Christy's "A trip report, without actually being a 'report' per se"...

because I can't ever remember what exactly we did on which day. :lookaroun :eek:

But here are some pictures and an attempt at recalling the week. :wave:

I do remember we arrived on Monday, July 31, and it was extra exciting because 1) this was an all girls' trip and 2) this group of all girls included 2 of my husband's cousins, who are also godmothers to two of my kids.

One of them is a WDW veteran, but the other had only ever been to the MK when she was about 8 years old. Here she is, along with 3 of my girls, in the lobby of the Poly:


I love the Poly

We've seen many a wedding take place there. Here's the view from where the weddings take place: (Sunset Point, I think it's called?)




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*bumps into Vince on the way in, and takes his shells*

Great trip report Christy! :wave:

Question: They (Disney) set up the whole birthday things (banner, balloons, etc) on the boat or ya'll did? That's awesome!

They set up the boat when you tell them it's for a birthday, and then you have to call (I believe) "private dining" from the resort where you'll be leaving and have the cake and stuff set up. There was also pop :lookaroun (soft drinks for those at home who are confused :p ) and chips and pretzels.

ClemsonTigger said:
Outstanding Christy!

Looks like all went even better than expected.

One question....swimming just after the Bibbidy Bubbly extreme makeover? Didn't that undo everything...not that that wouldn't have happened soon enough...

*shrug* We knew it was only a matter of time :lol: If they wanna swim, when it's that hot, then to hell with the hair :lol:


Well-Known Member
I was at the Poly the last two weeks of July and saw that "Devil Bird" in your pic. We saw him attack other ducks when we would feed them from our patio balcony. We referred to him as "Hitler the Duck" or "Duck Nazi"!:lol:

I think I took a few pics of him as well.

I will say this now and keep on saying it. The Polynesian is the best WDW resort!!! I love that place!


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I was at the Poly the last two weeks of July and saw that "Devil Bird" in your pic. We saw him attack other ducks when we would feed them from our patio balcony. We referred to him as "Hitler the Duck" or "Duck Nazi"!:lol:

I think I took a few pics of him as well.

I will say this now and keep on saying it. The Polynesian is the best WDW resort!!! I love that place!


We've tried GF and AKL too, and just always come back to the Poly. Next trip, I believe we're staying at WL because my husband wants to, but I know we'll end up splitting up the trip and still coming to the Poly for half the time. :lol:

Oh! And I came thisclose to catching one of those little lizard things this time! :eek: You will be mine, little lizard!! I did actually catch a tiny little toad in the China pavilion :lol: He was hopping in the middle of the sidewalk, and I didn't want him to get crushed, because he was so tiny! About the size of my pinky nail :lol: So we caught him, but he was too quick to get a picture. I put him way back where nobody would step on him.

/end randomness about reptiles and/or amphibians :lookaroun


Naturally Grumpy

We've tried GF and AKL too, and just always come back to the Poly. Next trip, I believe we're staying at WL because my husband wants to, but I know we'll end up splitting up the trip and still coming to the Poly for half the time. :lol:

Oh! And I came thisclose to catching one of those little lizard things this time! :eek: You will be mine, little lizard!! I did actually catch a tiny little toad in the China pavilion :lol: He was hopping in the middle of the sidewalk, and I didn't want him to get crushed, because he was so tiny! About the size of my pinky nail :lol: So we caught him, but he was too quick to get a picture. I put him way back where nobody would step on him.

/end randomness about reptiles and/or amphibians :lookaroun

Good thing I read the full post before replying because I was amazed that DH was actually going to get his choice....should have known better...:p

For future reference, Poly is one of the best lizard huntin' areas. You have to go out first thing in the AM, good spots are the Aloha cove or the walkway to TTC. The little buggers are still slow from the cool night, and you can get them with a little bit of skill. One warning, you have to go for the whole body...grab the tail and it will just come off..:eek:


:lol: :sohappy:

Oh, Andy is in soooooo much trouble... just a few more years...

And your report made me miss The World so badly :cry:


Well-Known Member
That cruise looked great - how much was it (hope you don't mind me asking) as our daughter will probably have her birthday when we go. What is it called? I can look up the details on allears.

Great pictures btw! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
That cruise looked great - how much was it (hope you don't mind me asking) as our daughter will probably have her birthday when we go. What is it called? I can look up the details on allears.

Great pictures btw! :wave:

It was the Wishes birthday cruise (at least that's what I called it when I booked it :lol: ) and I'll have to ask my MIL how much the final tally was (if you want to know what it was with the cake and strawberries)

Thanks again everybody :wave:


Well-Known Member
There were some afternoons when we would be walking back to the room or to the TTC and you literally had to avoid stepping on lizards because there were so many of them! My Gf and I even actually found a couple of sweethearts in the middle of a passionate session. Well, we couldn't resist and took a few pics of the lizard love!:lol:

Oh! And speaking of toads/frogs! We were in the MK one night during the trip on the walkway bridge heading from Tomorrowland to Main Street. We stopped to watch the duckies swimming in the water and playing in the warm, summer rain at night. A huge toad hopped out of the bushes and kept trying to get near the water's edge, but everytime it got close a duck would charge at him and scare him away. It was pretty funny to watch the ducks and a toad battle for the water.


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:lol: That reminds me...

we were wondering just how exactly they manage to keep the parks so bug free!! They were so few and far between, we were quite sure we must be walking around in some chemical fog the entire time :lol:

Snakes too. I have seen one snake in all my time spent there, and it was dead :( I am just surprised that, with all that water and the weather being like it is, there'd be snakes and bugs everywhere *shrug*


Well-Known Member
I have never seen a snake anywhere. I always am looking for them, but no luck yet. Another critter I have never seen at WDW yet is an actual gator. I know others that have, though. I did see some deer and a coyote on this last trip I was on. I also got bit by a lot of mosquitos one night, but I have no idea if it was at the hotel or at one of the parks or at another resort I was eating dinner at.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
That cruise looked great - how much was it (hope you don't mind me asking) as our daughter will probably have her birthday when we go. What is it called? I can look up the details on allears.

Great pictures btw! :wave:

Ok, I got this off Deb's site:

Price: $211.26 for 21' Pontoon ($220 with tax) or $258.21 for the 25' Pontoon with Audio ($275 with tax)
(price admits up to 10 if group is made up of all adults, 12 if group is a mix of children and adults)

(we had audio :lookaroun which was more fun on the way back than during the actual fireworks because he was playing some of the soundtrack from PotC :lol: Kids thought that was "SO COOL!" :lol: )

And the MIL doesn't remember how much the cake and strawberries were (birds of a feather, eh? :lol: :lookaroun :eek: ) but she did say, and I quote "The cake wasn't bad, but the strawberries... were a luxury." LOL I could call Poly's private dining I guess and ask.

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