News Cars-Themed Attractions at Magic Kingdom


Active Member
“Here we experience the story of our country's past ... the colorful drama of Frontier America in the exciting days of the covered wagon and the stage coach ... the advent of the railroad ... and the romantic riverboat. Frontierland is a tribute to the faith, courage and ingenuity of the pioneers who blazed the trails across America.”
- Walt Disney

This is the official Frontierland Plaque.
You could call Lightning Mcqueen a pioneer :) Ka-chow


Well-Known Member
Sorry, this thread is REAL long and seems to be the same argument/debate over and over again. What has been rumored since the D23 expo? A recap on any new updates, if possible!


Well-Known Member
What has been rumored since the D23 expo? A recap on any new updates, if possible!
D23 announced the cars rides as part of “re-imagining Frontierland” - after D23 they released the artwork showing the cars expansion taking the place of the rivers of America and Tom Sawyer island.

Rumor / speculation that a trackless ATV vehicle is being considered for the attraction.

That’s about it really.


Well-Known Member
I think that’s where RSR does this and it drives insane re-rideability. Because kids (and adults!) want to ride again for the chance to win

As a local I can tell you that that absolutely does not drive insane re-rideability. That ride averages 90 minute waits. Nobody is getting back in line so they can hear Lightning say “you won” instead of “great job.” Lol. If they re getting back in line it’s because the really enjoy the ride.


Well-Known Member
As a local I can tell you that that absolutely does not drive insane re-rideability. That ride averages 90 minute waits. Nobody is getting back in line so they can hear Lightning say “you won” instead of “great job.” Lol. If they re getting back in line it’s because the really enjoy the ride.
Ultimately it’s just a good ride with a very good theme that combines dark ride and thrill elements.

It is one of the best areas in all of DCA overall. Hopefully the new ride brings the same level of kinetics to WDW with added water features to compensate for the loss of RoA.

Basil of Baker Street

Well-Known Member

Problem solved.


Well-Known Member
I went through the art closely again. Take this with a grain of salt as it’s just my read. I also know Disney’s mixed track record of slashing concept art, but I feel there’s reason to believe we’re in for a period of meaningful investment. My reasons: (1) commitments they’ve made on $B to be invested, (2) pressure from Universal / Epic, (3) issues with Tiana — leads me to believe they’re not going to cut egregious corners and end up with a crappy product. I think D23, and what was a pretty remarkable number of announcements, was itself a positive sign. Now they gotta back it up. Timing-wise, I think this is all going to be slow lol

1. On closer look, the overhead and supporting concept art clearly shows start and finish lines with cars lined up side by side. So I do think we’re in for a race with losers / winners like RSR assuming nothing changes


2. I see quite a bit of water throughout y’all. One that caught my eye is around Big Thunder where the area doesn’t look colored like a path or foliage. Makes me think they’re keeping the ride’s signature turn over the water line in the form of a small lake / pond. Could make for a great picture, and allow us to see it from closer than we can today


3. This really looks like multi-level waterfalls on the left into a stream down below. You can see the small retaining walls on the track above and below the area I think is a stream


4. Above the yellow car is a path with the 4 vertical flags. Just above that I see a stream running horizontal with a large pathway bridge on the right and the smaller bridge on the left just by the RSN sign. That would mean they’re bringing water into the center of the area, not just in perimeter stuff. And connected to this potential lake / pond I see near Big Thunder. Again, would be nice


5. This pretty clearly looks like a bridge over water with folks walking on it. Actually looks like some of the existing over-water walkway in front of Diamond Horseshoe today which has a similar looking bend over the water

6. The cars come out of a cave? I hadn’t noticed that before! Maybe they do a short show scene. And this I can’t get from the art and is total armchair, but if they give the building below an elevated deck / floor to ceiling windows, would make for quite a beautiful table service restaurant with panorama views of the area



Well-Known Member
your post was well thought out and written.
EPIC is projected to be a huge disruptor though. For reasons you mentioned.
Even with the height requirement thing being a big current issue for Uni, and a bigger issue in the last ten years than it used to be:

let's reflect on what Disney has built more of in the last six to ten years than ever before?
Thrills and coasters.
Guardians tower
Guardians rewind
Indy retheme
Monsters Inc Coaster.
Splash to Tiana
Test Track
Cara thrill being the main replacement of ROA
Villians' focus on thrills.
Lion King Flume.

Their majority of new builds and rethemes, as well as announced plans have had a focus on thrills because that is what the audience is braver for than the past.
And it's in direct response because they know EPIC is a disruptor and competition.
Disney is absolutely, undoubtedly, "other affirmative word" more accommodating to families than Universal is. I have to believe it is a conscious decision by Universal to push their attractions to be for families that are no longer using strollers.

Basic dark rides have height requirements and roller coaster restraints. There is very little for a child under the age of 3 to do in a Universal park.


Well-Known Member
I haven’t ridden the Universal Mario Kart ride yet, but I hope it’s fun. Although part of me wonders what could’ve been if they used this new trackless system Disney seems to be using for Cars


Premium Member
And I think the DCA version of Carsland is spectacular... They did an amazing job with it...every little piece of it was beautifully done. The key ride is great, all of the additional things are extremely well done.... But that was the Disney of15 years ago...they were still willing to spend crazy amounts of money to do it right... Today's meaner leaner Disney will not produce the same quality...if they can, they choose not to... Not in Florida anyway.

I think more significantly is... when you look at RSR... so much of it is because of this immersive total package of great animation/figures at life scale indoors... cool ride vehicles... and an outdoor section that not only has a gimmick or two.. but is SURROUNDED by insane staging at a scale like no other.

Then compare that to test track. Which has... a speed gimmick?

After RSR... to build another attraction on the same platform needs to bring the kind of staging that RSR has, or will be widely panned. I don't know how that gets done with what we've seen so far...

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