Christy's "A trip report, without actually being a 'report' per se"...

because I can't ever remember what exactly we did on which day. :lookaroun :eek:

But here are some pictures and an attempt at recalling the week. :wave:

I do remember we arrived on Monday, July 31, and it was extra exciting because 1) this was an all girls' trip and 2) this group of all girls included 2 of my husband's cousins, who are also godmothers to two of my kids.

One of them is a WDW veteran, but the other had only ever been to the MK when she was about 8 years old. Here she is, along with 3 of my girls, in the lobby of the Poly:


I love the Poly

We've seen many a wedding take place there. Here's the view from where the weddings take place: (Sunset Point, I think it's called?)




Well-Known Member
Christy, I can't believe how big your girls are getting, especially Leah! I remember when she came with you to Epcot once when we all met up and she was just a wee little thing then. She is way too cute in that Jasmine costume. She looks a little sassy. :lookaroun Great pics, thanks for sharing. What a fantastic way to spend your birthday. It's a good thing I don't have 4girls (well, you know, or any kids yet) because I'd be BROKE after hitting the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique. "Oh, you want the works? We're on vacation! Sure!" :dazzle:

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