Ok, this is a very sensitive and frustration subject for me. I fly maybe 2 or 3 times a year. I have a hip replacement and must get searched every time I fly. For me it's no big deal, but I'm looking forward to the time when the body scanners are in all airports because it's just easier and to me it's less invasive. I'd just rather not have someone touching me.
I think people are getting a bit too jumpy about the body scanners. People act like its strip search and it's not. It's not like a real nude photo of you will pop up on the screen, but the photo the officers will see will make it extremely clear if you're trying to hide something somewhere it shouldn't be. Imagine if they had had this on Christmas Day last year, that guy wouldn’t have even made it through security. It takes a few seconds and as long as you've got nothing on you, you're done. It's so much easier and faster. You never see them, they never see you. The feeling of being violated would be all in your head as no one would really be doing anything to you or even actually looking at you. The screen doesn't even show faces.
This is what we've been waiting for. We want a device that will search for metal objects as well as non-metal objects, and the ones we have and have had in the past weren't very good. The body scanners will do both and do it well.
Most people aren't aware of the many attacks and attempts on this country and other countries. Many people have no clue what those whom seek to harm are doing and have done. Just because you don't see it on the news or read about, doesn't mean it hasn't happened.
Those who say TSA should profile, should know that there has been people of all ages, sexes, races, nationalities, and religions that have tried to cause harm in some way, shape or form through air travel. Assuming the blue eyed, blonde haired, young woman or the elderly man or the young child or the handicapped is innocent is the most dangerous thing we could do.
As for TSA in general, yes it's an inconvenience, but it's not a big deal. I get so frustrated when people act like they’ve been asked to run 20 miles when they need to take off they shoes, coats and belts. That's not getting naked, that just taking off your shoes. People need to go through security in a war zone country and complain like they do here, if they think security is bad here. They're really strip search you there.
Anyway, my point is, I feel a lot of the anger and frustration with TSA comes from not understanding why they do what they do, feeling a false sense of entitlement, and your own personal perception.
I understand why TSA is there and I fully stand behind that reasoning. I don't agree with everything they do, but I don't see most of it as a problem. When I travel I do what I'm supposed to do and I never have an issue. I'm bias and I know it, because it's my job, but then I think most people are bias against TSA and nothing they do will ever be right for most people.
If TSA is too invasive people complain, but if they backed off some and another attack happened, people would blame TSA for that too. So my suggestion to most people when arguing about TSA policy is, if you have a viable, better idea for keeping air travel safe, please speak up. But until then, if you don't like the way things are done, then don't fly.
As for the radiation, I understand people’s concern and I’m a bit concerned myself. By I need to see proof they are unsafe, I’m not listening to speculation and hysteria. People worried about the metal detectors and hand wands too when they first came out.
To the OP, if you are really that bothered by it all, then I sincerely hope you do get your refund and I wish you all the best.