....waking at 5:30, waking the children, cleaning the cat box, making breakfast, making lunches while helping child with reciting poem that's due today, driving to the bus stop, emptying the diswasher, feeding the dog, making a cup of tea, doing a load of laundry, sitting down to check out the disney forum and post on what I'm doing today, showering & dressing, paying the bills, going to work to mail all their bills and file the receipts, taking the dog to reading time at the school (actually that's pretty fun, still not as fun as disney), reheating leftovers for lunch, doing another load of laundry, picking up children from school, helping with homework, checking out the disney forum again just to see what's happened in heaven today, taking child to sports practice, making dinner, folding laundry, feeding the dog & cat, doing the dinner dishes, watching The Office on tivo, taking the dog out, sleeping (hopefully dreaming of disney)....