Considering driving instead of flying because of TSA

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I have a trip to WDW planned for May 2011. I've already purchased my flights, but I'm seriously considering requesting a refund based on all the stories I've been reading about the invasive security procedures being used by the TSA. I don't have a problem going through a metal detector or having my bag searched. I don't even have a problem with a standard pat down. But I do have a problem with being strip searched by a machine. And if I choose to opt out of that, I also have a problem with a pat down that involves touching my private areas. I don't want to subject myself or my 5 year old son to these things so that we can get on a plane and fly to Disney World. I'd rather drive 17 hours in a car. My husband has convinced me to wait until closer to our trip to get a refund on the plane tickets, just in case the TSA decides to back down on their procedures. I'm just wondering if anyone else is feeling this way. I can't believe this is the direction our country is heading. :(


Original Poster
On my son's 5th Bday this past August, we surprised him and his 2 year old sister with a trip to WDW. We travel a lot. My son has probably flown over 50 times, and my daughter over 20. It's never been a problem. However this time we went through security and I showed the TSA agent our boarding passes and my wife's and my driver's licences. He looked at my son's boarding pass and asked him what my son's name was. My son whipsered "Tommy" being a little shy. The TSA agent then said "What, speak up." At which point my son again said "Tommy" and hid somewhat behind my leg. Then the TSA agent asked him who I was in a serious tone. Our last names are the same. My son froze up and didn't answer. This occured for the next 2-3 minutes as people behind us were getting exasperated. I finally realized that my wife had the kids' passport cards and we showed them to the TSA agent and he finally let us through. I thought it was unbelievable that he wasn't going to let us pass because my just-turned-five year old son was intimidated and wouldn't answer his question. Has this ever happened to anyone else? I'm all in favor of trying to keep us safe, but this, really?!?!?

That's horrible. No child should ever be interrogated like that. What are these people thinking??
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Well-Known Member
DW and I always drive down from Delaware. Flying doesn't bother me nor does the extra security measures. She believes the plane is a flying death tube burning fuel at galactic temperatures inches from her head :lookaroun. I think she is nuts, but I make the sacrafice and take the 14-hour tour of I-95 for her.

We also have taken the Auto Train from Lorton, VA to Sanford, FL. It's about 3 hours from our house to the station, 19 hours on the train (which is all night hours) and you wake up in Florida. Plus, they feed you and you have your car with you.
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Well-Known Member
OK, 2 questions. Why does it take so long to drive down the eastern seaboard? I can make it from SF to DL in 8 hrs. And, is it true the new scans can pick up bed bugs in your junk?:p
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When we planned our trip for Dec 2 we were originally going to drive from CT with 2 nights in hotels down and 2 on the way back. Then we got a good deal on airfare and booked the flights for the 4 of us. Now that all of this is coming out about the scanners we are sorry we booked the flights. Neither my husband or I have flown since the scanners were added to our local airport so we are not sure how this all works other than what we have read and heard. I sure hope our daughters, 5 and 7 won't be chosen to go way I would allow that....too much radiation. I sure don't want them to have to endure the new pat down proceedures either. My 5 year old is very shy and would be horrified if they had to do that to her.

Our tickets are non refundable so we are crossing our fingers and flying and hoping for the best. Last time we went we drove. We stopped in NC the first night and spent the next day in Savannah, GA. On the way back we make the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel one of our stops so that broke up the trip for us. Our daughters were 2 1/2 and almost 5 that trip and they did great in the car. No problems, they had movies to watch and toys to play with and were excited to see the sights, even though they were pretty much all highway.

Oh well, we were swayed with the good deal on airfare and are flying this time. After this trip we will gladly make the drive from CT to Disney from now on!!
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I will continue to fly, I get car sick very easy, so I prefer the 2 1/2 hour flight vs a 12 hour puke fest. But that is husband drives down by himself because he doesn't like to all.

Our next trip is in February and I'm nervous about the scanning, not for myself, but for my 2 kids who are 5 and 2. Usually my oldest walks through by herself nervously and I carry the 2 year old....not sure how the scanning will work....and I'm not sure how I feel about them scanning my kids or patting them I guess I am in the same boat with the OP and wait out and see what happens.
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My dad works for the airlines (Northwest/Delta) so we could fly for next to nothing, and yet we're driving from Nashville. It's less of a hassle and we get a car onsite so we can avoid the busses. That being said, I fly fairly frequently for business and don't care at all about the pat downs, searches, scans, and what not -- but when I'm with my family and particularly now that I have a 3 year old daughter, driving is just easier.
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Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
OK, 2 questions. Why does it take so long to drive down the eastern seaboard? I can make it from SF to DL in 8 hrs.
For one, the East Coast is just longer than the West Coast. The distance from Boston to WDW is a little over 1,300 miles...3 times the distance between San Francisco to Anaheim.

Add in all the congestion in the Northeast (Boston, Philadelphia, NYC, Baltimore and Washington are all along or near I-95) and I can see where the first leg of the trip would be a nightmare. I don't know a whole lot about the West Coast, but my understanding is that California is pretty wide open between SF and LA.
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Well-Known Member
OK, 2 questions. Why does it take so long to drive down the eastern seaboard? I can make it from SF to DL in 8 hrs.

A few answers: horribly designed roads with beltways and ALOT of traffic, ridiculous toll booths, and I-95 doesn't exactly take the most direct route down the coast. Not to mention having to drive through areas like NYC, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington DC. Either way you cut it, we brave all of the other people trying to make it to their destinations to enjoy a week or two at the happiest place on earth!
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Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Regarding concerns over radiation:

There are two types of machines — millimeter wavelength imaging and backscatter X-ray scanners. Both are used to see under clothes and identify unusual objects.

