Beastly kingdom


Le Meh
Premium Member
dm77 said:
Who are you? Do you work for the Disney Corp and hold some seat of power that would give you all of this insight? Or are you merely some guy who spends wayyy too much time posting on a forum? Seriously though, what credentials do you hold that lets you "know" what Disney will be doing?
Yep, your new.


New Member
Corrus said:
BTW... Robert Iger certainly won't green light Beastly Kingdom anyway... he goal is, globalizing the Walt Disney Company, and not expanding existing parks...

Not true. Iger has already gone on record saying that we will see a fair amount of expansion in the existing american parks. I do not know where you are getting your information (if I were to bet probably a low level imagineer, Don Goodman (who is certainly not in the know), or a wdw bus driver :eek: )

You know Corrus, I don't mean to call you out like this but I have looked at some of your posts in the past few months and you seem to have a real problem with this new arrangement at Disney. You seem to cut down and undermine Lasseter's role in the company at every turn and you constantly state that Iger is a greedy anti-creative businessman who isn't interested in Disney tradition. However, almost everything Iger has said AND done (buying pixar, stating he wants to revive disney animation, putting lasseter and catmull in charge of animation, getting Oswald back, bringing the shareholder meetings back to Anaheim, etc.) is quite the opposite of the picture you are painting. What is with the hostility? (Sour grapes perhaps?)

Again I don't mean to be rude I just want a reasonable answer to my questions. I know alot of you are going to be like "how dare you newbie even question someone who has been here forever" but I do not think that is apporpriate since this is a public forum and we are all allowed to discuss, debate, and in some cases...question.


Well-Known Member
dm77 said:
Don't you think you could have consolidated those 3 short posts into one?

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by Corrus
Read my lips...

. T h e r e . w i l l . n e v e r . a . b e a s t l y . k i n g d o m .


Don't you think you could have consolidated those 3 short posts into one?

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by Corrus
Pfffffffft... [sigh] I give up... I've explained the reason why not, too many times in other threads...

BTW... Robert Iger certainly won't green light Beastly Kingdom anyway... he goal is, globalizing the Walt Disney Company, and not expanding existing parks...


Who are you? Do you work for the Disney Corp and hold some seat of power that would give you all of this insight? Or are you merely some guy who spends wayyy too much time posting on a forum? Seriously though, what credentials do you hold that lets you "know" what Disney will be doing?
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Hmm, this one should be good. Orders 4 pizzas, begs fiance to get 2 more cases of beer(too many beers to drive already), moves lazy boy into spot previously occupied by computer chair and patiently awaits next few posts.

Edited for quote tags in wrong spots - Blames Mr. Miller
It's coming!!!! I know it is!!!! My sister's friend's boyfriend's uncle is a retired imagineer who once knew paul pressler and he swears it's coming!!!!!

(notice how i dodge the corrus bashing.. ;) )


New Member
dm77 said:
Who are you? Do you work for the Disney Corp and hold some seat of power that would give you all of this insight? Or are you merely some guy who spends wayyy too much time posting on a forum? Seriously though, what credentials do you hold that lets you "know" what Disney will be doing?

You really don't know what you're talking why not drop it and stop insulting people like Corrus.

Corrus is very knowledeable and I'm sure he can list his qualifications that back up his opinions quite well on his I'm not going to state them for him.

As for Beastly Kingdom....even as high up as Joe Rohde has stated that Beastly Kingdom as an entity will not show up in AK, but as with EE, parts of it will be incorporated into the park.


Well-Known Member
dm77 said:
Don't you think you could have consolidated those 3 short posts into one?

Who are you? Do you work for the Disney Corp and hold some seat of power that would give you all of this insight? Or are you merely some guy who spends wayyy too much time posting on a forum? Seriously though, what credentials do you hold that lets you "know" what Disney will be doing?
Lets just say that Corrus knows what he's talking about.


Well-Known Member
joshwill said:
can you elaborate on that statement for those of us not in the loop.
To quote TiggerRPH....
Corrus is very knowledeable and I'm sure he can list his qualifications that back up his opinions quite well on his I'm not going to state them for him.
Sorry :eek:


Well-Known Member
joshwill said:
surely someone must know, or are we all just a bunch of lemmings?
We're not saying that we don't know. We're just saying that it's not our place to say. That would be Corrus' place, if he so chooses. :)


Le Meh
Premium Member
pinkrose said:
We're not saying that we don't know. We're just saying that it's not our place to say. That would be Corrus' place, if he so chooses. :)
Yep and as he said earlier, he is done with this thread, so its highly unlikely in this one.


WOW, this is turning into a great Cinco De Mayo weekend.

I am not usually one to jump on the bash the newbies bandwagon. However, before I joined I lurked, read a lot of older posts and got a sense of who was full of B.S.
After I joined I considered myself a new member of a community and acted accordingly, just like if I was new to a job or other "real" life situation where I was face to face. After a year plus I know which members are knowledgeable and which are making things up.

I won't try to defend or justify posts by members like Corrus (they can defend themselves quite nicely), suffice it to say that my advice to those newest members is that before you openly question people, do a little research and learn what they are about first. Otherwise you'll destroy your own rep before you go beyond rookie status.

Opens another Corona and waits....


Skellington88 said:
Don Goodman (who is certainly not in the know),
He's not? The President of Imagineering isn't in the know? I disagree.

That would be Corrus' place, if he so chooses.
I'll tell you who he is....he's The Man, that's who he is.
(He's probably even tall enough to get into Art K.'s office.):lol:


New Member
Iakona said:
Otherwise you'll destroy your own rep before you go beyond rookie status.

