Discusted with Disney World

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HunnyPot said:
I'm confused then as to why you started this thread. If it's none of our buisness how you feel about a ride, why did you make it our buisness? You are so set on having your own opinion, yet you seem to put us down for ours.

If we haven't encouraged you enough to come back to WDW like they did on the other site with 16 responses (I would like to point out here that this thread has at least 170 responses now), then I'm sorry. I hate to see someone outgrow Disney, but I think thats your real problem. It just dosen't have the same magic to you anymore, for whatever reason, and your blaming that entirely on the changes.

What I was trying to say was is the personal reasons the rides mean so much to me is no one's business. The people I shared the rides with, the memoriesm and the new people in my life I wanted to share them with. If you knew me you would know I'm a big kid...which is why I love DIsney so much....but I also absolutely hate change. Not all change just change, mostly from my childhood. But whatever....I haven;t outgrown disney...i'm not saying i wouldn;t have a great timeon the new rides.

I;m just upset that the rides I loved so much are gone. Thats what Im upset about but you know what it dosn't matter. Its my problem how I feel about it and whether or not I decide to go back to WDW. IF the changes upset me then they will upset me. If I miss the old rides, I miss them. If that makes me crazy then I'm crazy. I am what I am.


Well-Known Member
BRYANSBABY06290 said:
I;m just upset that the rides I loved so much are gone. Thats what Im upset about but you know what it dosn't matter. Its my problem how I feel about it and whether or not I decide to go back to WDW. IF the changes upset me then they will upset me. If I miss the old rides, I miss them. If that makes me crazy then I'm crazy. I am what I am.

A little advice from someone that has a few more years of life than you. If you keep going with the "I hate change" attitude in life, you will be a very unhappy person.

By all means, keep your memories alive and relish them, but don't lock everything out just because of change. It's a basic part of life and when you figure out how to adjust to and maybe even embrace change, your life will be much more fulfilling!


Exactly. You are what you are, and thats ok. I just hope you won't give up on WDW just yet. I think you should take your boyfriend there, give it another chance. Yes, it's not the same, but not much in this world stays exactly the same. If you think you might have fun on the new rides, then go and ride them, and have fun. :)


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A question....does anyone think the Electrical Light parade will ever come back? It seems to move from Disneyland to WDW to PAris DIsney and I think its back in DIsney land soon. DO they move it every few years?


New Member
BRYANSBABY06290 said:
IF the changes upset me then they will upset me. If I miss the old rides, I miss them. If that makes me crazy then I'm crazy. I am what I am.
Well, I would have to agree that the loss of certain attractions makes me crazy as well.

I certainly miss the Skyway between Fantasyland and Tomorrowland. :cry:

Aside from the guests spitting on the CMs below, what was the technical or financial reason the Skyway was closed? I'm sure some thread has discussed this in the past, I'm too lazy to wait for a search query to respond. :eek:


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Thrawn said:
edit: I caught something about you not liking the closure of Horizons. You should know, if you don't already, that the Horizons building was structurally unsound and needed to be removed. It had to be, regardless of Mission Space. Luckily, we got an e-ticket to replace it.

I don't want to add to the already mounting tention in this thread but this begs to question, why would Disney make a ride that was structurally unsound? You can not say "AGE" cause there are rides that are much older then horizons and they are extemely "structurally sound" what did Disney do "WRONG" that made this ride prone to being structually unsound?


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darthdarrel said:
I don't want to add to the already mounting tention in this thread but this begs to question, why would Disney make a ride that was structurally unsound? You can not say "AGE" cause there are rides that are much older then horizons and they are extemely "structurally sound" what did Disney do "WRONG" that made this ride prone to being structually unsound?

Florida is a giant swamp. Its more complicated than that, but its 130am.


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BRYANSBABY06290 said:
A question....does anyone think the Electrical Light parade will ever come back? It seems to move from Disneyland to WDW to PAris DIsney and I think its back in DIsney land soon. DO they move it every few years?

WDW still has a nighttime parade. It isn't called Main Street Electrical, but SpectroMagic is still very good.


