Did I Really Just See That.....in Disney World?????


Well-Known Member
I saw a lot of obnoxious, entitled, and otherwise ugly behavior during my trip a couple weeks ago, but these were my favorites.

The first day of SWW, my dad and my son and I left H&V like 10 minutes before the SW parade was about to start. My son was tired and we wanted to leave HS but a nearby CM told us there was no way out until the parade was over. Okay, whatever, that's my own fault for poor planning, gotta live with it. We settled in to wait. A few minutes later a couple rolls up near us with both a double stroller and a single stroller, all full of 10 year olds, and the father tells the CM they've got to get through. No explanation, they just need to get through. THEY WANT TO LEAVE. The CM politely tells him the same thing he told us: Nope, not possible, you can't get through until the parade is over. The father starts screaming and flipping out "What kind of s*** is this?!?", F-bombing the CM, totally not caring that his own children, my child, and a handful of other children are near enough to hear it all. The CM just takes it, repeats himself, and walks a little away. Dad keeps ranting to his wife.

AND THEN, a little girl takes a header down the steps of H&V and tears up her knees. The mother rushes to the same CM and tells him her daughter needs first aid, so the CM opens up a hole in the parade crowd to get the family through. SuperDad starts yelling at his wife, "Go! Follow them! F***ing follow them!" and he and his family get through the parade crowd, thanks to the poor little girl who hurt herself. Classy.

Honorable mention goes to the young girl (maybe 11 or 12 yo) in the bathroom next to Beaches & Cream who was repeatedly, at the top of her lungs, telling another little girl to go f*** herself. That happened during our first hour in WDW. My poor son was so scared he couldn't manage to use the toilet, and he asked me, "Mommy, what are we doing here?" :hilarious:


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
I saw a lot of obnoxious, entitled, and otherwise ugly behavior during my trip a couple weeks ago, but these were my favorites.

The first day of SWW, my dad and my son and I left H&V like 10 minutes before the SW parade was about to start. My son was tired and we wanted to leave HS but a nearby CM told us there was no way out until the parade was over. Okay, whatever, that's my own fault for poor planning, gotta live with it. We settled in to wait. A few minutes later a couple rolls up near us with both a double stroller and a single stroller, all full of 10 year olds, and the father tells the CM they've got to get through. No explanation, they just need to get through. THEY WANT TO LEAVE. The CM politely tells him the same thing he told us: Nope, not possible, you can't get through until the parade is over. The father starts screaming and flipping out "What kind of s*** is this?!?", F-bombing the CM, totally not caring that his own children, my child, and a handful of other children are near enough to hear it all. The CM just takes it, repeats himself, and walks a little away. Dad keeps ranting to his wife.

AND THEN, a little girl takes a header down the steps of H&V and tears up her knees. The mother rushes to the same CM and tells him her daughter needs first aid, so the CM opens up a hole in the parade crowd to get the family through. SuperDad starts yelling at his wife, "Go! Follow them! F***ing follow them!" and he and his family get through the parade crowd, thanks to the poor little girl who hurt herself. Classy.

Honorable mention goes to the young girl (maybe 11 or 12 yo) in the bathroom next to Beaches & Cream who was repeatedly, at the top of her lungs, telling another little girl to go f*** herself. That happened during our first hour in WDW. My poor son was so scared he couldn't manage to use the toilet, and he asked me, "Mommy, what are we doing here?" :hilarious:

And I bet that 11 year old girl learned her behavior from a parent like the entitled dad. BTW, how do 10 year olds fit in a stroller? Have 10 year olds forgotten how to walk?


Well-Known Member
And I bet that 11 year old girl learned her behavior from a parent like the entitled dad. BTW, how do 10 year olds fit in a stroller? Have 10 year olds forgotten how to walk?

Exaaactly. There were lots of those moms, dads, and kids around Y&BC. Lots. It was the only downside to the resort, but I will assume it's the same at all the resorts.

10 year olds don't fit in a stroller, but that doesn't mean they can't try! I don't know. I just don't know. I felt a fair amount of embarrassment over putting my four-year-old in a stroller. If he can't walk around WDW without a stroller by the time he's 6, well, then, we're not going back to WDW until he can.


Well-Known Member
My wife and I were talking and we remembered two things from our last trip:

- A woman, in her 20s-30s, wearing shorts and belly shirt with her thong hanging out. It wasn't like she bent over and it showed...so it was showing as she walked...
- We were at MK during Pride Day, which let me preface by saying that I have gay friends and support them, any way, there was a gay gentleman wearing a t-shirt that said: "My BJ (spelled out) brings all the boys to the yard"

In my view, whether it's thong woman or t-shirt dude, Disney should have asked them both to fix their attire.
Last November we were at HS and there was a women (with her family which included children) wearing a completely sheer blouse and all she had on under it were two strategically placed mickey stickers(you know the round ones they give out in abundance).


Well-Known Member
ECV war __(check)__
Stroller war __(check)__
Refill war _________
Sitting in the grass war _________
GAC war _________
Pool hoping war _________

Two started, four to go.

One of our favorite things to look for in Disney parks is the Halloween outfits that some wear. First, I want to say that spandex is a privilege, not a right (yes, that was a movie quote. :D). One MNSSHP we saw a family dressed as The Incredibles. It would have been okay if they were built even somewhere near the same as the movie family, but they were not. And the dad needed to wear a cup. I'm just saying you could see it all. Ewww.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Last November we were at HS and there was a women (with her family which included children) wearing a completely sheer blouse and all she had on under it were two strategically placed mickey stickers(you know the round ones they give out in abundance).

