Considering driving instead of flying because of TSA

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I have a trip to WDW planned for May 2011. I've already purchased my flights, but I'm seriously considering requesting a refund based on all the stories I've been reading about the invasive security procedures being used by the TSA. I don't have a problem going through a metal detector or having my bag searched. I don't even have a problem with a standard pat down. But I do have a problem with being strip searched by a machine. And if I choose to opt out of that, I also have a problem with a pat down that involves touching my private areas. I don't want to subject myself or my 5 year old son to these things so that we can get on a plane and fly to Disney World. I'd rather drive 17 hours in a car. My husband has convinced me to wait until closer to our trip to get a refund on the plane tickets, just in case the TSA decides to back down on their procedures. I'm just wondering if anyone else is feeling this way. I can't believe this is the direction our country is heading. :(


New Member
Can anybody give me one example were the TSA actually stopped or prevented a terrorist attack?

We need to look at the Israeli's. They do not use the scanners or the pat-downs and they are probably the most secure airlines out there.

We need to use our brains and not worry about somebody's feelings hurt. It is not racial profiling, it just doing what works and what is right.

I don't fly anymore because it is too expensive. Cost more to fly than the actual trip to Disney.

We drive from NW Ohio to Disney a couple times a year. We drive straight through and it takes 16 hours and we have a 7 and 6 year old. No problems.
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Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I hear you - we hate this as well. Some have called for TSA boycots, some have called for legal action.

I'm simpler - I call for everyone to simply remove every article of clothing that they are wearing. Yup - the TSA naked human approach: be strong, KNOW that no one who ever took a High School Biology class really cares about what we look like, and STRIP NAKED as you approach final Security Screening. Do as instructed, dress latter. If challenged for a body cavity search? Evacuate in line.

Yes, this IS Gross. But if I'm going to continue to be treated like an animal, I think the solution is to go full-tilt: they want this? Let 'em HAVE it.

Too bad you would be immediately arrested for such actions.
  • Public Lewdness
  • Indecent Exposure
  • urinenating or defecating in public
  • Public Nuisance
  • I'm sure the NSA has a few they could through in also!

It would make national headlines though! (Steven Slater:eek:)
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
But that is profiling and, as such, is illegal.

Thank the Democrats...If they pull out one rag head from the line then they must pull out 10 law abiding citizens just so that they don't look like they are profiling.

Why must we continue to protect those that wish us harm?

Well, speaking as a What a move.

I've been on this forum for over 6 years, and if I get banned for calling you out, I'll consider it a post well-spent. Why your post hasn't been deleted yet astounds and sickens me.

While I'm on my high horse, let me tell you why profiling, as you describe it, sucks.

Who gets to decide who looks suspicious? You? Me? Ann Coulter? At this point, do you think terrorists are all going to look like the caricatures from An American Carol? They're all going to walk on the plane in full desert garb, reading aloud from the Koran, ululating, with chickens in cages for barter at the duty-free shop? The guy in rsoxguy's photo? Probably not. They're going to want to "pass," don't you know...

So who gets "profiled?" Anyone who happens to be darker than Megyn Kelley? Oh, no, I'm sure YOU think if they're dressed professionally, look clean and speak politely, they'll be OK dot dot dot unless that's what they WANT you to think? ZOMG! NO! We gotta arrest anyone who makes Omar Sharif look like a Viking!

Meanwhile, you'd want to let John Doe from Bumphuc, Arkansas (wife , 2.5 kids, 1.5 cars in the shed, held the same job for 13.62 years, etc...) a free pass...even if it turns out he's a member of a Stormfront or a white supremacist organization whose memberships have increased 300% since January 2009 (gee, what happened then that would get some white guys' panties in such a wad?) But to be on the safe side, let's get our hands all up in the keisters of anyone who looks like they don't dig on swine. Certainly, THAT would harbor no resentment domestically or abroad. And if it did, well maybe "their kind" will pack up and amscray, go back to where they came from, leaving America to the good God fearing White Americans who stole it outright from the Natives who were originally here. Yeah, little pink houses, for you and me. YOU'LL NEVER KNOW WHO WISHES YOU HARM, SKIPPY. Could be a guy or a gal from any walk of life. Oklahoma City wasn't a Muslim. The guy that shot Dr. Tiller didn't read the Koran. The driving full tilt boogie to the Discover Networks home base to teach a few liberals a lesson worships the same white guy in the flowing beard and robe most of the people on this forum worship. YOU'LL NEVER KNOW. Which is why, instead of taking one demographic group and holding more of them responsible for the sins of a few douches in THEIR ranks, they keep it random...and then even screw that up from a privacy standpoint.

Bottom line is, profiling sucks because you never know what's going on in the heart or the mind or the profiler, the same way you can't be sure the TSA agent who's cupping your sack isn't enjoying it, not in a sexual way, but just on the power trip, knowing you either can't or won't call out what's he doing as inappropriate because after all, IT'S FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY.

I say we go the opposite route - stop all checkpoints for weapons. So cowards like you would stay home, and only the people who really need to fly or have the stones for it would. Arm the pilots, have three agents on every plane, and let everyone who flies sign a waiver that gives the pilots the right to drop cabin pressure instantly if there is a terrorist situation, immediately knocking unconscious all passengers. The waiver also gives the FAA authority to blow up the plane midflight if it does get hijacked. If you're brave enough to incur the wrath of 1/7th of the world's population by saying they're all a bunch of filthy terrorists, clearly, you've got the guts to die for your Disney vacation. Meanwhile, the FAA can use drone technology that abdicates power from the cockpit to air traffic control, where a virtual pilot can land the plane if terrorists manage to get in the cockpit and try to fly or crash the plane themselves, because of course, they'd only crash the plane if they absolutely had to. And thanks to your permission, they can.

Man, are you an embarrassment as an American. I believe the term is ANTI-America. All the freedoms for me, but select few for thee seems to be your motto. Sickening. I pray your children evolve despite your interference. Because they'll have to live with the consequences of your moves.
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