Considering driving instead of flying because of TSA

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I have a trip to WDW planned for May 2011. I've already purchased my flights, but I'm seriously considering requesting a refund based on all the stories I've been reading about the invasive security procedures being used by the TSA. I don't have a problem going through a metal detector or having my bag searched. I don't even have a problem with a standard pat down. But I do have a problem with being strip searched by a machine. And if I choose to opt out of that, I also have a problem with a pat down that involves touching my private areas. I don't want to subject myself or my 5 year old son to these things so that we can get on a plane and fly to Disney World. I'd rather drive 17 hours in a car. My husband has convinced me to wait until closer to our trip to get a refund on the plane tickets, just in case the TSA decides to back down on their procedures. I'm just wondering if anyone else is feeling this way. I can't believe this is the direction our country is heading. :(

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I'm in the "doesn't bother me at all" camp.

I doubt the security measures will be going away any time soon. Governments around the world have invested significant amounts of money to purchase equipment to meet U.S. requirements. Security measures are fine by me. Given the choice of being "exposed" to some poor schmuck who has to view an awful lot of not particularly attractive body shapes to possibly get his or her jollies out of an occasional pleasant outline of a relatively pleasant body shape [which is the best they're likely to see] or being unfortunate enough to be on the aircraft blown out of the sky by some moron that thinks they'll be a martyr, I'll choose the former.
This is how I feel too. But I know a few people who are really bothered by the new procedures, and the airline industry seems to be practically pleading with the government to back off, based on a story I read today. The issue seems to hit a deep place with a lot of people, including the OP.
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i will join the I still flying camp. I will do what it takes for a 2.5 hour flight over a 13 hour drive. no i dont like the idea but if it keeps us safer than so be it. Even with a 5 hour flight delay and time to drive to airport it was still hour shorher than the drive. Good luck with getting a refund.
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1. My family (spouse, 3 kids) is just north of Philadelphia and we have driven to WDW 4 times. It never takes the amount of time listed on the internet map sites. It is always longer. Remember we are talking about all the traffic tie-ups on I-95 and I-4. We always make it a two day trip,starting in the morning after rush hour is over, with an overnight in/around Savanah GA. The first day is solid driving and dealing with 76/476/Delaware/Beltway. Second day is bkfst at the hotel, dealing with rest of 95 and I-4. We arrive sometime early afternoonon the second day and reward ourselves with a Chef Mickey dinner before fireworks.

I will say another SE PA friend says he can do the whole drive straight thru (leaves at 6pm, kids sleep while he and his wife drive) and they also arrive early afternoon because of bathroom/refueling breaks. Only difference is he works the entire day before setting off, we take the whole day.

We also try not to speed too much. We do get passed by speedier drivers.

2. Put us in the still flying camp for many of the same reasons previously stated.
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
What about taking a train?
Train trips are quite frequently longer than driving especially if you have to make a connecting ride. Just a quick example driving from Philadelphia comes in at 17.5 hours per Google Maps. The same direct trip via Amtrak is 20 hours plus a ride for the station in Orlando to WDW.
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Active Member
I have to say, when I got to page 2 of this thread I really expected some arguments to be going on, but I'm impressed with how cordial this conversation is.

I can completely understand where people are coming from on this; I am pretty mixed about it myself. I really enjoy flying and am fortunate enough to travel quite a few times each year. I am, personally (or politically, depending on how you look at it), am not a fan of taking away privacy for security (how I love that Ben Franklin quote). That being said, I also agree that perhaps we aren't REALLY taking away privacy since flying is a choice. So I really do see both sides of the argument here.

I wish NOT flying was a choice for me, but being that I live in Philadelphia and I have family on the west coast, it is pretty unrealistic. Driving to WDW is much more reasonable and can't blame the OP for doing so. My family used to drive to FL all the time when I was a kid. My parents would always leave later in the evening.. 8-9pm and we would get to the central florida area just after lunch the next day. My mom says now they enjoyed doing it that way because they didn't hit too much traffic (the DC area being the WORST) and us kids slept most of the time.

Also - can't help but say hi to all the other SE PA people in this post. And BAMILLER from Bloomsburg, I did my undergrad and masters work up there !! :wave:
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Active Member
I am in the "I have to keep flying camp." Driving across Newfoundland is about 10 hours. Then you have a six hour expensive ferry, then another 10 hours or so to get to the US border, and then I am in Maine!!

