Bed Bugs at WDW


Active Member
OK, everybody just calm down and look at it from another perspective. Here we are freaking out and we need to remember.



New Member
think happy thoughts...

O.K., for all you squirming with the buggy thoughts...

Just tell yourself those are animatronics bed-bugs, just more theme-magic...
(creepy theme, but still!)

Seriously, there are some things you just can't do anything about so try not to sweat the little things (which the bed bugs are--very little, despite the truly gross bug pictures posted above!) Like the experts say, most people have little or no reaction to the bites--typically they don't even itch like mosquito bites do.

We stayed at Poly last May--and drove from Nebraska staying at hotels all along the way...saw no evidence of bedbugs anywhere we stayed, but also didn't go out of my way to look for them either. (I read an article about bedbugs all over the USA more than a year ago in Time or Newsweek, and saw a bit about them on the Today show, too--and saw the advice from the experts saying there's not much you can do about them since all the truly effective pesticides are illegal since they kill much more than just bugs.)


New Member
Read this on another site, too. I think there was no trip and who knows how blown out of proportion this has gotten. I DID watch 60 Minutes or something like that a few months ago that said after having been pretty well "extinct", bed bugs have come back to the US. They are in 5 star hotels as well as 2 star.

We just returned from the Caribbean Beach Resort and there were no sign of them. I check the places the show suggested:

1. Behind the headboard. Move the bed and see if the head board can be taken off. Sometimes it is held up only on hooks.

2. Look around the edges of the bed...the railing area.

3. Look behind pictures if possible.

4. Lastly, and this is the worse, bed bugs like dark. If you think you have them or feel them, move slowly and flip the light on. You will see them.

Bed bugs make us think a place is unclean, but that isn't so. Just like lice that children pick up in school...doesn't mean our kids aren't clean. Bed bugs like lice aren't very picky who they "bother!!"
I have read a recent thread on this and searched for the older thread. These posts seem to be in Janurary... Has anyone heard of any recent talk about Bed Bugs. I have 29days and I would freak if we had them in the room.


Well-Known Member
Deathly afraid of bugs and creeped out by these reports. They seem to be from one hotel. NOOOOO!

As far as the roach sightings. Could they have just been the FLorida helluva bugs? We left the door open to our balcony at the Grand Floridian one year and we panicked like the Griswolds did with the squirrel-thing in the Christmas tree. Housekeeping came up and told us what they were and removed it. This was years ago, though. Totally our fault for not closing the balcony properly.

The Bugs are big, look roach-like, ew, :hurl: and well, I can't get over the name helluva.


Well-Known Member
I HATE bed bugs!! I got them once at a motel in Wildwood. Needless to say I have never stayed there again. They got into my teddy bear and the arm that I held him with at night got bites all over it. My fingers all the way up my arm. And they hurt! It was terrible.:cry: I'll be on the lookout next time I go to Disney! :lookaroun

I don't really think that there are people who actually like them.:D


Active Member
It's pretty easy to prevent this from happening to you. Before you take the luggage into the room, do an inspection. Use a flashlight to look under the mattress and behind mirrors, pictures, etc. You will see them. It's easy to notice them under the mattress. They leave red spots.


New Member
Hi guys, was just reading this thread and thought I would share something funny that happened on our trip in 2005 (kind of bug related, well small amphibian).
It was pouring when we landed, I think there was a hurricane that maybe was just a tropical storm by the time it got to Orlando, but none the less it was extremely windy and pouring cats and dogs.
We got soaked finding our room at POR (Mansions) and as we were walking with all our luggage we had to avoid rolling over or stepping on all the little lizards and froggies that were taking shelter on the walkway by the rooms. Some froggies were hanging out on the side of the building. We finally found our room and opened the door and went inside. Well to my surprise something leaped from my head and fell near the armoire where the TV is, and then proceeded to hop onto the wall and behind the armoire. This little froggie had hitched a ride on my head and I hadnt noticed...:lol:

We called the front desk and asked them to send someone, and this really old maintenance man (such a sweet man) came up and attempted to find froggie, but we couldn find him. So there were three of us sleeping in the room that night, thankfully Disney didnt make us pay for an extra body in the room:p:ROFLOL:


New Member
My last trip to Disney World in October 2003 (yes i know its been along time and we are going through withdrawls but our family is currently going through expansion so waiting on kids to get a little older before going again) but anyway we stayed at PO Riverside, my wife was eaten up with bed bug bites, they didn't bite me but they sure loved her. Should have complained but we aren't the kind of people that go around complaining about everything and it was towards the end of the trip. Did tell them when we were leaving, and they acted like they really didn't care. Maybe i should have pushed it a little harder but like i said we aren't complainers. was kind of funny too she took pictures of her legs and got it on video camera so i have evidence. lol probably should have tried to get some freebies after the chunk of change i dropped down there. lol


Well-Known Member
Deathly afraid of bugs and creeped out by these reports. They seem to be from one hotel. NOOOOO!

As far as the roach sightings. Could they have just been the FLorida helluva bugs? We left the door open to our balcony at the Grand Floridian one year and we panicked like the Griswolds did with the squirrel-thing in the Christmas tree. Housekeeping came up and told us what they were and removed it. This was years ago, though. Totally our fault for not closing the balcony properly.

The Bugs are big, look roach-like, ew, :hurl: and well, I can't get over the name helluva.
I never heard of that name. I lived in FL. for six years and it sounds like you are describing Palmetto bugs. They are about an inch and a half long and basically look like a big roach. Some of them fly as well. They also make a distinct sound when you step on them.:hurl:
I don't really think that there are people who actually like them.:D
You never know. There are some starnge people in this world.:lol:


Active Member
Hi guys, was just reading this thread and thought I would share something funny that happened on our trip in 2005 (kind of bug related, well small amphibian).
It was pouring when we landed, I think there was a hurricane that maybe was just a tropical storm by the time it got to Orlando, but none the less it was extremely windy and pouring cats and dogs.
We got soaked finding our room at POR (Mansions) and as we were walking with all our luggage we had to avoid rolling over or stepping on all the little lizards and froggies that were taking shelter on the walkway by the rooms. Some froggies were hanging out on the side of the building. We finally found our room and opened the door and went inside. Well to my surprise something leaped from my head and fell near the armoire where the TV is, and then proceeded to hop onto the wall and behind the armoire. This little froggie had hitched a ride on my head and I hadnt noticed...:lol:

We called the front desk and asked them to send someone, and this really old maintenance man (such a sweet man) came up and attempted to find froggie, but we couldn find him. So there were three of us sleeping in the room that night, thankfully Disney didnt make us pay for an extra body in the room:p:ROFLOL:

My very first trip to WDW we stayed in the very back of the AS Music. I mean in the very back...anyway we were walking the 10 miles to our room and it was like the frog plauge they were EVERYWHERE. Well, I happen to be PETRIFIED of frogs (its just one of my stupid phobias) and I almost had a heart attack. I didn't sleep at all that night, I just knew one made it into our room. :o Ever since then I can't stay at the All Star.


New Member
:eek: :eek: :eek:

I just have to say that now I'm positive as to why we stay in FW in our own camper!

We did stay in the Poly once, and there was a pretty big roach in the room. :hurl:

I'm a complete germaphobe, and I will take my own room, my own bed, my own sheets, and my own bathroom over any hotel room any day. Plus, you just can't beat the atmosphere of FW. :animwink:


Active Member
I can attest that I checked our room completely upon check in a couple of weeks ago at the Contemporary Resort at WDW and Portofino Bay at Universal and found no evidence of bedbugs.


Well-Known Member
We too checked everywhere before bringing anything in. If you can, leave at least some of the lights off and use a flashlight to check everywhere. We didn't find bugs but we did find toys that the last family had left behind. This prompted me to call housekeeping and request clean bedding.


Well-Known Member
Oh stop already..............................youse guys, oh nevermind. (don't you have anything else to worry about?) Palmetto bugs, mosquitos, snakes, oh those tiny lizards eeeeeeeeeeeek (And I hear tale of Mice too.) :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Never once have we found a bug of any kind in a WDW resort room and we've stayed at every single one in the past 30+ years of my life.

The last time we had a bug surprise was at the most unlikely of places. We like to stay at the Casa Monica when we go to St.Augustine and on the last trip we booked a signature suite. When we got in the room we found termites on the lampshades, carpet and bed. Now, this is a four star location, featured on the Travel Channel several times, winner of numerous awards, etc...They went above and beyond to make up for it but it does go to show these things can happen anywhere.

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