Discusted with Disney World

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Well-Known Member
Gosh, I can't believe you got that up so fast lol :)

Ahh, I loved that thread. And DH and I have a camcorder we're bringing to the Food & Wine festival where subject in question will be. Planning on getting some great video of 'planters'...


Well-Known Member
PigletIsMyCat said:
Gosh, I can't believe you got that up so fast lol :)

Ahh, I loved that thread. And DH and I have a camcorder we're bringing to the Food & Wine festival where subject in question will be. Planning on getting some great video of 'planters'...

Forum search is your friend! :D


As much as I miss Horizons, I hope they never stop updating and changing WDW.

I would prefer educational people movers, over thrill rides,

Also, I wouldnt want my grandchildren having to see my generations 80's and 90's outlook on the future. Times change.

I have posted this before but, I can see the nostalgia, in the way one likes an old movie. Perhpaps Disney one day will proactivly record a ride, from the riders perspective, so future guests can experience them in some way, and old timers can re-visit old favorites. Even if it was a dvd movie, or some virtual reality type ride.



I can't believe I read every post...i deserve a trophy! I just can't believe how some people feel they need to judge someone they don't know and throw personal attacks around. i guess it's easy for small people to use the anonymity of the board to feel big...who knows. Anyways, Disney World is and will continue to be a wonderful place. Corporate can try and screw it up but the spirit of Walt and all the generations of Disney Fans ultimately will prevail in my opinion. I'm more worked up over gas prices...:mad:


Well-Known Member
Thrawn said:
Maybe you are experiencing the wrong things. I'm about your age, and I spend far more than $2000 on my longer trips to WDW. However, I love every second of it. You have to remember that each trip is about making new memories and not only reliving old ones.

I have to agree with you Thrawn.

I like you BryansBaby have been going to WDW since I was 2. I am now 22. I may not remember as much as you, but I do remember certain things. I do miss rides like Mr. Toad's and the original Figment, however, I also am aware that Disney is trying to change things to keep people who aren't Disney fanatics coming back. While I do hope that some of the rumors aren't true (IE I really don't care for the idea of putting Jack Sparrow in POTC) if they do end up coming true, it won't make me love Disney any less.

While it's great to go back to Disney to try to remember everything from your past, Disney is also about creating new memories. If I had decided never to go back to Disney last year because I didn't like the changes they were making, I would have never gotten all those new memories I have from going for the first time with my boyfriend (now my fiance as he proposed to me on this trip.) And those new memories are now ones that are going to be important in my mind as well. And I can't wait to take my kids (when I actually have some) there because I can't wait to create new memories with them too. Not have them try to relive the same memories that I have from being a kid.

So please don't give up on Disney. There is still a lot of magic left. Try riding Soarin and tell me it's not amazing. Now obviously it's your choice, but I (and I'm sure a lot of people here on the boards) think that you are making a bad decision. Disney is an amazing place to go on vacation, all you have to do is let the new magic in.


New Member
Krueg, nah, speaking for myself, anything I say on these boards I'd gladly say to someone's face. I have nothing to hide! I bet the majority here would agree.


New Member
I'm a long time WDWMagic.com poster and I just wanted to say that every thing about Walt Disney World is great! The Walt Disney Co. can do no wrong, and anyone who thinks differently is wrong! The person who started this thread doesn't get it. My opinion is the only one that matters, and if you think anything different from me I will bash you on this board. WDW is perfect in every way.


New Member
Whew, I've been reading this thread for over 30 minutes and I find two things very interesting:

1. All of you who are commenting on the OP's spelling and punctuation need to look at your own posts. There are incorrectly spelled words, improper punctuation, and poor grammer in almost all of them, including the person a few posts back who said they didn't need to use spell check because they had "learned to write". I believe they meant spell. Writing is the action of taking the pencil or pen and actually forming the letters, or compiling one's thoughts into written form, it has nothing to do with spelling.

2. The people who are doing the name calling are the ones who normally have the strongest opinions on all Disney matters. I can't imagine the education they are all claiming to have, as opposed to the OP, included how to be so incredibly rude.

Finally, to the OP: Please try to take a deep breath before you post. As much as I want to defend you and your position I find it hard when you come off sounding a little bratty. A thoughtful, planned out post is often much more effective than the ones you are posting so far.


Account Suspended
MinnieSummer said:
1. All of you who are commenting on the OP's spelling and punctuation need to look at your own posts. There are incorrectly spelled words, improper punctuation, and poor grammer in almost all of them, including the person a few posts back who said they didn't need to use spell check because they had "learned to write". I believe they meant spell. Writing is the action of taking the pencil or pen and actually forming the letters, or compiling one's thoughts into written form, it has nothing to do with spelling.


I meant what I said. Write, not spell. Writing is not only used as "pen and paper" anymore. When an author writes a novel these days, do you actually think they use pen and paper? Writing is the act of putting together coherent sentences, paragraphs, and words, and using them to create a meaningful post, or book, or whatever you may be writing.

Thanks for the flame attempt, better luck next time.


Account Suspended
diesel said:
I think i am going to make popcorn tonight sit back and see how far this is going to go..:slurp:

I forget what the forum record is for posts in a thread, but I think this just might beat it.


Active Member
Thrawn said:
I forget what the forum record is for posts in a thread, but I think this just might beat it.
even if it doesn't beat the longest thread record, it surely holds the title for most posts in a single thread in 24 hours


Wow, a lot more has been posted on this since I went to bed last night and got up for work this morning! I have one major thing to add. I pay my WDW bills! The only time I didn't was when I was a child and went with my parents. Call them crazy, but they figured we could go a lot more often if they didn't rely on their child's piggy bank to send us. I went to college in Tampa, and we went all the time, and as college students, PAID OUR OWN WAY. We didn't have a lot, but we wanted to go, so we saved and went. Now, as a married woman about to start her own family (a little scared, but hopefully soon) we go and have never relied on anyone to help us pay. It's from our own hard earned money. Sorry, that just kinda upset me...I don't know where you got that we don't pay our own trips...maybe you don't, but I most certainly do.
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