Disney Irish
Premium Member
You didn't even know that matinee pricing at your own local theater in Utah was cheaper, you thought that everyone was paying the same price you paid for Barbie in summer of 2023. So yes that is the very definition of coastal elite out of touch thinking. Just because YOU paid over $20 the one time you went to a movie doesn't mean that is what everyone else is paying.Six bucks for a first run movie in 2025 seems incredibly cheap. But if you can get it, do it! That's always been my motto.
No, not really. I mean, it's fun for me to recap the weekends and marvel (no pun intended) at some of Disney's most horrific box office bombs in recent years while the Parks Division cheaps out left and right and offers very little that is new or fresh.
But tracking individual movies on Tuesdays and extrapolating what that must mean for matinee business at suburban discount theaters? Nope. That's way above my pay grade, or passing interest. Not to mention that Connie, our pre-show hostess in the polyester jump suit here in the TP2000 Global Command Center, has Tuesday/Wednesdays off anyway.
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On Tuesdays it's just me and Mr. Johnson and the plywood consoles with blinky lights. Tuesdays are usually slow.
I'd imagine the same theater setup at the Del Mar Cinepolis is also available in suburban Chicago, or Cincinnati, or Charlotte. That theater experience may be a few bucks cheaper there, but then gas is a few bucks cheaper per gallon in the heartland than it is in California. But as I've travelled the country, things aren't that much different, just usually cheaper than California.
Yes. The very definition.
You must be one of those out of touch coastal elites I read so much about, going to movie theaters with reserved recliners and waitress service with overpriced beer and wine.
Are you ashamed of yourself? Do you sleep well at night, knowing that in Wellington, Kansas they only have non-reserved seats that don't recline and a lone snack bar with sticky counters and a Coke machine that needs a new CO2 charge?
By the way, what was the price for your trip to see The Last Showgirl in Las Vegas when you went a couple weeks ago? I'm betting it wasn't over $20.