Britney Gets Wet


RunDisney Addict
I personally hate Britney to look at sure....but I keept he old "mute" button handy when her music videos pop on. Much more enjoyable.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Fievel
I personally hate Britney to look at sure....but I keept he old "mute" button handy when her music videos pop on. Much more enjoyable.

Got an annoying voice, there are far better singers, there are better looking people in the world, but hey, who cares...


New Member
Originally posted by tenchu

Got an annoying voice, there are far better singers, there are better looking people in the world, but hey, who cares...

Watch that mouth.... or you will enfuriate Jake! :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Maria

Watch that mouth.... or you will enfuriate Jake! :animwink:

Yeah i know.

Anyway maria, maybe you could help us with this experiment. You told us you sit at your computer with no bra on. Go and lie down for me!

Got a digital camera? :lol:


New Member
Jeez.... that´s what I get... :rolleyes:

I never said I do that! I was joking!

But to answer your question... Josh is right... although you don´t get totally flat... well... it depends on your cup size... but there is no way Brittney goes all flat when she does that! Give me a break!


Well-Known Member
First of all, in all fairness to Britney, the only "facts" to determine the implant argument would be to have recent x-rays of her chest or a public statement from her doctor. Anything else is speculation, whichever side of the debate you take.

Second of all, Britney is in the entertainment business, and fair game to any rumor, innuendo, or gossip that the media chooses to distribute. It may not be fair, but that's the nature of the beast: if she can't stand the heat, she should stay out of the kitchen (or the spray paint leather outfits).

Third of all, in regards to the "breast test" issue, the female breast varies from woman to woman on it's properties and abilities to defy gravity. There are several types of tissue in the breast, not just "fat", as well as muscles and tendons. Depending on these factors, as well as age, damage to tissue (running can be very damaging to tissue in a woman), size, and genetics, it is possible for a woman with "perky" to lay on her back and to still stay fairly "in form". The only way to be sure is by touch (I know, I know, there are plenty of you who will volunteer for the assignment).

Last of all, after reading some of these posts, I'm reminded of why we have stalking laws. (j/k, :animwink: )


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the pics. Britney doesn't live too far from me. I think it is cool that a local girl has achieved success. She really worked hard for it. While she doesn't have a vocal range; she's shrewd enough to surround herself with people who know how to market her and allow her to do what she does best-- entertain. As far as her go; if she's had implants, it's her business, if she hasn't, she's just blessed. From someone who was a brickhouse years ago, when bigger than a c cup wasn't fashionable, I wish I could turn back the clock. Nice are in:animwink:


New Member
Originally posted by Kicker
This thread is really treading a thin line...


I agree with Kicker. I have no problem talking about Britney but lets keep it to posting pics and non-body part related chat :lookaroun. Thats my two cents!


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Coool...who would of thought ......a whole thread about on wdw magic.....Bout time I say!...LOL....j/k;)

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
First off, it's BRITNEY, Darth, not BRITTANY. (grrrrr lol!) Second off she has an amazing vocal range, it's just not displayed in her music. Although, now that she is starting to take control of her career, (Write her own music, do her own choreagraphy, Produce her own tours, ect.) we may see some great things from this amazing girl soon here ;) Hopefully, she'll lay off the overproduction so we can actually hear her voice in the CD tracks, like you can in concerts. Anyone who's actually heard her SING (Not lip-synch, which she does do sometimes, but rarely, I mean you try dancing like that and singing while you do it! Not easy!) knows how great her voice really is. I dunno where that nasaly sound (Which I love, but others seem to find annoying) comes from on her CDs, but in real life her voice is very beautiful. Third, her voice IS beautiful. I think so because it is unique. No-one else sounds like she does, where as everyone else seems to sound the same as the next girl, Britney's voice is very easy to distinguish. Fourth, I take it nobody bothered to check the pictures in my long post. There are two pictures of her laying down and it is obivous that she goes "Flat". Fithly (Is that a word?) Below is pics from the Music Box Medley portion of the show, comprised of some of Britney's most beautiful songs, "Born to Make You Happy", "Lucky", and "Sometimes". The first is when she first comes out of the giant music box singing "Born to Make You Happy". Enjoy. :)


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