me also say that while WDW is ever changing, I do believe that Eisner and crew STOPPED listening and started reaping in profits.

I really do miss 20k a lot. It was a giant mistake to tear this out because of PROFIT MARGINS. Other people have other classic rides that they too miss, and they have their right to MISS THEM AND SAY SO.

Consequintely, I have not seen Disney, either Give a deal, or hold the line on prices when in the past few years, gas prices have soared and made going to WDW out of reach for a number of us loyal customers who are on the financial edge. I feel, and really against all of Walts beliefs, that WDW has taken a decided edge to the wealthy in moulding its prices and whatnot. In fact, Walt's big thing was that "there will alway's be 10 cent coffee at Disneyland." What I am saying is THAT attitude has gone the way of the DODO, and WDW is pushing toward a land of the elite. And for those who are saying that Disney is barely making it, check out the new private road that they are building.

instead of ripping this person who many of you, WHO DON'T PAY your WDW bills but are being supplemented by someone else, I would step back, read what this person is truly saying, and put myself in the bill paying mode. Like if this money was coming out of MY POCKET instead of someone else, and then be open to a free discussion of different minds. Because without this we can never progress in our learning.

I don't think we were ripping her opinion. I'm certain some here agree with it.
But we were ripping the inappropriate way in which she expressed it. Even if it's your first post, you know that a thread titled "Discusted (sic.) with Disney World" is going to get a negative response. The huge paragraphs, the typos and the fact that she continues to breathlessly reply again and again with pretty much the same response signals she is one thing: A drama queen.

And you, sir, are just as bad as she is. I DO pay for my own Disney vacations, as I suspect most of us here do. And to suggest that we can't express ourselves if we don't is just plain wrong.


New Member
Well, at least she is discusted and not disgusted! :lol:

(I'm sorry, I tried so hard, I couldn't resist.) :)

But seriously, I love Disney and a little change sure won't stop me from going.

And to the "psychic" who just "knows" that most of us here don't pay our own WDW bills, you are, once again, wrong. I've been paying all my bills since I was 16.

It's a free country and I'm going to voice my opinions all I want and right now, my opinion is that a person of such great intelligence and psychic abilities such as yourself doesn't belong on a forum with us lowly, money-suck**g leeches. :rolleyes:

Get a life.


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bjlc57 said:
Let me say that when I get excited, I don't use the spell check either.

Thats great. I never use it. Maybe because I learned to write correctly.

bjlc57 said:
Let me also say that while WDW is ever changing, I do believe that Eisner and crew STOPPED listening and started reaping in profits.

It appears they have done both. Streamlined the company, saving money, while continuing to expand and improve. Remember, MGM and AK both opened under Eisner. AK is extremely expensive to maintain, but it was opened to give guests a new experience. And don't forget Eisner wanted to open Disney's America as well, before Virginia shut it down. Yes, they make profit from these things. However, saying they are only going for profit is just ignorant of the facts.

bjlc57 said:
I really do miss 20k a lot. It was a giant mistake to tear this out because of PROFIT MARGINS. Other people have other classic rides that they too miss, and they have their right to MISS THEM AND SAY SO.

The subs were leaking, the structures were in disrepair almost constantly, and most of all, the ride wasn't ADA compliant. The third one doomed the ride, not profit. There was no way to make the ride handicap accessible, because the subs sat so low in the water.

bjlc57 said:
Consequintely, I have not seen Disney, either Give a deal, or hold the line on prices when in the past few years, gas prices have soared and made going to WDW out of reach for a number of us loyal customers who are on the financial edge. I feel, and really against all of Walts beliefs, that WDW has taken a decided edge to the wealthy in moulding its prices and whatnot. In fact, Walt's big thing was that "there will alway's be 10 cent coffee at Disneyland." What I am saying is THAT attitude has gone the way of the DODO, and WDW is pushing toward a land of the elite. And for those who are saying that Disney is barely making it, check out the new private road that they are building.