Well so much for the "please wear appropriate attire" dress code. So if they let her in (and wearing Mickey sticker pasties, no less), then they can no longer prohibit costumes....


Well-Known Member
I think many of these people wear something else into the park and change once they are in the gates. Then again, maybe it truly is less than vigilant CM's at the gates.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
ECV war __(check)__
Stroller war __(check)__
Refill war _________
Sitting in the grass war _________
GAC war _________
Pool hoping war _________

Two started, four to go.

One of our favorite things to look for in Disney parks is the Halloween outfits that some wear. First, I want to say that spandex is a privilege, not a right (yes, that was a movie quote. :D). One MNSSHP we saw a family dressed as The Incredibles. It would have been okay if they were built even somewhere near the same as the movie family, but they were not. And the dad needed to wear a cup. I'm just saying you could see it all. Ewww.

Spandex and leggings as articles of clothing need to be banned, period. Guess that dad took the, going to Disney can be casual, thing a little too far. How do some of these folks get past security dressed the way they do?


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
I think many of these people wear something else into the park and change once they are in the gates. Then again, maybe it truly is less than vigilant CM's at the gates.

Or in the case of the mother with the strategically placed Mickey stickers, a distracted CM.....

I still cannot comprehend how you could think going to a family attraction wearing that would be okay in any shape or form...and adding the stickers would make it more acceptable? Or was that the idea of a rogue CM? "I'm sorry, ma'am, we cannot let you in dressed like that, but if you'd like these two Mickey stickers"...
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Well-Known Member
I did see a CM take two young females aside one year and ask them to go back to the restroom to change back into their street clothing. The two girls came out of the restroom with a "slutty" cop and a "slutty" inmate costume on. Really?! This is a family park. I am glad the CM actually did something about it. This is how these wardrobe "malfunctions" happen. They come into the parks with something else on and change later.


We have one more day here in Orlando, and it has been so fun, but I have seen some awful things. On Saturday in line for the jungle, a young 6 year old began to cry....it was a long line...and mom turned and screamed "shut the F up!!" "Get out of here I don't want you!" All of us froze....I have been known to speak up but I was mortified beyond speech. I did whisper to the whimpering child that things would get better soon.

On the multiple bus transports I'm troubled by old women standing and a bus full of men sitting. Call me old fashioned but were my hubby and sons with me they would get a talking to if they didn't stand for women to sit. This morning I sat On The Floor while the young man sitting in a seat kept his StrOller sitting on a seat. I took a photo minus his face......maybe it's time to head home.
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Well-Known Member
Or in the case of the mother with the strategically placed Mickey stickers, a distracted CM.....

I still cannot comprehend how you could think going to a family attraction wearing that would be okay in any shape or form...and adding the stickers would make it more acceptable? Or was that the idea of a rogue CM? "I'm sorry, ma'am, we cannot let you in dressed like that, but if you'd like these two Mickey stickers"...
That's what I figured that she had nothing on under it and a cm thought the stickers would make it better somehow.


Active Member
I saw a lot of obnoxious, entitled, and otherwise ugly behavior during my trip a couple weeks ago, but these were my favorites.


Honorable mention goes to the young girl (maybe 11 or 12 yo) in the bathroom next to Beaches & Cream who was repeatedly, at the top of her lungs, telling another little girl to go f*** herself. That happened during our first hour in WDW. My poor son was so scared he couldn't manage to use the toilet, and he asked me, "Mommy, what are we doing here?" :hilarious:

Chances are they probably new each other. Also I can envision my kids ( 1 mine, 3 the boyfriends) dropping some choice cuss words. Let me explain. My daughter generally is better about watching her language. That is to say she doesn't do it around me. Two of the other three just don't have that bit of impulse control needed to not cuss sometimes (I think it's chemical in part, well the boy is spectrum. Not sure about the girl yet) . So if you happen to see couple of blonde and brunette 11 year olds fighting or a tall gangly youth randomly cussing- sorry in advance.


Active Member
Or in the case of the mother with the strategically placed Mickey stickers, a distracted CM.....

I still cannot comprehend how you could think going to a family attraction wearing that would be okay in any shape or form...and adding the stickers would make it more acceptable? Or was that the idea of a rogue CM? "I'm sorry, ma'am, we cannot let you in dressed like that, but if you'd like these two Mickey stickers"...

I'm at work, and I just snorted incredibly loudly at this...:oops::oops:
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Well-Known Member
DW and I have noticed an upswing of people changing their kids diapers out in the open or sometimes even in the queue, not even taking them to the bathroom to do so. I find this a bit disturbing, I mean if its a newborn baby, that's not as bad, but when its like a bigger kid who is clearly embarrassed by it as well, its just awkward for everyone.


Well-Known Member
My wife and I were talking and we remembered two things from our last trip:

- A woman, in her 20s-30s, wearing shorts and belly shirt with her thong hanging out. It wasn't like she bent over and it showed...so it was showing as she walked...
- We were at MK during Pride Day, which let me preface by saying that I have gay friends and support them, any way, there was a gay gentleman wearing a t-shirt that said: "My BJ (spelled out) brings all the boys to the yard"

In my view, whether it's thong woman or t-shirt dude, Disney should have asked them both to fix their attire.
I hate it when everyone uses abbreviations. It takes me forever just to figure out the simple ones. I honestly couldn't figure out what DR meant the other day. SO, ok what does "BJ" mean?

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