Britney Gets Wet


They are fake, lol and she admits it.. she got them done right before the kids choice awards one year. I remember watching, and here being well (cold) or something... not a pretty sight. (well that depends if ur male or not i guess lol)


New Member
Originally posted by Maria
She´s my same size!!
ROFLMAO!! :lol: :lol: :lol: j/k... I wish!

Hey Jake, Where was this show? Did you take those pics?

And btw, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!:king:

Also Jake, if these weren't from a show you personally went to, were they from a DVD and which one?


New Member
Originally posted by alee4eva
They are fake, lol and she admits it.. she got them done right before the kids choice awards one year. I remember watching, and here being well (cold) or something... not a pretty sight. (well that depends if ur male or not i guess lol)

Hey Alee, I agree they are probably fake but I didn't know she had admitted it. Where did she admit it and do you have a weblink or anything? Thanks!


No... i dont, but i remember right after she had them done her best friend (melissa joan hart) had an interview with a magazine (maybe seventeen? i cant recall)... that was like "dont judge someone because they want to improve their body" etc. but yeah, she was like really young.. like 16 when she had it done.

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Breast Implants Rumor: (Please be sure to vidit the pictures, visual aids!)

False Rumor

Many celebrities and performers face rumors and persecution from the people - Britney Spears is not an exception. The most well known of the rumors circulating about her, is about her supposed breast implants. Now, before you read on in this section you must understand a couple of things. I created this to give positive proof that she did not get implants. If you are a believer that she did, please come into this with an open mind. If you're even too stubborn to look at plain fact, then you might as well leave. I will give accurate facts that will show that she did not get implants. One more thing - You must read everything to fully understand what I am trying to prove.

When I first heard the rumor about her implants, I wasn't sure of my thoughts. I thought it was maybe possible and maybe not. As I learned more about Britney and studied up on the subject, my own speculation became smaller and smaller. I am now sure that she did not get them based on what I've seen, heard, and read. First of all - you might ask yourself why I would take the time to do this. Well, I think it is highly unfair for people to give other people a bad reputation. People need to put away rumor and speculation and get down to what are the solid facts. No one deserves to be unfairly branded with nothing but a rumor. And also, just to add something, I've seen her in concert; 9th row. That is very close! I can tell you that they are real. You can look at someone and tell - she's not as big as people make her out to be - she's a normal teenage girl.

The Beginning

So...Where did this rumor begin? Well that is not entirely known! One of the major things that set it off was the "Rolling Stone Magazine" issue. Britney did a photo shoot for the magazine in April of 1999. While changing costumes, a worker for "Rolling Stone" supposedly saw scars on Britney from getting breast implants. It's pretty sick what people will do for their 15 minutes of fame. First of all - What has this person got to back up their claim. Never was anything seen or said that could positively assert the person's claim. Therefore, we cannot believe what this person had claimed to have seen.

Another major topic is the obvious appearance difference between her "Baby One More Time" and "Sometimes" videos. What most people do not know, is that there were actually about 10 months between the videos. "BOMT" was shot in July of 1998 and "Sometimes" was shot in April of 1999. As you probably know, Britney did not begin her stardom until January and February of '99. "BOMT" became increasingly popular and was soon followed by another hit, "Sometimes." So what did people see? All of a sudden Britney goes from "BOMT" to "Sometimes" and people notice a big difference in her! She's seemed to fill out! But wait a minute - she couldn't have grown that quick! So the only explanation could be breast implants, right? Wrong! It wasn't "that quick," it was 10 months...this is what people tend to forget!

Starting Out

People sometimes act like Britney went from nothing to something over night. This, however, is certainly not the case. The change was very gradual but sometimes things coming through the media can have a time distortion. If you'll look at pictures of her throughout the time, you will see that there was no "over night" change. The picture shows Britney in December of 1998. This picture would have been taken long before she "got the implants." As you can see, she doesn't exactly look flat. It's obvious that she has something to start with - there was no sudden change.

