On my son's 5th Bday this past August, we surprised him and his 2 year old sister with a trip to WDW. We travel a lot. My son has probably flown over 50 times, and my daughter over 20. It's never been a problem. However this time we went through security and I showed the TSA agent our boarding passes and my wife's and my driver's licences. He looked at my son's boarding pass and asked him what my son's name was. My son whipsered "Tommy" being a little shy. The TSA agent then said "What, speak up." At which point my son again said "Tommy" and hid somewhat behind my leg. Then the TSA agent asked him who I was in a serious tone. Our last names are the same. My son froze up and didn't answer. This occured for the next 2-3 minutes as people behind us were getting exasperated. I finally realized that my wife had the kids' passport cards and we showed them to the TSA agent and he finally let us through. I thought it was unbelievable that he wasn't going to let us pass because my just-turned-five year old son was intimidated and wouldn't answer his question. Has this ever happened to anyone else? I'm all in favor of trying to keep us safe, but this, really?!?!?
Also, in terms of the body scanner thing, I'm a family doc, so my sense of modesty has been lost as I start almost every day looking where the sun don't shine. If some guy want to look at my stuff, whatever.
See this is one of my personal issues with TSA now. I don't care about the body scans. It's no different than a medical scan. I have issue with how stupid things have gotten in the name homeland security. Making women drink breastmilk/formula. Harassing SN kids' families because of their medical equipment. Making people throw out the tiniest bit of liquid even if sealed. Telling families they can't fly because their 6month old's name is on the no fly list.
When I was prego with my oldest, we flew out to NM to visit DH's family. His dad gifted him a small, decorative knife. Well, both DH and I were active duty. We got to the airport and, at check in, showed the box and knife to desk people and showed that we were checking it into the luggage to go UNDER the plane. Showed Mil. IDs and I woddled my 8 month pregnant @$$ over to security. They redmarked our passes for a FULL search. We were pulled aside and had to go down barefeet, remove sweatshirts. i had to take my hair down and have my hair checked, get wanded and patted, etc. They did me first. While they were doing DH, I told them I had to ______. I have this HUGE prego belly (that they've already verified was real

) and even offered to be followed. Security refused to let me go to the bathroom. I almost peed myself! It felt so demeaning being huge pregnant barely clothed and barefoot in the middle of the airport being told I couldn't ______ because we were honest and declared what we had! And I've got friends who've been treated worse.
To top that, airlines are getting more and more careless with people's luggage and breaking things. Fees out the wazoo! And personally, I think the airports are in with TSA. I think someone did the math on how much money was missed because people brought their own food and drinks in their carry ons so now, in the name of security, you can't bring liquids in but, conveniently, the airport is selling high priced goodies on the other side
I also think travel times by air has just gotten crazy.
you factor in how early you have to leave before your flight ~~ 2+hrs
Checking in ~~20-45min depending on the people in line in front of you
getting through security
waiting for boarding
then the actual flight
long layovers (with screaming tired kids)
or short layover because of delays (running across airport with toddlers and strollers)
another boarding
flight time
waits at baggage claim
getting a rental or waiting for bus
you've been travelling all day! lol At least in the car, you're in your own personal space listening to music and singing as loud as you want. You get to eat a real meal during your trip instead of spending a good 12hrs travelling by air on peanuts and cheeze its. lol I was just looking at flights from Jacksonville to where we are and it would take a good 10+hrs. It takes 10hrs to drive here. lol. My mom and I were just flabergasted. There wasn't any direct flights to any surrounding airports, including DC. Every flight stopped way north of here before boarding another flight to come here. Some flights when to chicago then came back this way. That's just nuts!!