Beastly kingdom


hakunamatata said:
Im hoping for a water themed portion of AK. Along the lines of Disney Sea....then that park would encorporate the entirety of the kingdom of animals.

Unless you are referring to the original incarnation of DisneySea, the park hardly touches upon aquatic animals and is concentrated more on myths and legends of the seas sort of a Disneyland on Water. The way it is in Tokyo, it won't fit in well at DAK at all, besides. Aquatic Animals is too broad a theme to shoehorn into DAK as it stands now. An Aquatic Animals themed second gate to AK? Now we're talking.


Le Meh
Premium Member
S.E.A. said:
Unless you are referring to the original incarnation of DisneySea, the park hardly touches upon aquatic animals and is concentrated more on myths and legends of the seas sort of a Disneyland on Water. The way it is in Tokyo, it won't fit in well at DAK at all, besides. Aquatic Animals is too broad a theme to shoehorn into DAK as it stands now. An Aquatic Animals themed second gate to AK? Now we're talking.
Valid point.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Connor002 said:
An Idea never dies at WDI.
However, the accounting department often brings them to the brink of death.
All ideas are kept on a shelf... some in reach, some very much out of reach, some are very tucked away... Like old blue skied projects, such as Beastly Kingdom
I beg to differ. First off, I don't "have no idea what I'm talking about," and secondly, Corrus definitely does not have "no idea what he's talking about."

Excuse me??? :mad:

Connor... Don't make me call you stupid again!... :lol: :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Corrus said:
All ideas are kept on a shelf... some in reach, some very much out of reach, some are very tucked away... Like old blue skied projects, such as Beastly Kingdom
Corrus, once a major plan such as Beastly Kingdom is shelved, is any part of it considered for future use or adaptation as a stand alone attraction? Or is this usually not done? Just curious how the creative process works.


Well-Known Member
KrazyKemp said:
I'm siding with Corrus on this one.
...the fact is that Beastly Kingdom is one of many ideas that are currently being reviewed. And the chances that Disney accounting would create this park are minimal at best.

Didn't Iger say that there would not be any thoughts on a "5th Gate" or "Monorail Expansion" for at least 10 or more years??

Not to nitpick, but Beastly Kingdom was to be a "land" within Animal Kingdom like Africa and Asia. That's the reference you see in some AK logos with the dragon as one of the silhouette "animals". You're correct about Iger not building a 5th gate, but this would be one of the options to expand an existing gate, which is what keeps bringing the rumor to the surface. It's an expansion dream that many hold dear and has not been ruled out based on Iger's comments.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Unplugged said:
Not to nitpick, but Beastly Kingdom was to be a "land" within Animal Kingdom like Africa and Asia. That's the reference you see in some AK logos with the dragon as one of the silhouette "animals". You're correct about Iger not building a 5th gate, but this would be one of the options to expand an existing gate, which is what keeps bringing the rumor to the surface. It's an expansion dream that many hold dear and has not been ruled out based on Iger's comments.

Pfffffffft... [sigh] :snore: I give up... I've explained the reason why not, too many times in other threads...

BTW... Robert Iger certainly won't green light Beastly Kingdom anyway... he goal is, globalizing the Walt Disney Company, and not expanding existing parks...


New Member
My vote that doesn't count

My vote that counts for absolutely nothing goes to expanding the Studios before Beastly Kingdom. Would BK be cool? Sure it would be. Do I think it will happen in the near future? Not a chance in :fork: . The studios are fairly landlocked (not as much room for expansion as AK), but I think it's still lacking something. There are way too many f-quality attractions. I'm not saying they need a new E-ticket, but get rid of Sounds Dangerous, re-vamp the Backlot Tour, do something to the Streets of America the other 10 months of the year outside of Christmas, use the ABC Theater and some of the other production areas. There's just too much left empty or dying there. I believe Animal Kingdom is on the right track and has been given much opportunity to grow with the addition of Everest, Nemo and the new Asian restaraunt. But now I feel it's the Studios turn to grow and flourish. I wonder if AK's attendance will surpass the studios this coming year. I will be very interested to see.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
typhoonguy said:
My vote that counts for absolutely nothing goes to expanding the Studios before Beastly Kingdom. Would BK be cool? Sure it would be. Do I think it will happen in the near future? Not a chance in :fork: . The studios are fairly landlocked (not as much room for expansion as AK), but I think it's still lacking something. There are way too many f-quality attractions. I'm not saying they need a new E-ticket, but get rid of Sounds Dangerous, re-vamp the Backlot Tour, do something to the Streets of America the other 10 months of the year outside of Christmas, use the ABC Theater and some of the other production areas. There's just too much left empty or dying there. I believe Animal Kingdom is on the right track and has been given much opportunity to grow with the addition of Everest, Nemo and the new Asian restaraunt. But now I feel it's the Studios turn to grow and flourish. I wonder if AK's attendance will surpass the studios this coming year. I will be very interested to see.
Don't want to offend you or something, but indeed ... your vote doesn't count...
And if you meant with "Studios" the Disney Studios Paris... Yes!
But US parks won't be expanded anymore... at least not in the near future...