"Sometimes" Explanation

"Baby One More Time"
July of 1998
Ten Months Pass »
April of 1999

Many people saw the way she looked in "Sometimes" and automatically began to assume! Wearing her white, tight, shirt, (3) Britney looks as if she has filled out quite a bit since her first video (2). But the facts are, that clothes can be deceiving. It doesn't take a half a brain to know that clothes can make you or break you. If you will notice, in the other "Sometimes" outfits (4), she does not appear to be nearly as large as in the white shirt. I have heard from several different sources that Britney wore a push up bra for "Sometimes" (as do many girls). She did wear one for the Rolling Stone shoot, as you can clearly see. :) In "BOMT" she was wearing a sports bra which will just make her look flat. On a side note, if you'll look at the "BOMT" pic (2), you'll see that the girl had something there to start with too.


Growth Spurt

It is a well known fact, that at the beginning of her career, Britney was really thin; she only weighed 105 pounds. After a growth spurt, she gained some weight and weighed 130 pounds - that is a considerable difference. After her growth spurt, Britney also grew places OTHER than her chest (but this seems to be the focus of most peoples attention... where are you peoples minds most of the time?) As you can see in the picture below from "BOMT" (5), Britney was quite thin back when she filmed this video in July '98 and then, ten months later, she films "Sometimes." But she has grown throughout (6) - she's not as thin anymore. Also note that Britney's mom was a late bloomer herself. seems to me like Britney is going through some normal teenage changes. And yet, simple things of life like these get blown way out of proportion because of some untrue words.

"Baby One More Time"
About 105 lbs.
About 130 lbs.

Rolling Stone Trouble

I'm sure everyone has seen some of the "Rolling Stone" magazine pictures! A lot of the speculation began over these pictures. Personally, on another note, I don't see much of anything wrong with it. People act like she wears this stuff everyday! This is a photo shoot people! They're going to dress her up in clothes she doesn't wear everyday! And besides, why does everyone get in an uproar over pictures like these? Other performers do similar things. For instance, Christina Aguilera has some guy unzip her shirt on her "Come On Over" video. Did anyone say anything about that? No! But when Britney shows some belly it's like, "God forbid!" Go easy on the girl. Ok...Now back to the original subject. It's easy to see that in the "Rolling Stone" picture (7) , her clothes are pressing her chest to make her look bigger. If you'll look at the bras she is wearing...get ready for's a PUSH UP BRA! And it's are doing exactly what they are meant to do. So you cannot use these pictures as "proof" of implants. Remember that this photo shoot took place in April of '99 (10 months after "BOMT"). I think its more the nature of the pictures that stirred up so much controversy, but I already explained my opinion on the pictures.


E! Encounter

E! Entertainment followed the story of a Britney fan who did an impersonation of her to win a special meeting. The meeting took place on August 9, 1999. As you can see in the pictures (8), Britney does not look big at all. Being August, this would have been way after the supposed date of the implants. This is after the "Sometimes" video and right before the "Crazy" video. The pictures speak for themselves!


TRL Proof

Britney has appeared on MTV's "Total Request Live" several times. The two pictures below show her "before and after" the supposed implants. It is understood by those who think she did get them, that she got them in March or April (around the times of "Sometimes" and the "Rolling Stone" shoot). The first picture shows her on TRL in February (9) and the second in May (10) (well before and after the supposed date). It pretty much only takes a set of eyes and a brain to see there is no difference between the two. If words don't persuade you, then pictures must.

February '99
May '99

Oops!...I Did It Again

MTV's "Making the Video" of "Oops!...I Did It Again" provides some really great proof. If you'll look at the picture below (11), you can see the first part is from her video dance rehersals. If her were implanted, they wouldn't flatten out like that! That can be used as proof enough! The second picture proves the same theory, but was taken during the actual video shoot.


Britney Speaks

Contrary to what Alee said, Britney has denounced this rumor several times. Here is a section from the magazine "Life Story: Britney Spears (Special Collectors Edition)"

Finally, Britney caved and told all the world. "When I first signed with the record [in 1998], we took a lot of photos, and those were the pictures that got used" to publicize the album, she said "I weighed 105 pounds then; I weigh 130 now. I went through a major growth spurt." Even if she hadn't filled out on her own, she says she would never have considered artificial enhancement. "I don't see anything wrong with it, but I would never have breast implants," she told TV Guide. "If women want to do that, that's fine. But it does scare me in a way, because [girls who] think I did that view me as a bad person, or they want to go out and do it themselves. It bothers me, but that's not my fault." By the time Britney spoke out, however, the brouhaha had spread beyond the control of her publicists, mutating from a jealous-girlfriend discussion of bra size to Britney's perceived impact on the nation's youth.