Only one — backscatter X-ray machines — expose individuals to ionizing radiation such as that used in common medical X-rays.

But the radiation levels are well below the threshold that could be considered a risk to an individual’s health, said Dr. James Thrall of the American College of Radiology and chief of radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.

“All of the concerns that we have about the medical use of X-rays really don’t apply to these devices,” Thrall said in a telephone interview.
“The exposure is extremely low and the energy of the X-rays is also very, very low,” he said.

“When X-rays are used for medical imaging purposes, they have to be energetic enough to get through the human body. The X-rays used in the backscatter machines in airports have such low energy that they literally bounce off the skin. That is what backscatter implies,” Thrall said.
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Well-Known Member
Don't forget the road construction, delays, speed traps and detours. From Hartford to Baltimore your tension and stress from driving wears on you so that it takes two days just to unwind.
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Not old, just vintage.
If the TSA told me that from now on all passengers were required to fly naked and were subject to random cavity searches, I would still choose to fly. I don't have 20+ hours each way to waste on driving. A normal trip to WDW for me is 4-5 days. If I had to spend nearly 2 entire days in my car I wouldn't have very much actual vacation left. Plus, the wear and tear on my car, gas, traffic, and unpredictable bouts of motion sickness all add to the unpleasantness of traveling by land for me.

I've watched numerous news reports about the new scanners and I don't see anything terribly wrong with the images. You can't really see anything that you wouldn't see if I decided to wear tight clothes or a bathing suit to the airport. Plus, the off-site person viewing the pictures gets maybe 10 seconds to look at each person. If anything, I feel sorry for the person who has to look at all these bodies all day long. For every one attractive shape they get, they probably have to look at 20 not-so-attractive shapes. I'll agree that the "pat downs" are a lot more like fondling than anything else. However, as long as you agree to the scanner you don't have to worry about the groping.

I know most people are a lot more conscious about their bodies and nudity than I am, so whatever floats your boat I guess. If an extra day or two of travel works for you, go for it. Less people on line in front of me at the airport.
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Well-Known Member
Don't forget the road construction, delays, speed traps and detours. From Hartford to Baltimore your tension and stress from driving wears on you so that it takes two days just to unwind.

Tell me about it, I drive from Delaware to Philly on I-95 EVERYDAY :brick:! I wonder how some people get a driver's license!
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Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
If the TSA told me that from now on all passengers were required to fly naked and were subject to random cavity searches, I would still choose to fly.
Hell, I might fly more often! :eek:

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Active Member
Ok, this is a very sensitive and frustration subject for me. I fly maybe 2 or 3 times a year. I have a hip replacement and must get searched every time I fly. For me it's no big deal, but I'm looking forward to the time when the body scanners are in all airports because it's just easier and to me it's less invasive. I'd just rather not have someone touching me.

I think people are getting a bit too jumpy about the body scanners. People act like its strip search and it's not. It's not like a real nude photo of you will pop up on the screen, but the photo the officers will see will make it extremely clear if you're trying to hide something somewhere it shouldn't be. Imagine if they had had this on Christmas Day last year, that guy wouldn’t have even made it through security. It takes a few seconds and as long as you've got nothing on you, you're done. It's so much easier and faster. You never see them, they never see you. The feeling of being violated would be all in your head as no one would really be doing anything to you or even actually looking at you. The screen doesn't even show faces.

This is what we've been waiting for. We want a device that will search for metal objects as well as non-metal objects, and the ones we have and have had in the past weren't very good. The body scanners will do both and do it well.

Most people aren't aware of the many attacks and attempts on this country and other countries. Many people have no clue what those whom seek to harm are doing and have done. Just because you don't see it on the news or read about, doesn't mean it hasn't happened.

Those who say TSA should profile, should know that there has been people of all ages, sexes, races, nationalities, and religions that have tried to cause harm in some way, shape or form through air travel. Assuming the blue eyed, blonde haired, young woman or the elderly man or the young child or the handicapped is innocent is the most dangerous thing we could do.

As for TSA in general, yes it's an inconvenience, but it's not a big deal. I get so frustrated when people act like they’ve been asked to run 20 miles when they need to take off they shoes, coats and belts. That's not getting naked, that just taking off your shoes. People need to go through security in a war zone country and complain like they do here, if they think security is bad here. They're really strip search you there.

Anyway, my point is, I feel a lot of the anger and frustration with TSA comes from not understanding why they do what they do, feeling a false sense of entitlement, and your own personal perception.

I understand why TSA is there and I fully stand behind that reasoning. I don't agree with everything they do, but I don't see most of it as a problem. When I travel I do what I'm supposed to do and I never have an issue. I'm bias and I know it, because it's my job, but then I think most people are bias against TSA and nothing they do will ever be right for most people.

If TSA is too invasive people complain, but if they backed off some and another attack happened, people would blame TSA for that too. So my suggestion to most people when arguing about TSA policy is, if you have a viable, better idea for keeping air travel safe, please speak up. But until then, if you don't like the way things are done, then don't fly.

As for the radiation, I understand people’s concern and I’m a bit concerned myself. By I need to see proof they are unsafe, I’m not listening to speculation and hysteria. People worried about the metal detectors and hand wands too when they first came out.

To the OP, if you are really that bothered by it all, then I sincerely hope you do get your refund and I wish you all the best.
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