Well-Known Member
Unless you've seen what DCA was built like in 2001 versus what is replacing it circa 2010, it's hard to understand that this billon dollar project is actually going in and strategically removing and replacing all of the stuff that was actually done on the cheap. The replacement stuff is hyper themed, lushly presented, and filled with details.
Paradsie Pier, let's just take one example, the Games of the Boardwalk. They are currently in their 2001 form with modern stucco walls, flat vinyl signage hanging in simple metal frames, and basic Home Depot bathroom lighting around the edges. There's not much to them and they look and feel like a 21st century strip mall in the suburbs.
Thank you for this. I think it's hard for someone not familiar with DCA to embrace all the changes that are coming. It's the small cosmetic changes, like the addition of trees around the park and rockwork near Screamin', that will make the most difference.