I do find the scanners, etc. a pain, and air travel has lost its allure.

All of these new scanners have a major flaw, they cannot scan inside orfices, underneath folds of skin, etc.
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Active Member
No need to argue...what some like others do not. Nice to see a good conversation.

It all depends...if I was going to the west coast for some reason, 5hr flight...I'd fly…just too far to drive.

BUT the past 3 years we have driven from PA to WDW. For us it's 1008 miles 1 way. 15 hours...just shy. Wife and I split the drive so we don't get weary-eyed. First year we stopped in Savanah/Georgia and stayed the night since we left at 1PM from PA. We were not sure we could drive that far at once…but found it fine. Now the past 2 years we left at 4AM from PA and found ourselves in Orlando by 7:40PM the same day.

We figured we saved approx. $680 total by driving each year. For me that is worth the windshield time for sure. That is due to the time we spend on vacation...14 days. So by not renting a car in FL - of which the rental prices are ridiculously high – we rent in PA for the duration of the trip and saved, $680 by driving from PA vs. what it would have cost flying and renting in FL. PLUS we can pack a cooler with our favorite stuff to have on vacation as well as purchase what we want and not have to worry about HOW TO GET IT BACK HOME with us. While our vacations are WDW related…we do like to travel around FL and a car is a must for us.

Basically the airlines are way too greedy these days. Flights are not as frequent…per direct flights, and fees for luggage are simply ludicrous as well. Last year we checked and it would have been 8hrs due to a trip thru Atlanta so for a few extra hrs and less money we drove again. Now I can’t see flying to WDW anymore, wife feels the same way. It’s all part of the vacation if you do it right.

Far safety, I’m not beyond the screening by TSA…let them profile and check! Please don’t forget we need to keep the crazy people who don’t value life off planes. So for only that reason I do NOT find any issue with any type of screening. If the money was about the same I’d see flying again…but pack 4 large bags and it’s just an insane amount to fly for all the fees, again the rental cars cost a lot more in FL vs. PA too.

GOOD LUCK! I think you will find the drive to not be so bad if you prepare right. Get a good GPS with current maps and have at it. Again, we found the drive to be fine. And it helped us de-compress on the drive to our favorite place too! YES, we actually were relaxed once we arrived “HOME” vs. flying. No pressures or bumpy flight or anything that spoiled the trip on the way down. And on our way back to PA we also found the drive fine. We arrived in PA relaxed again after our trip.
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Well-Known Member
We've flown. Every time I swear it's the last. But when I think about the hours in the car/van with the kids, I always cave and fly. However, next time I may just stick to my guns and drive. Flying has become too expensive/unpleasant.

Add in the fact that staying on property has become too expensive as well, and suddenly having a car seems like a great idea!
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Well-Known Member
I travel a lot for both work and fun and I enjoy flying.

I have been through the new scanners and I didn't feel violated in any way. That being said, it is certainly your perogative to find it unreasonable. I find that preferrable to the pat down.

I too think that the USA has gone too far trying to balance personal freedom and security. I also know that these decisions are above me and I will follow the rules so that I can fly.

I will gladly fly 3-4 times a month. I hate driving.
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Well-Known Member
They'd have to tar and feather me in front of 3,000 people before I load up the wife and I in my Jeep Wrangler and drive from Boston. One, my wrangler (2010 sport, black hardtop) is my baby but she loves to chugg gas... also, its uncomfortable at high highway speeds, add in the fact that its a 24 hr straight gig. I don't think I could make it, period. I'd have cabin fever and the strain from staying up would ruin my vacation.
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Original Poster
No need to argue...what some like others do not. Nice to see a good conversation.

It all depends...if I was going to the west coast for some reason, 5hr flight...I'd fly…just too far to drive.

BUT the past 3 years we have driven from PA to WDW. For us it's 1008 miles 1 way. 15 hours...just shy. Wife and I split the drive so we don't get weary-eyed. First year we stopped in Savanah/Georgia and stayed the night since we left at 1PM from PA. We were not sure we could drive that far at once…but found it fine. Now the past 2 years we left at 4AM from PA and found ourselves in Orlando by 7:40PM the same day.