New Member
Corrus said:
Don't want to offend you or something, but indeed ... your vote doesn't count...
And if you meant with "Studios" the Disney Studios Paris... Yes!
But US parks won't be expanded anymore... at least not in the near future...

I'm not sure that this is entirely true. And by Studios I meant Disney-MGM Studios (since they're asking us to refer to it as the 'studios' now). I would be willing to bet we will see at least 1 new attraction every other year here for the next few years. Now by 'new' attraction, I mean either something brand new, or something that has had a MAJOR overhaul (i.e. new track at space mountain. not saying that is even a remote possibility, but you get the idea).

I imagine within the next few years we'll see the utilization of the former Timekeeper space. I think we'll also see a bit more expansion at Animal Kingdom within the next 3 to 4 years. Studios? I have no idea, but I can remain hopefull. EPCOT? I think we'll begin to see a revitalized (sp?) Future World bit by bit. What do I base this on? Absolutely nothing to be perfectly honest. Just the personal opinion of an O&T Cast Member that gets out and about with Execs every now and again. Am I promising anything? Not in a million years. Just one CMs opinion considering the trends of the company.

Walt Disney World as a whole tends to go through phases of centralization and de-centralization, and along with those phases, the parks tend to see a a trend of expansion then a trend of focus on details. We seem to be at the pinnacle of our era of centralization/expansion, which leads me to believe there is still a 'winding down' period in front of us over the next few years, after which we will again start to de-centralize and come into a period of detail-orientation.

Take this as you will, but this just happens to be the viewpoint of a long time CM. Once again, no promises or solid proof of anything, just my own viewpoint.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
I really like you, you're so very modest!..

Let me tell you, I'm not impressed by your "wise" words...
BTW I'm not interested in the viewpoint of a CM...

Take "that" as You will, you probably don't know me... better do some checking on me...

I'm not making things up, I never have... I never told a single lie on these forums, and I never will...
I was always, too busy dreaming of other things...

And as a CM, you should know that you only get informed on need to know bases... and the CM portal gives you nothing, (nothing important really)


New Member
Need to know

I know very well things are told on a need to know basis, and unfortunately there's not much we CMs need to know until something is unvealed to the public. I'm just stating on basic trends I have seen in my years with the Company.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
I see... during my tenure in the company... (almost 15 years) I wasn't a CM... I'm retired now... left in the same month as Michael...
I never listen to trends... and I don't use my 15yrs of experience to impress other people...

I'm going leave this thread now, because this could turn into a very bad conversation, and we don't want that... do we...

And if you want to believe the things others tell you, or believe your "experience" tells you... be my guest...


Le Meh
Premium Member
typhoonguy said:
I know very well things are told on a need to know basis, and unfortunately there's not much we CMs need to know until something is unvealed to the public. I'm just stating on basic trends I have seen in my years with the Company.
You should very well let things drop. You may not know who you are dealing with. Just a kind suggestion.


Le Meh
Premium Member
typhoonguy said:
huh? Since when is it a bad thing to offer up an opinion?
You have offered your opinion. Corrus is very well respected around here. He has been correct ever since I have been here. I wont go into detail about what he did at TDC, but lets just say, the stuff he did is why there are CMs.


New Member
Which is cool and all, but there's no need to get fiesty about someone's opinion. That's what we're all here to do is to share our opinions and ideas and take what we will from each of them. Censorship is the worst thing a public forum can do!


Corrus said:
All ideas are kept on a shelf... some in reach, some very much out of reach, some are very tucked away... Like old blue skied projects, such as Beastly Kingdom

forgive me for going against your highly respected stature in this community but wasn't BK more than just a Blue Skied project? Wasn't it going to be a definite part of Disney's Animal Kingdom? Wasn't it even shown in a lot of promotional materials and concept art for the park? Is there n0t a dragon in the center of the Animal Kingdom logo? Wasn't there a small segment about a dragon in a cave in the old Discovery River Boat ride? Surely all this symbols and signs meant that Beastlie Kingdomme was more than just another Blue Sky idea.


New Member
Corrus said:
Read my lips...

. T h e r e . w i l l . n e v e r . a . b e a s t l y . k i n g d o m .

Don't you think you could have consolidated those 3 short posts into one?

Corrus said:
Pfffffffft... [sigh] I give up... I've explained the reason why not, too many times in other threads...

BTW... Robert Iger certainly won't green light Beastly Kingdom anyway... he goal is, globalizing the Walt Disney Company, and not expanding existing parks...

Who are you? Do you work for the Disney Corp and hold some seat of power that would give you all of this insight? Or are you merely some guy who spends wayyy too much time posting on a forum? Seriously though, what credentials do you hold that lets you "know" what Disney will be doing?


Well-Known Member
Corrus said:
I beg to differ. First off, I don't "have no idea what I'm talking about," and secondly, Corrus definitely does not have "no idea what he's talking about."

Excuse me??? :mad:

Hmm i think you missed the double negative.... maybe... Or maybe I missed some really disguised sarcasm.

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