So, far...this is what I've kinda found.
There have been 3 different body styles for the rockets.
-Old school Matterhorn-style
-Newer version, with u-shaped lap bars
-Current version, with t-bars
However, the current version did not include all new trains. They just replaced the fiberglass body and kept the undercarriage and wheelsets from the previous version. For a while, both styles were being used while the conversion was in progress.
Here is a fiberglass body for the new trains, without the chasis.
So...3 body styles, but on only 2 different chasis.
The dates are a bit fuzzy.
At least that is what I am finding out, possibly correct but maybe not....:lol:
I'll be there next weekend and will try to find a CM that was there at time that can clear it up.