Discusted with Disney World

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Well-Known Member
DH pays my bills. And this trip was financed by the idiot who rear ended us on I-95 last April. We received the PIN offer by email three days after we got the check for our totalled car.

But, generally, my DH and I pay our own bills. We even had a yard sale to add to our Disney Fund :drevil: and made over $600 (billion... yen).

So thank you, bad drivers and junk seekers alike, for making a magical first anniversary trip possible!

P.S. we actually would've gone anyway.


New Member
Thrawn said:

I meant what I said. Write, not spell. Writing is not only used as "pen and paper" anymore. When an author writes a novel these days, do you actually think they use pen and paper? Writing is the act of putting together coherent sentences, paragraphs, and words, and using them to create a meaningful post, or book, or whatever you may be writing.

Thanks for the flame attempt, better luck next time.

It wasn't a flame attempt it was a fact -- you said you don't use spell check because you learned to write correctly. Being able to write correctly doesn't have anything to do with using spell check -- which only checks for correct spelling. If you read my entire post I said that "to write" also means to put your thoughts in written form not only the act of physically writing the letters.


New Member
I love you guys, it's cool how we come together for all things Disney.

Come on everyone, let's all be friends. No doubt that some of us have problem with Disney every now and then and I agree that the OP sounded rather immature in her post, both in content and style of writing. But what I was most offended by was that ridiculous comment about not paying our own WDW bills.

To the poster who is going to Disney using funds from the car wreck, hey, nothing wrong with that. Especially in your case, you need to celebrate life and live it to the fullest. Have a great time and anniversary!


New Member



First went to WDW in 1980-81 (forget exactly), all they had was TMK (EPCOT was being built). It was ok, long lines, lots of people, pretty cool though (for a 20 year old;) ).

Move ahead 17 years.......Went on my Honeymoon (with wife of course) in 1998 (Sept.) and we had an unbelievable time! Wow, 4 theme parks this time and two water parks, Downtown Disney etc... Unbelievable! It was fantastic, so much better than 1981 (but then again it was our Honeymoon:slurp: ). Oh, stayed at Dixie Landings.

Can't wait to bring our 5 year old boy there (23 days to go:) POR for 10 days!!!).

Has WDW progressed and gotten better? IMO, I think so (now 43):cool:


Account Suspended
BRYANSBABY06290 said:
I also want to let you know that I posted on two other boards and everyone was much more supportive. They did not all agree but they encourouged me to try WDW again, and felt bad that I felt the way I did. They discussed what specificially i didn't like, agreed on some points, not on others. We talked about old rides we missed, new rides we like or dont like. GAve me advice on how to possibly enjoy the changes and tried to understand. They respected how I felt and felt bad because they knew what a huge WDW fan I was, and still am in most respects. I am just worried that by the time I go next year, if I do, then every thing I was looking forward to seeing will be gone. No one insulted me or my grammar or made me feel like an idiot. They were civilized and considerate.

as you know I have already spoken my peace but just one more thing, why should we have sympathy for you? For not enjoying disney anymore, that doesnt even make sense. I feel bad for everyone who is subjected to this entire thread. With the political jokes and fierce fights I am very surpirsed that it hasnt closed down yet. and another thing I was just wondering... did you write that same exact speech on other sites and then just paste it here? because if you did on other websites, I would be willing to bet that they would be just as ed as everyone here is now.


Well-Known Member
"Is this the right room for an argument ?" Wow, this thread makes the famous Monty Python sketch look somewhat inferior in comparison. Is it too late to join in ?


I'm not saying...

kellydisney said:
Krueg, nah, speaking for myself, anything I say on these boards I'd gladly say to someone's face. I have nothing to hide! I bet the majority here would agree.

I'm not doubting you or trying to start an argument, it's just funny to me. This girl was just voicing her opinion. Yeah, she made some grammatical and spelling errors but we get the gist of what she was saying. Then people proceeded to crucify her, calling her dumb, uneducated, etc. It's sad. Why do people feel they need to tear someone down. If someone comes on here and rips Disney up and down, I would state my opinion, but not revert to name calling and personal attacks...you know?

All I'm saying is that it's easy to treat someone like that on a message board and I wonder if most people would go right to the personal stuff if they were looking a person in the eyes. Maybe I'm way off, just my opinion.

The important thing is that I'm leaving for the Wilderness Lodge in three days!!!! Week at the world.


Active Member
I just came across this post and the hail storm of anger that followed. I also miss some of those great old rides, but sometimes we have to look at Disney World in a logical sense. Of course the majority of Disney's success is rooted in the creative, but the long term success comes from success. What I mean by that is that Disney has continued to be able to produce the highest quality of movies and theme parks because they have had money rolling in to put back into production, and we have all benefitted from that.

But in today's world, where you have Universal, Sea World, Six Flags, TV, movies, the internet, etc... all fighting for your time and money, everyone in entertainment has to sacrifice the purity of the creative mind from time to time and do what is right for business. People today tend to have thirty-second attention spans and may not sit for a fifteen minute show with birds singing antiquated music. But Disney can't just say, "Take it or leave it!" because most people will leave it. And they'll take their money with them. It becomes cost prohibitive (electricity, staff, upkeep, etc..) to run a show or ride that caters to ten people an hour. (See: Timekeeper)

In this respect, Disney should actually be commended. They have updated the parks to keep with the modern atmosphere of entertainment, but never forgot to make thier attractions special with story lines and cutting edge special effects. Take the Rockin' Roller Coaster for example. They didn't just slap together a coaster to compete with Six Flags, but added amazing visuals and music to make it a totally immersive experience.