That has got to be the funniest thing i've read in the past 6 months. I clearly am checking these forums because i'm going to Disney in a few weeks, not because I care about some "forum rep" or(even funnier)"going beyond rookie status".

I also don't have the time to go read the 50 million posts on this forum from the times of yore. Someone with this persons "esteemed status" can act with tact and in a humble manner. I saw arrogance, so arrogance recieved an arrogant response clear and simple.


New Member
Original Poster
MooseImagineer said:
It's coming!!!! I know it is!!!! My sister's friend's boyfriend's uncle is a retired imagineer who once knew paul pressler and he swears it's coming!!!!!

(notice how i dodge the corrus bashing.. ;) )

Is this sarcasm?


Well-Known Member
pinkrose said:
We're not saying that we don't know. We're just saying that it's not our place to say. That would be Corrus' place, if he so chooses. :)

ok, thats a valid point, but dont just expect other people to just follow along blindly just because of someone elses say so.

the thing that irks me, and it is in no way corrus who i do beleive is what some say he is, is that there are those here that seem to want to be, if i may quote president dubya, the "decider" when it comes to topics. if someone in this group doesnt like the topic because its been doen before, its seems nonsense to them, or whatever, then the thread should be halted immediatly. as i see it, they only ones who should decide that are the admin and any mods that are here, not regualr posters. if you dont like a topic, then you are free to ignore it, i dont beleive you have the right to tell others that they dont have the right to discuss anything, no matter how many times its been said, as long it is within the rules set for these forums.

if the topic has really been done to death, then people would ignore it and it would go away fast. the fact that there are many posts in this thread seems to me to indicate that there is still interest in discussing this topic.

i for one still hold out hope, however thin it may be, that beastly kingdom will be built, and i like the discussions of it. afterall, IRL, how many time does one discuss the same topic over and over, if it is of interest to you?

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Skellington88 said:
Not true. Iger has already gone on record saying that we will see a fair amount of expansion in the existing american parks. I do not know where you are getting your information (if I were to bet probably a low level imagineer, Don Goodman (who is certainly not in the know), or a wdw bus driver :eek: )

You know Corrus, I don't mean to call you out like this but I have looked at some of your posts in the past few months and you seem to have a real problem with this new arrangement at Disney. You seem to cut down and undermine Lasseter's role in the company at every turn and you constantly state that Iger is a greedy anti-creative businessman who isn't interested in Disney tradition. However, almost everything Iger has said AND done (buying pixar, stating he wants to revive disney animation, putting lasseter and catmull in charge of animation, getting Oswald back, bringing the shareholder meetings back to Anaheim, etc.) is quite the opposite of the picture you are painting. What is with the hostility? (Sour grapes perhaps?)

Again I don't mean to be rude I just want a reasonable answer to my questions. I know alot of you are going to be like "how dare you newbie even question someone who has been here forever" but I do not think that is apporpriate since this is a public forum and we are all allowed to discuss, debate, and in some cases...question.
I don't discuss things with people who think they know better, of things they actually don't know anything about...
My Grudge against Jo Lasseter?? I got nothing against the man...
I don't like the arrangement... You already noticed that...
But never say that I have a problem with that... Times are changing and so is the WDC...
BTW... Joe Lassiter is only in charge of Feature Animation...
I don't undermine Joe Lasseter's work nore his doing...
Sour Grapes... Again... you don't know a thing, and therefore this is a Stupid remark!... and very offending... You're pushing your luck...
I offered my resignation, and they accepted... that's all... No need to go into details over this...

And about my postings, in the past few months... don't just read ...
Read everything from months (even years) before that...
So don't judge...

You're trying to get my name... Which you don't get anyway...
So now you found a way to accuse me of several things...

I'm certainly not against The Walt Disney Company as it is now!
I only stated that a man like Robert Iger doesn't last long... there's too much pressure...
Now he's the hero in the eyes of the public and shareholders...
But he will get chewed and spit out by those same mentioned above...

Joe WILL revive Disney Feature animation...
But don't say opposite things he stated...He stated there won't be any expansions in the near future, globalize the Company... that's his idea... and my idea as well...

And greedy??? Not Yet... wait and see... I know how those things work...
It all has to do with CEOship... Previously in the end they all became greedy...
(It proves once again you don't know how the don't know how mechanism works)...
It seems that you know about about his bonuses...
It also seems to be you know everything about Robert Iger...
Do you kow him?? ... In person?? guess not...
He's ambitious... very... and that does him good...
And yet he won't make it... a CEO needs to be strong, which (alas) Robert isn't...
Do you know Michael... Nope!
Do I know Michael Yep... better than you could even imagine
Do you know Marty??? YES, I almost know what he eats and drinks...
Do you know what things are really decided in Burbank/Glendale... Nope!
Do I know that... (als sometimes) Yes!
Do you know me... NO defenitely not... that's obvious... or else you wouldn't say such things about me...
Shareholder meetings in Burbank... good idea... I never said otherwise...
Someone called (I think) for a Corrus bashing thread?... (if not I apologize)
And even if they want to Go ahead...let people do whatever they like...

You didnt want to call me out, like this? I think you did that to create a discussion... you don't call this a bad discussion??? I do...
So please think before you write... CM or not... Read & Learn...
I've read and learned... More than you'll ever know...

Now I'm going to stop this "debate" or whatever you call it...
So when I'm out of this thread, you can raise a bashing thing or whatever... you're succeedding already...

It's very obvious you're trying to put my integrity on the line, I would strongly advise not to do that... and never call out to me like this anymore...
Because If you do... I'll call you out, and believe me... I know how to someone out...

Have a Magical Day...

BTW... Don't send me PM's... They won't be answered next rime...
I don't like being disturbed by people who argue for sake of argueing...
You offended me, and I'm done with you... :wave:


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