We figured we saved approx. $680 total by driving each year. For me that is worth the windshield time for sure. That is due to the time we spend on vacation...14 days. So by not renting a car in FL - of which the rental prices are ridiculously high – we rent in PA for the duration of the trip and saved, $680 by driving from PA vs. what it would have cost flying and renting in FL. PLUS we can pack a cooler with our favorite stuff to have on vacation as well as purchase what we want and not have to worry about HOW TO GET IT BACK HOME with us. While our vacations are WDW related…we do like to travel around FL and a car is a must for us.

Basically the airlines are way too greedy these days. Flights are not as frequent…per direct flights, and fees for luggage are simply ludicrous as well. Last year we checked and it would have been 8hrs due to a trip thru Atlanta so for a few extra hrs and less money we drove again. Now I can’t see flying to WDW anymore, wife feels the same way. It’s all part of the vacation if you do it right.

Far safety, I’m not beyond the screening by TSA…let them profile and check! Please don’t forget we need to keep the crazy people who don’t value life off planes. So for only that reason I do NOT find any issue with any type of screening. If the money was about the same I’d see flying again…but pack 4 large bags and it’s just an insane amount to fly for all the fees, again the rental cars cost a lot more in FL vs. PA too.

GOOD LUCK! I think you will find the drive to not be so bad if you prepare right. Get a good GPS with current maps and have at it. Again, we found the drive to be fine. And it helped us de-compress on the drive to our favorite place too! YES, we actually were relaxed once we arrived “HOME” vs. flying. No pressures or bumpy flight or anything that spoiled the trip on the way down. And on our way back to PA we also found the drive fine. We arrived in PA relaxed again after our trip.

This was highly inspirational! I do have a 5 year old son, so I'm not sure we'd be able to make as good time as you have, but I think I'm willing to try.
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Well-Known Member
I'm of the opinion that there is nothing wrong with the scanners and/or patdowns. I've seen pictures of the images from the scanners, and it really doesn't seem that bad.

It's a no-win situation for the TSA and the airlines. People will complain about loss of "freedoms" as long as nothing bad is currently happening. But, God forbid a plane gets hijacked or bombed and then everyone yells about why wasn't anything being done.

I understand why some might not want to be physically patted-down, but it's for the safety of everyone you travel with. They have to check the "sensitive parts", because that's where people will hide things if those areas become off-limits to searches.

I wouldn't want to get on a plane if there wasn't adequate security. As many have said, the solution is simple. If you can't comply with the screening rules, drive. If traveling for fifteen hours instead of three is acceptable to you vs. airline security rules, go with what makes you feel better.

Finally, I hope the person who started the thread can get a refund, but I wouldn't hold out much hope. With airlines being the way they are, I don't think they'd be that concerned about someone's discomfort.
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Original Poster
I'm of the opinion that there is nothing wrong with the scanners and/or patdowns. I've seen pictures of the images from the scanners, and it really doesn't seem that bad.

It's a no-win situation for the TSA and the airlines. People will complain about loss of "freedoms" as long as nothing bad is currently happening. But, God forbid a plane gets hijacked or bombed and then everyone yells about why wasn't anything being done.

I understand why some might not want to be physically patted-down, but it's for the safety of everyone you travel with. They have to check the "sensitive parts", because that's where people will hide things if those areas become off-limits to searches.

I wouldn't want to get on a plane if there wasn't adequate security. As many have said, the solution is simple. If you can't comply with the screening rules, drive. If traveling for fifteen hours instead of three is acceptable to you vs. airline security rules, go with what makes you feel better.

Finally, I hope the person who started the thread can get a refund, but I wouldn't hold out much hope. With airlines being the way they are, I don't think they'd be that concerned about someone's discomfort.

Yeah, I hope I get that refund too. My trip isn't for 6 months though, so my husband wants me to wait until closer to the trip to ask for a refund, just in case things change before then. Though I'm pretty sure that's wishful thinking. Then again, he may also be figuring that it gives him 6 months to get me to change my mind. :)
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Active Member
This was highly inspirational! I do have a 5 year old son, so I'm not sure we'd be able to make as good time as you have, but I think I'm willing to try.

We could have saved more...but we chose to NOT take either one of our vehicles on the trip. SUV's are not that good on fuel...we love our Subies for PA weather...but getting less than 28MPG on the highway for a highway trip is not that good – least to me. We rented a new Malibu 2010 and it clicked off 33MPG. We were amazed! Plenty of room upfront for adults and plenty of trunk space and back seat space for coolers etc. We also didn’t have to shop while on vacation. We took plenty of snacks and morning things that we like to eat with us. Usually we would spend easily $120 or so in grocery-store snacks…or adult beverages that you can’t bring home if you buy on vacation and travel by plane. So the room attendants would get all our stuff that we didn’t eat or use! Now we take it with AND bring back home the rest.