New Member
darthdarrel said:
I don't want to add to the already mounting tention in this thread but this begs to question, why would Disney make a ride that was structurally unsound? You can not say "AGE" cause there are rides that are much older then horizons and they are extemely "structurally sound" what did Disney do "WRONG" that made this ride prone to being structually unsound?
Disney didn't do anything wrong. Sinkholes happen in Florida sometimes. Florida geology is such that we have a very shallow water table. I have a sprinkler pump in my back yard connected to a well. The well is only 24 feet deep and my pump never runs dry!


Account Suspended
BRYANSBABY06290 said:
Why be upset?? Umm lets think...you cant control how you feel about something. If I miss a ride that (for reasons which is no body's business) means a lot to me than of course I'm gonna be upset about the situation. If we had the ability to control how we feel about things based on the fact that we cant change them than everyone would be happy all the time.

You can miss the ride. Thats fine. But saying that its removal has "disgusted" you with WDW is clearly making a bold statement that isn't grounded in reality. You can love Horizons or any other ride all you want. However, that doesn't change the fact that it HAD TO be removed, and theres nothing no one can do about that. You are twenty years old. You should be focusing on what you can do next, what memories you can make in the future, not trying to grasp onto the ones from the past like its all you have. Wait until you're 90 for that. Memories are fine to remember, but life is about making new ones.


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MrNonacho said:
Stay in school, kids.

Today I had just about the worst day in my entire life of 35 years. I have to thank you for my only laugh of the day (even though the day is officially over since it's 1:45am). Don't they teach English in school anymore?



New Member
Woody13 said:
Disney didn't do anything wrong. Sinkholes happen in Florida sometimes. Florida geology is such that we have a very shallow water table. I have a sprinkler pump in my back yard connected to a well. The well is only 24 feet deep and my pump never runs dry!
So is that what happened? It fell into a sink hole?
Just wondered cause it sounds awfully suspicious to me. :lookaroun


New Member
darthdarrel said:
Geeze! Jump down my throat why don't you?
All I did was ask, I am not calling you a liar! read my statement again :rolleyes:
I'm sorry Darrel. I was just being direct and factual. I had no intention to jump down your throat (too many nasty things in there). :wave: I have stayed out of your pants as well for obvious reasons.


New Member
Woody13 said:
There was a geologic fault. But if you don't believe me, take it up with Steve:


ok I could be reading things wrong here but it sounds like Horizons was not built with structural integrity in mind in the first place.....
The primary reason to do away with the ride system and gut the building was to correct problems with building failure and reinforce and correct these problems, then install a new attraction that does not place as much stress that the old ride did

That right there tells me that they miscalculated something when they built horizons.
And this is from the link that you provided me with Woody.Not to mention I see nothing about a geologial fault all it says is that the structure was not sound and was not originally built sound so they built another ride that did not have as much stress placed on it.


New Member
Well, I think there are two kinds of engineers in this field, those that build to the minimum spec to pass code, and those that build to the paranoid extreme to last a lifetime. If code calls for a steel beam of 2" x 10", why not put in two 2" x 12" instead?

My guess is that Horizons had a bad case of the former.


The only constant in life is change.

Besides, most of the rides you listed were and are completely falling apart anyway. Can you imagine what state World of Motion would be in now, if it were still around?

- Brian


New Member
Brian_B said:
The only constant in life is change.

Besides, most of the rides you listed were and are completely falling apart anyway. Can you imagine what state World of Motion would be in now, if it were still around?

- Brian

Well if they kept it up and did constant updates and refurbishments it would be in perfect condition today, just look at It's a small world that was built way before World of motion! :animwink:


New Member
BRYANSBABY06290 said:
A question....does anyone think the Electrical Light parade will ever come back? It seems to move from Disneyland to WDW to PAris DIsney and I think its back in DIsney land soon. DO they move it every few years?

Disneyland's Main Street Electrical was "permenantly" retired when Disneyland shut it down to add Light Magic. They sold off all the lightbulbs (money went to charity)

It was reconditioned and given new bulbs and shipped to WDW when SprectroMagic was being refurbished.

I don't have the details of when it left the country, but it did go through the streets of New York right before heading to WDW. (I remember watching it on TV thinking, "where did they get the light bulbs?")

It now lives at Disney's California Adventure as their nighttime parade.

As a side note, Light Magic lasted about one season. You can see the remains of it as you walk to IASW (Disneyland, of course).

So, technically, it's not a touring show but it was used in other capacities during its "down time". Never say never, but I don't see it returning any time soon. (not that I have any inside info anyway...)
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