To Briansbaby, I first say sorry that almost everyone on here has been so rotten to you. I think you need to look at things from a different perspective, but you're hardly the Disney equivalent of the anti-Christ.

Secondly, here is my idea of a different perspective for you: Cherish your memories, especially those with the people you love and are or were most close to, but don't discount what Disney has to offer. Try to understand the reality of the business end of Disney while still appreciating the great lengths they go to in order to entertain. And don't take it too seriously. Just enjoy so that someday your own kids will learn to enjoy Disney, and fifty years from now, when Disney replaces the Tower of Terror, your kids can say, "Damn, I loved that ride. I used to go on it with my mom!"

Lastly, to everyone who was so angry that they were ready to lynch this poor young lady, get a life. There are much bigger problems out there.
Wow!!! This thread made my afternoon at work go by fast. :lookaroun
I felt like I was watching a movie and bryansbaby was standing on a ledge waiting to jump but Thrawn being the voice of reason was trying to talk her down.

Bryansbaby- Just relax, calm down and give Disney another shot. There is a lot of magic out there; you just need to look around. This site is the perfect remedy for your Disney blues because the people here point out the best in WDW. Welcome to the boards.


Well-Known Member
^My thoughts exactly. I opened up the window, and the responses to the OP looked like they wouldn't even come from a Disney site...


Well-Known Member
You do not know anything about me. I happen to be a straight A student and work hard for my A's. I hold down 3 jobs, dance 2 hours a day and take 6 classes a semester.

How in the heck do you even have time to be disappointed in Disney?? (JK)

Look, you have to take the things people say to you with a grain of salt...many do not like to have their "baby" beat up on in any way...unless they do it, of course. You can always tell the maturity level of folks when they respond the way they do...just remember that.

Disney, like any other company, has to change, they just do. Survival depends on it. Many like the changes made, many do not. Think of how may people WDW has to take into account when making changes...seems like a pretty hefty job.

These changes are not made in a vacuum...nor do they take just one or two people into account, which would be silly. Companies change to meet the current trends and needs of its customers. They must!!

Take for example the current crop of kids...raised on video games and fast paced life styles...lights, explosions, faster, higher, stronger...you get the point. We were at WDW with our 7-year-old son and he loved all of those new rides. Mission: Space, Test Track, Tower...we took him on PoTC and when it was over he just sat and looked at me...then said, "Dad...that was it?" It hit me...I missed some of those classics from the 70's and 80's, but my son would have been done in about ten minutes if that was all that was offered...heck, the kid was even kinda' bored with Space Mountain.

Guess what generation Disney is geared towards...the current kids. That is the target...not us old 40 something’s or even the 20 something’s. And to be honest with you...after 7 days at WDW, I found I really didn't miss all of the "classics" anyway...time stands still for no man.

These changes are not made in a vacum...nor do they take just one or two people into account, that would be silly. Companies change to meet the current trends and needs of it's customers. They must!!

Take for example the current crop of kids...raised on video games and fast paced life styles...lights, explosions, faster, higher, stronger...you get the point. We were at WDW with our 7 year old son and he loved all of those new rides. Mission: Space, Test Track, Tower...we took him on PoTC and when it was over he just sat and looked at me...then said, "Dad...that was it?" It hit me...I missed some of those classics from the 70's and 80's, but my son would have been done in about ten minutes if that was all that was offered...heck, the kid was even kinda' bored with Space Mountain.

Guess what generation Disney is geared towards...the current kids. That is the target...not us old 40 somethings or even the 20 somethings. And to be honest with you...after 7 days at WDW, I found I really didn't miss all of the "classics" anyway...time stands still for no man.


New Member
First of all, Disney will never please everyone. Second, they are taking out the least popular rides, Disney is company, one that needs to worry about the bottom line as all companies do. Boring (to most), older rides are not going to keep people coming back to the park anymore. That may have worked many years ago, but people are changing, including kids, they arent interested in the same things kids from 20 years ago are interested in. Also I should bring up that Universal is not a teen park, that would six flags. There are a ton of families, more than any other demo. there. Universal is a different kind of family getaway, they are not competitors, but more compliments to each other. Most people that come to one, go to the other. Now back to Disney, I would expect to see more "classics" gone within the next 10 years, carousel of progress, spaceship earth, wonders of life (if you could consider that classic), and more rides like that. Disney is just trying to keep up in a very rapidly changing business.


Well-Known Member
BRYANSBABY06290 said:
. I know I cant do anything about it but I hate change.
This was buried on page 2, but I think is key in all this. Sweetheart, change takes place not only at Disney, but in every area and facet of life. The dynamics of your life will change, your career will change, your family will change, your country will change, you will change. Everything you touch, see, and hear will change. Get used to it. I think this goes far beyond Disney based on your statement. You'll never make it in the real world, let alone Disney's world if you don't accept this one simple truth.


New Member
Other than the "leave this board" threat, a handful of sarcastic comments, and a few people making fun of her spelling and whining, I don't see these MEAN comments people are talking about? I think most of the comments were made tounge in cheek and most of us were making fun and joking around. So I'm not sure why these replies are "unDisney like" or why we have to be "Disney" like in the first place.

Last I checked, my paycheck came from a company in Boston, not TWDC. I don't have to have fairy dust up my butt. :lol:
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