Sure, I get your point with your child per not doing it in record time. Neither my wife or I drive crazy fast but we were impressed that we kept up with the GPS's projection. On the way down we were 20 mins past the projected time per its arrival time and on the way back we were 10 mins off. It's sort of a game to lose the time per the rest-stops and fuel stops then try to legally make it back. ;)

If you prepare you can do it. It's all part of the vacation!

Good Luck! I hope you have another great vacation with your family too!
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Original Poster
We could have saved more...but we chose to NOT take either one of our vehicles on the trip. SUV's are not that good on fuel...we love our Subies for PA weather...but getting less than 28MPG on the highway for a highway trip is not that good – least to me. We rented a new Malibu 2010 and it clicked off 33MPG. We were amazed! Plenty of room upfront for adults and plenty of trunk space and back seat space for coolers etc. We also didn’t have to shop while on vacation. We took plenty of snacks and morning things that we like to eat with us. Usually we would spend easily $120 or so in grocery-store snacks…or adult beverages that you can’t bring home if you buy on vacation and travel by plane. So the room attendants would get all our stuff that we didn’t eat or use! Now we take it with AND bring back home the rest.

Sure, I get your point with your child per not doing it in record time. Neither my wife or I drive crazy fast but we were impressed that we kept up with the GPS's projection. On the way down we were 20 mins past the projected time per its arrival time and on the way back we were 10 mins off. It's sort of a game to lose the time per the rest-stops and fuel stops then try to legally make it back. ;)

If you prepare you can do it. It's all part of the vacation!

Good Luck! I hope you have another great vacation with your family too!

We were actually planning on renting a car when we got there anyway, so we may still do that. My husband drives a 91 Camry with over 200,000 miles and I drive a 2001 Malibu with over 100,000 miles. I know the Camry wouldn't make it and I'm not 100% sure about the Malibu!

As far as food and water, we easily spend over $100 on bottled water alone at the parks, so bringing that along from home would save us a ton.
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Well-Known Member
We live part time in RI and full time in Florida since 2006. Our daughter and family live a 90 minute drive from Disneyworld and we live together when we are in Florida, so when we fly back and forth to RI (for business) we fly out of Orlando. The 24 hour drive we could do between FL and RI is not good for us - neither my hubby or me are good travelers because my husband gets a migraine motion sickness and I just feel like trash after that distance, so the 2 and 3/4 hour flight is the best option for us. We do Southwest direct from Providence to Orlando and it is great. We are not concerned so much about the privacy issue (we are in our 60's and that is old news to us) but my biggest concern is the effect of the radiation, particularly if you fly somewhat frequently. Not only on how it affects healthy adults, but what will happen to children, the elderly and people with chronic illnesses, because the radiation may be more intensely absorbed than in a healthy adult. I'm probably overthinking this but this is one more thing where we are being exposed to X-ray in our lives. We have micro-wave ovens, plasma TV's, dental and medical tests and x-rays, cell phones, wireless computers.....the list just gets bigger. Am I fretting over nothing or should I be worried?
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On my son's 5th Bday this past August, we surprised him and his 2 year old sister with a trip to WDW. We travel a lot. My son has probably flown over 50 times, and my daughter over 20. It's never been a problem. However this time we went through security and I showed the TSA agent our boarding passes and my wife's and my driver's licences. He looked at my son's boarding pass and asked him what my son's name was. My son whipsered "Tommy" being a little shy. The TSA agent then said "What, speak up." At which point my son again said "Tommy" and hid somewhat behind my leg. Then the TSA agent asked him who I was in a serious tone. Our last names are the same. My son froze up and didn't answer. This occured for the next 2-3 minutes as people behind us were getting exasperated. I finally realized that my wife had the kids' passport cards and we showed them to the TSA agent and he finally let us through. I thought it was unbelievable that he wasn't going to let us pass because my just-turned-five year old son was intimidated and wouldn't answer his question. Has this ever happened to anyone else? I'm all in favor of trying to keep us safe, but this, really?!?!?

Also, in terms of the body scanner thing, I'm a family doc, so my sense of modesty has been lost as I start almost every day looking where the sun don't shine. If some guy want to look at my stuff, whatever.
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