Chances of TRON attraction now that movie is out?


Well-Known Member
Personally, I think a big problem for Tron getting people to theatres was the advertising. Yes, they spent alot but I've seen WAY more commercials for Fockers than Tron. Honestly, I WANT to see this movie but I completely forgot that it already came out mainly cause I didn't get those visual reminders called commercials :) Maybe it's just my area but we weren't seeing ANY commercials until opening weekend and even then, it wasn't many.

Also, as many have said, this is a slow time of year for boxoffice anyway. People are shopping and travelling. Add to that the rising costs of GOING to the movies... people are spending their money on goods right now. Tron may see more viewers in Jan.


Well-Known Member
Also, as many have said, this is a slow time of year for boxoffice anyway. People are shopping and travelling. Add to that the rising costs of GOING to the movies... people are spending their money on goods right now. Tron may see more viewers in Jan.

I don't buy that. The 2 biggest movies of all time (Avatar & Titanic) were released in December. The first 2 Twilight movies were released in November and December and made over $1 billion worldwide.

As I said (and I may be wrong), but Tron is what is known in the movie industry as a "front loaded" film, meaning the majority of people that are going to see it are going to see it opening weekend. It will likely make it to $100 million. Might hit the $130 million mark. Certainly not enough to warrant an attraction based on it, and given it's budget, likely might not get the planned sequels. Disney has been advertising this movie for over 1 year. There's no telling how much money they spent on advertising.

FTR, it had the 143rd biggest opening weekend ever. I have a feeling, Disney was hoping for a slightly better number than that.


Well-Known Member
Tron's main fault is that it tries to double dip.

It tries to keep the story dumbed down enough to keep the younger crowd interested, bit also tries to make the story deep enough and sci-fi themed enough to please the geek crowd.

The balance of the two is REALLY hard to meet. It ended up a disappointment to both groups who both state that the film didn't cater to them enough.

But then, there is the middle group that is really enjoying the film.

So, it is a case of trying to appeal to broadly to its own fault.

Sometimes, this is the only way that these types of films can be made.

If it made it more kid friendly, a huge geek rebellion would be even more upset than they are.

If it weighed heavier, they wouldn't sell toys and the general public would reject it like the first.

They gave it a pretty dang good shot to balance these elements. Again, until we know how much it makes through the end of the year, it is really hard to call it a bomb. It is NO Spiderman 3 - that is for sure.


Well-Known Member
It is visual eye candy with nothing behind it. QUOTE]

Yes, it is definitely visual eye candy...but to say there's nothing behind it is a little harsh. (Sure, that's your opinion and you're entitled to it).

I thought the story was a lot more involved than a PG rated film should've been (meaning the adult storytelling). Being that it is only rated PG...I feel they had to hold back a little to grab a larger audience (the children...which explains the "cool visuals."). Had this been a PG-13 rated film, they could've pushed the more adult aspects of the film and create a better "all-around" movie.

So, IMO, there's plenty of story behind the visuals...but it could've been implemented better if they weren't concerned about the rating and went for a more "grown-up" movie.

Rather than focusing on keeping it "simple," they should've gone all-out.


I saw TRON last night in IMAX 3D. The theater was sold out for my show (8pm sunday night).

I know the initial box office means everything these days, but for some people (like me, in the age range of mid-30's, who remember the original fondly) it is really hard to run out the door on opening weekend right before christmas. I almost skipped the movie myself due to the holiday party/shopping/prep madness but at the last minute found time to go.

I hope it does well, I enjoyed it. :)


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one that cringed at the Zombie's in the Pirates 4 trailer? I know the first movie had pirates that were effectively ghosts/zombies, but they weren't classified as such in the movie.


Well-Known Member
slightly off topic...but was thinking about seeing Tron theater offers both IMAX 3D and RealD 3D....any of you have an opinion on which is better and or the differences? I did a quick google search but the articles I read just basically spoke of the flaws in each format.


Well-Known Member
But does the box office gross really matter to Disney?

There is a piece missing from this discussion. (I have not seen the film but will in the next week.) Iger has been very aggressive about films through the theaters to the store shelves to the living room. If memory serves me correctly, Iger was in a showdown with European theater owners over Alice to the point they almost boycotted showing the film. Is it possible Disney has decided that the really money is in getting the film to the home market and selling tons of merchandise?

