Bob Iger in HS

I have no insider knowledge so take this with a grain of salt, but we probably won't hear anything about a Star Wars Land for at least another two years.

Star Wars, as a franchise, is bruised and beaten. The Old Republic game was considered a financial flop, the last three movies were critical failures, and the franchise doesn't hold the weight it once did.

However, that can all change in 2015 with SW7. If I were a betting man, if that movie does incredibly well, we'll see some theme park activity for it. But I don't think they're going to do that just yet, because while still immensely popular, the Star Tours attraction doesn't bring the crowds it once did, and there's no guarentee a Star Wars Land would be popular for longer than the summer it opens.

Just curious why you feel that "the franchise doesn't hold the weight it once did," when less than a year ago and 2 years before that it held the largest and highest attended stand alone convention in Orlando and Celebration Europe II is looking to break that record.

As for the movies being "critical failures" I will admit they where no where near as strong as the first 3 but Critics brutalized some great movies lately to the point that if a critic says a movie is good I skip it and if they say its bad I make a point to see it. So far it's worked great for me, remember at first critics loved battleship.

I will add to this, living here in Orlando, that the Orlando Science center recently had the Star Wars Exhibit visit and recorded it's highest ever attendance/ticket sales over the period it was here.

So while I respect your opinion, I disagree and feel that "Star Wars Land" would be a far bigger and longer lasting draw then Avatar can/could ever be.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that series is arguably the best star wars film/television show since the original series.

Except the Christmas special, that was awesome too!
You did not say the Christmas special was awesome?! Lucas was so embarrassed by it that he denied its existence for YEARS until someone reeled it out of the archives!


Well-Known Member
So while I respect your opinion, I disagree and feel that "Star Wars Land" would be a far bigger and longer lasting draw then Avatar can/could ever be.

I agree, and like I said in a previous post, I'm mostly just trying to figure out why they aren't taking their best possible expansion and saying "...naah" for the last 30 years.

It just doesn't make sense to me.


Well-Known Member
I agree, and like I said in a previous post, I'm mostly just trying to figure out why they aren't taking their best possible expansion and saying "...naah" for the last 30 years.

It just doesn't make sense to me.

Did they have the rights to build whatever they wanted without having to pay anything for the last 30 years?


Well-Known Member
At Epcot today, they had that area they use for events in the WS open. There was a sign that said, "Board Members." I have no idea what Board, though.


Well-Known Member
Why would Iger/Disney buy Lucasfilm if they didn't foresee something big in the near future for Lucas' most famous movies in the Parks ?

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