The thing about the "flower blossom of tomorrow" aka EPCOT Center logo is really geared toward Future World.
The center of the flower is SSE, and the other 5 rings represent the 5 Future World Pavilions from opening day: Energy, Motion, Imagination, Land, and Communicore. I saw neat graphic of it some time ago with the pavilion logos in each ring.
Can anyone confirm this? That's a cool story, but something about it doesn't feel right to me. I guess I just don't think the original logo was designed without taking into consideration the 2 later pavilions already being set aside and built for EPCOT Center (Horizons and the Living Seas were both under construction even as EPCOT opened, at least if you count the mound of dirt that waiting almost 4 years to become "earth" so it would support the Seabase Alpha tank). In fact, concept art for the park's entrance plaza has the lucite fountain actually consisting of eight sculptures instead of the three we know (knew)--they have the "flower" logo surrounded by 7 pavilions, so they were not in fact forgotten in the park's original design. So I'm not sure the logo was designed with
any specific number of pavilions in mind. The "five" might not mean anything at all--perhaps it was just the best configuration of rings. (I don't doubt that you actually saw that graphic relating each pavilion to a ring, but something tells me it was produced because it looked nice and not so much as a reflection of the original design idea of the "flower" logo.)
Why rings and a globe? I've always just taken it to mean that EPCOT (the logo's globe) was in the center of everything--of Walt Disney World, of planet Earth, of the universe. When I look at the rings I see people connecting and interacting around the world (a driving concept behind both Future World and World Showcase), all being bound by EPCOT Center the park and EPCOT Center the vision. I have no idea whether or not the original designers would phrase it that way, but that's at least the feeling I think they were trying to get across.
Aesthetically, yes, the "flower" logo is much more tied to the pavilions of Future World than those of World Showcase...the former had logos with the same line weights and design sensibilities, and the latter had no real logos at all! (Well, aside from their uniquely stylized names.) But conceptually, I think the logo was carefully designed to stand for
all of EPCOT, and not just Future World.
That was perhaps longer than it needed to be

, but does it make any sense? Again, most of it is going on hunch, but there's also some evidence there.