PaTF was a good movie that did not gross like films in the 1990's; however, by most accounts merchandise flew off the shelves. We all know the ample (higher quality) goods put out for Tron. It almost seems like Disney may be financing and justifying their movies on a total profit basis rather than box office gross alone. (Ex: I can already pre-order Tangled on Amazon.) I know there would be some corporate accounting barriers, but it seems plausible. That is not to say they are intentionally planning on producing poor performing movies (see Tangled, Alice). To me this just seems like a better insurance plan against a poor "theater visit" economy.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Am I the only one that cringed at the Zombie's in the Pirates 4 trailer? I know the first movie had pirates that were effectively ghosts/zombies, but they weren't classified as such in the movie.
The movie is loosely based on the Tim Powers novel of the same name. It is my understanding (I have never read it) that the novel has zombies in it hence their appearance in the film.


Well-Known Member
There is a piece missing from this discussion. (I have not seen the film but will in the next week.) Iger has been very aggressive about films through the theaters to the store shelves to the living room. If memory serves me correctly, Iger was in a showdown with European theater owners over Alice to the point they almost boycotted showing the film. Is it possible Disney has decided that the really money is in getting the film to the home market and selling tons of merchandise?

PaTF was a good movie that did not gross like films in the 1990's; however, by most accounts merchandise flew off the shelves. We all know the ample (higher quality) goods put out for Tron. It almost seems like Disney may be financing and justifying their movies on a total profit basis rather than box office gross alone. (Ex: I can already pre-order Tangled on Amazon.) I know there would be some corporate accounting barriers, but it seems plausible. That is not to say they are intentionally planning on producing poor performing movies (see Tangled, Alice). To me this just seems like a better insurance plan against a poor "theater visit" economy.

I would agree that with Disney's synergy that Box Office isn't as important as it is with other studios. It's very much like The CW network. Their shows are all money losers on broadcast but kill in syndication and go nuclear on DVD. If not, the network would fold.

We've already seen that Disney has made tons off the sale of adult drinks for ElecTRONica alone -- months before the movie came out.

Plus, Disney needed to market themselves as not just a Mickey Mouse operation before they take over the Marvel movies in 2012.


Think for yourselfer
Am I the only one that cringed at the Zombie's in the Pirates 4 trailer? I know the first movie had pirates that were effectively ghosts/zombies, but they weren't classified as such in the movie.

You were cool with a villain with tentacles growing out of his face whose heart he cut out of his own chest and keeps in a box, but zombies are throwing you?


Premium Member
You were cool with a villain with tentacles growing out of his face whose heart he cut out of his own chest and keeps in a box, but zombies are throwing you?


Anyway, the Pirates trailer was "meh" but the one that really bothered me was the "Mars Needs Moms" trailer...I mean seriously?? Horrible idea for a movie


Where were the zombies in the Pirates trailer? Were they suppose to be those actors with teeth attached to their lips? The first film had zombies. You can tell that this film was done on a budget. Where were the great special effects that the franchise is known for? The effects were one of the main reasons that I liked the films. Sorry, but I don't think that 2 hours of Jack mugging for the camera will be enough to make the movie a hit.:dazzle:


Well-Known Member
The movie is loosely based on the Tim Powers novel of the same name. It is my understanding (I have never read it) that the novel has zombies in it hence their appearance in the film.

Thanks for the info.

You were cool with a villain with tentacles growing out of his face whose heart he cut out of his own chest and keeps in a box, but zombies are throwing you?

I was actually - that was a new type of creature and the presence of the "Fish People" were explained in the plot of the movie.

I obviously haven't seen Pirates 4 so I don't know how the zombies are going to play a part. I never saw Indiana Jones Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, but I know that many complained about the inexplicable addition of aliens to that story - my hope is that zombies aren't just inserted into the film for the sake of adding zombies.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Thanks for the info.

I was actually - that was a new type of creature and the presence of the "Fish People" were explained in the plot of the movie.

I obviously haven't seen Pirates 4 so I don't know how the zombies are going to play a part. I never saw Indiana Jones Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, but I know that many complained about the inexplicable addition of aliens to that story - my hope is that zombies aren't just inserted into the film for the sake of adding zombies.
I have never really understood the dislike for this. Surviving a fall form a plane using an inflatable raft, stones that magically glow when placed together, riping a guys heart out and keeping him alive or a cup that gives everlasting life are all OK but aliens, something that is actually scientifically plausible and well entrenched in the current myth of many ancient cultures, was too much of a stretch.:shrug:


Think for yourselfer
I have never really understood the dislike for this. Surviving a fall form a plane using an inflatable raft, stones that magically glow when placed together, riping a guys heart out and keeping him alive or a cup that gives everlasting life are all OK but aliens, something that is actually scientifically plausible and well entrenched in the current myth of many ancient cultures, was too much of a stretch.:shrug:

I could not agree with you more. I could never understand the vitriol directed at that last Indy over the aliens. In Raiders, they open the arc and if you look at the light you are instantly incinerated. How is that more plausible then aliens?

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