In Conclusion

I hope my post has helped in convincing you that Britney did not get implants. Nothing can be used as 100% evidence but I believe the facts I have shown can be used to denounce this stupid rumor. Remember that Britney is just like any other performer trying to make it in the music industry. Behind all her fame, Britney is a normal person who went through normal changes. Just remember to use your common sense before you say things. Thank you!


Interesting post Jake!

The clip at Liquidgeneration also suggests that she did not get implants. Those things change size all the time-- I think that she sometimes pushes those puppies up and out but I don't think she has done anything permenant.


New Member
Thanks for the long post Jake! You are infatuated with her!! :eek:

I don´t know if she has them or not, and I don´t really care... The truth is that they are too perfect to be true. Those pics that you provide, are nothing like she looks on stage or dressed for concerts, so I wouldn´t doubt that she does something to them to look bigger and perkier. Maybe make up? I don´t know! She could have also put a little implant on the bottom part to enhance them.... who knows? It´s her body! I´m fine with whatever she decides to do to it. :animwink:

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Actualy, she does do something to them. Those outfits are designed to push up and give the illusion of size. They were specially made for her bosom to make it appear larger. Just an FYI.

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Also... in the Baby One More Time video, she is wearing a sports bra basically the whole time, whereas in the Sometimes video she is wearing a push up bra. I'm sure everyone knows (Or should know) that a sports bra pushes you down and makes you appear smaller.


New Member
As a woman with real ones and no need of implants, I tell you that there are outfits to make them look perkier... that´s true, but if you are sitting on a 9th row, you can´t tell if they are or not... One of my friends has a pair of really convincing and good looking implants and standing next to her, you can´t tell they are fake. There are implants....... and implants! :animwink:

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
ok, this argument has gone far enough, I'm not gonna change anyone's opinions, so back to the original point of this post. Pitures of the show! No, I didn't take these Myself, but they are from the show I was at. These were taken with a digital camera actually, they aren't from a DVD.

Ok, I'm gonna post more later. I have stuff to do now.


Well-Known Member
If a women lays on her back... "Topless" and her things go " flat" then they are real.. Real ones wont have a " form" . In other words you wouldnt see anything that would look like deformed or somthing.. OK I really hope i was right on what i jus said lol. Implants dont go fat they just sit there "perky:lol

~ Justin...


New Member
Originally posted by the_ceo_at_wdw
If a women lays on her back... "Topless" and her things go " flat" then they are real.. Real ones wont have a " form" . In other words you wouldnt see anything that would look like deformed or somthing.. OK I really hope i was right on what i jus said lol. Implants dont go fat they just sit there "perky:lol

~ Justin...

Just Curious here, how exactly do you know this?:lookaroun


New Member
Originally posted by DisneyExpert
ok, this argument has gone far enough, I'm not gonna change anyone's opinions, so back to the original point of this post. Pitures of the show! No, I didn't take these Myself, but they are from the show I was at. These were taken with a digital camera actually, they aren't from a DVD.

Ok, I'm gonna post more later. I have stuff to do now.

I agree Jake, back to posting pictures of Britney! Post lots of them if you can. If you reach kinda limit, I will give you my e-mail and you can send them to me.

Hey what can I say, I am a Britney fan!


Well-Known Member
Laugh all you want.

OK if a grl is laying on her back witout a bra n. and gravity is pulling them down,, then they flatten.. All girl's are diffrent so its not alll the same. PLUS Since implants are like ballons.. they dont flatten unless forced to. So they stick out more cause they were put in to. Natual dont stick out like that when laying down. I dont think..... lol.. OK whatever hope that help. Why dont u just ask you mom or somthing.. Its common since Cam... Uhh. ;)


New Member
Originally posted by the_ceo_at_wdw
If a women lays on her back... "Topless" and her things go " flat" then they are real.. Real ones wont have a " form" . In other words you wouldnt see anything that would look like deformed or somthing.. OK I really hope i was right on what i jus said lol. Implants dont go fat they just sit there "perky:lol

~ Justin...

Bingo hes got it now all we need is bitney on her back :p

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