no. A circuit board burnt out and they replaced it. That's it. I have a source with direct knowledge of that situation.
I don't understand why they were so quick to take down the Motion sign, while leaving the Mannequins one. Why paint over 8-trax but leave up the back side of Comedy Warehouse sign? It doesn't make any sense. Either get rid of it or keep it! Stop screwing with us!
Imagine if they would have actually had signed contracts before they made this stupid decision. At least if they had that, there wouldn't be this insanely dead area with empty buildings. It's obvious things haven't gone as planned. They never planned on renting out Motion, BET, and AC, but they did because things fell through. I am convinced of that. I'm also convinced there were other ways they could have modified PI to still work within the confines of the DTD area. I think PI was ultimately subject to the problem that west side created. Funny how the knee-jerk reaction to the copy cat city walk(west side) results in the closure of the original.
JT before u jump on me, I think people are miss-understanding your position. You state that there could be a better area for PI and you're not against nightlife on property. Unfortunately PI suffered a bad fate because of bad decisions made in the late 90s. If they had announced or even started building a night life district in another location, I think there would be a lot less anger from the fans. They could have taken lights right out of mannequins and put it into a new mannequins and the same with the other clubs. The clubs provided us a place to go where we could feel safe, be in a smoke free environment, and have fun dancing without even having to drive back to the hotel. Disney is missing the boat by not offering that anymore on property.