Sorry for reposting the below but in light of Rep. Markey’s recent letter, it again seems pertinent.
Wow! I started to try and respond to each of your quotes, but there's just so much wrong with so much of what you quoted, I would be here a while, and I really don't care about it enough to spend THAT much time on it. Am I naive to what's going on? Absolutely not! I work in IT, have for many years, and even implemented RFID systems using similar technologies that Disney is, and I believe have a very firm grasp on what's going on, although some days I have to question that, but I digress.
Based on everything I've read about this, and I've read a lot, I don't think what Disney is planning to use this for is anything to be concerned with, especially not in the magnitude of fear mongering paranoia that you seem to want to incite by the quotes you referenced. Am I concerned for civil liberties and privacy? I certainly am, and I'm very careful about what kind of information I give out and to whom I give it. However, I choose to aim my concern at those I believe are actually intent on using my information for purposes that I strongly disagree with, like the federal government who has a horrible track record of taking, abusing and failing to adequately protect private information, and it's likely only to get worse
when Obamacare is fully enacted. I'm not trying to start a political rant here, but some of the provisions of the Obamacare plan involves setting up a national database that providers, insurance companies and others can access personal medical information from, talk about a privacy nightmare!
The Mouse intends to track your movements. Where does it end? If left unchecked, what will private corporations be doing 10 years, 20 years from now?
I've seen nothing that would indicate to me they plan to track mine or your movements individually. If you know this to be true, please provide proof.
What I have seen is that they will have RF readers in multiple locations like ride entrances, restaurants, gift shops, etc. and yes, it's true they could in some way "track" your individual movements, but it's not in such a way that they can see every little thing you do, it's actually kind of limited, and as an individual, yields them relatively useless data. I mean, they don't care what YOU ride, what YOU eat or what YOU buy. What they do care about is when you plan to be there and when you plan to eat so they can figure out how many resources they will need to ensure you can with minimal wait, but also with efficiency in mind so they don't overstock or overstaff. Bear in mind though, that its not YOU as an individual they care about, it's the tally of you and everyone else who plans to be there. Will they try and sell you something based on your information/habits? You bet they will, just like they do now, based on the information they've already harvested from you over the many years you've visited. I'm pretty confident though, that like now, if you tell them you don't want to be bothered by a lot of emails or regular mail or phone calls, they will back off. After all, how much have they abused this in the past? For me, it's an occasional email, which I don't mind, and I don't expect to change in the future.
I know I've rambled too, but really, this isn't THAT big a deal. It's not big brother, they're not going to come after you and they're not going to sell your information to Six Flags, or anybody else for that matter. I'm pretty confident I can trust Disney on this. However, if this were in the hands of the government, I would be as ardently outspoken as you seem to be, and protest it all the way.