You're blaming WDW for gas prices? No, they haven't given a deal. However, no other company has either. You can't hold that against them. Not to mention the fact that Disney's costs are up because of the fuel prices, but have they cut back on transportation? No. Or started a fuel surcharge? No again. And the road isn't private. They are extending the state road on their own dime because it will benefit both them and the area. And thats somehow bad?

bjlc57 said:
instead of ripping this person who many of you, WHO DON'T PAY your WDW bills but are being supplemented by someone else, I would step back, read what this person is truly saying, and put myself in the bill paying mode. Like if this money was coming out of MY POCKET instead of someone else, and then be open to a free discussion of different minds. Because without this we can never progress in our learning.

Wow. Good job on paying those bills!

I pay my WDW bills. But that isn't important. The cost of the vacation doesn't factor in when I'm experiencing WDW. Sure, there may be some things I don't agree with. But all decisions that I've seen have been made for the right reasons by TWDC.

However, saying her opinion is somehow more important because she pays her own way doesn't make sense. Especially since there are people here that spend a lot more than her $2000 per trip. Does that make their opinion more important than hers?

This, hands down, is the best "drama bomb" I have seen on this board in months.

Oh, and Thrawn . . . you are a wise person for only being 22 years young. Congrats to your parents for doing a great job.


Well-Known Member
I'm curious as to where this came from...those who don't pay their own WDW bills?
I mean, you must have some reason for saying that...am I missing out on something?

If not, then I'll have to jump in and take offense to that as well. The only time I didn't "pay my WDW bills" was when I was on the college program and had free entry (just like the other many CMs here)...but trust me, I still forked over quite a bit of my hard-earned money to the mouse. And since then, every penny spent there (WITHOUT a discount) has been my own.

Anywho...to bryansbaby:
somebody mentioned this earlier, but have you read all of the encouraging/non-flaming responses? I haven't really seen you reply to anything except for the insults.
The majority of this thread consists of constructive responses from people who would really like to have a decent conversation. But it has to include you, too, since you brought it up.


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technoarch said:

This, hands down, is the best "drama bomb" I have seen on this board in months.

Oh, and Thrawn . . . you are a wise person for only being 22 years young. Congrats to your parents for doing a great job.

Thanks :wave:


New Member
I have to agree with Thrawn, I never use spell check either. It's this neat-o place, it's called School!! And they have English class and everything!!!

Bwahahahaha I am evil...


Well-Known Member
My thoughts are this. WDW always had things that a 2 year old to someone in their 90s would find enjoyable. Not everything has to appeal to those ends of the age spectrum, but there needs to be things, like slow, dark rides, and enhancements in those areas, as well as faster, "thrill" rides. From a business sense, Disney should not shrink its own marketplace by ignorning the broad spectrum of ages and tastes that visit its parks.


Active Member
righttrack said:
My thoughts are this. WDW always had things that a 2 year old to someone in their 90s would find enjoyable. Not everything has to appeal to those ends of the age spectrum, but there needs to be things, like slow, dark rides, and enhancements in those areas, as well as faster, "thrill" rides. From a business sense, Disney should not shrink its own marketplace by ignorning the broad spectrum of ages and tastes that visit its parks.

I don't think they do, otherwise they would not have built rides like Pooh, all of Toontown Fair and Stitch. Epcot needed a couple of thrill rides. For years, Epcot was doing the exact opposite of what you are saying here. Everything was slower with no thrill rides.


Well-Known Member
Remember the old Pepto Bismol ads....I can't believe I ate (read) the whole thing. Man this thread was almost as good as the Epcot Flower and Garden thread.


Active Member
rshell68 said:
Remember the old Pepto Bismol ads....I can't believe I ate (read) the whole thing. Man this thread was almost as good as the Epcot Flower and Garden thread.

Epcot Flower and Garden thread?
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