Beastly kingdom

Tim G

Well-Known Member
MooseImagineer said:
It's coming!!!! I know it is!!!! My sister's friend's boyfriend's uncle is a retired imagineer who once knew paul pressler and he swears it's coming!!!!!

(notice how i dodge the corrus bashing.. ;) )

My neighbor's has a sister... who's friend knows someone who met a janitor in a theater, and His uncle's girlfriend, has a another friend, who lives beside a nephew who knows a brother of an Imagineer... :veryconfu :lookaroun :) :lol:


dm77 said:
That has got to be the funniest thing i've read in the past 6 months. I clearly am checking these forums because i'm going to Disney in a few weeks, not because I care about some "forum rep" or(even funnier)"going beyond rookie status".

I also don't have the time to go read the 50 million posts on this forum from the times of yore. Someone with this persons "esteemed status" can act with tact and in a humble manner. I saw arrogance, so arrogance recieved an arrogant response clear and simple.

Excellent; I love it when I'm funny and I am not even trying. Of course, if that was the funniest thing you have heard in the last 6 months then i really think you need to get out more.

You don't have the time to do little research and see who you can trust so how are you going to distinguish between good info and the bad?

Someone that is so new and unknown should not be as arrogant and insulting as your post was. It is quite obvious that you do not care about your reputation, of course it could be your true personality shining through.

Thankfully people like you end up on a lot of people's ignore list:


New Member
Corrus said:
I don't discuss things with people who think they know better, of things they actually don't know anything about...
My Grudge against Jo Lasseter?? I got nothing against the man...
I don't like the arrangement... You already noticed that...
But never say that I have a problem with that... Times are changing and so is the WDC...
BTW... Joe Lassiter is only in charge of Feature Animation...
I don't undermine Joe Lasseter's work nore his doing...
Sour Grapes... Again... you don't know a thing, and therefore this is a Stupid remark!... and very offending... You're pushing your luck...
I offered my resignation, and they accepted... that's all... No need to go into details over this...

And about my postings, in the past few months... don't just read ...
Read everything from months (even years) before that...
So don't judge...

You're trying to get my name... Which you don't get anyway...
So now you found a way to accuse me of several things...

I'm certainly not against The Walt Disney Company as it is now!
I only stated that a man like Robert Iger doesn't last long... there's too much pressure...
Now he's the hero in the eyes of the public and shareholders...
But he will get chewed and spit out by those same mentioned above...

Joe WILL revive Disney Feature animation...
But don't say opposite things he stated...He stated there won't be any expansions in the near future, globalize the Company... that's his idea... and my idea as well...

And greedy??? Not Yet... wait and see... I know how those things work...
It all has to do with CEOship... Previously in the end they all became greedy...
(It proves once again you don't know how the don't know how mechanism works)...
It seems that you know about about his bonuses...
It also seems to be you know everything about Robert Iger...
Do you kow him?? ... In person?? guess not...
He's ambitious... very... and that does him good...
And yet he won't make it... a CEO needs to be strong, which (alas) Robert isn't...
Do you know Michael... Nope!
Do I know Michael Yep... better than you could even imagine
Do you know Marty??? YES, I almost know what he eats and drinks...
Do you know what things are really decided in Burbank/Glendale... Nope!
Do I know that... (als sometimes) Yes!
Do you know me... NO defenitely not... that's obvious... or else you wouldn't say such things about me...
Shareholder meetings in Burbank... good idea... I never said otherwise...
Someone called (I think) for a Corrus bashing thread?... (if not I apologize)
And even if they want to Go ahead...let people do whatever they like...

You didnt want to call me out, like this? I think you did that to create a discussion... you don't call this a bad discussion??? I do...
So please think before you write... CM or not... Read & Learn...
I've read and learned... More than you'll ever know...

Now I'm going to stop this "debate" or whatever you call it...
So when I'm out of this thread, you can raise a bashing thing or whatever... you're succeedding already...

It's very obvious you're trying to put my integrity on the line, I would strongly advise not to do that... and never call out to me like this anymore...
Because If you do... I'll call you out, and believe me... I know how to someone out...

Have a Magical Day...

BTW... Don't send me PM's... They won't be answered next rime...
I don't like being disturbed by people who argue for sake of argueing...
You offended me, and I'm done with you... :wave:


Thank You for responding to my questions. Although I have no idea why you have to keep pushing the fact that you are good friends with flunkies like Eisner and sklar it means nothing. I recommend turning the arrogance down a notch or two regardless of who you are or how long you have been hanging out here. Anyway thanks for the response. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Skellington88 said:
Although I have no idea why you have to keep pushing the fact that you are good friends with flunkies like Eisner and sklar it means nothing.
I think it means a lot. How many people personally know Eisner and Skylar? I wish I did. There is so much to be learned from both. I respect them both, and I respect Corrus.


Well-Known Member
Skellington88 said:
Thank You for responding to my questions. Although I have no idea why you have to keep pushing the fact that you are good friends with flunkies like Eisner and sklar it means nothing. I recommend turning the arrogance down a notch or two regardless of who you are or how long you have been hanging out here. Anyway thanks for the response. :wave:

Maybe you should try and turn down your attitude that you know more than the people on these boards. If you detected arrogance, maybe you should re-read your posts prior to telling someone else to turn it down.


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
Skellington88 said:
Thank You for responding to my questions. Although I have no idea why you have to keep pushing the fact that you are good friends with flunkies like Eisner and sklar it means nothing. I recommend turning the arrogance down a notch or two regardless of who you are or how long you have been hanging out here. Anyway thanks for the response. :wave:

ROFLMAO! Being new here, people tend to give a break, but not in this case; your posts are simply out of line. I suggest two things - 1) Please re-read Corrus' post; it gives insight as to why he's highly respected here (heck, *I* learned more about him in that post, and I've been here awhile). 2) read my signature.

Ok, a last thing - if you want to be looked upon with respect, I wouldn't post a response like the one quoted above. From my perspective, you're the one being arrogant, without having a shred of proof that you have any idea how things work at the WDC.

If you want to ignore what I've suggested, that's your perogative. It also means you most likely will be slammed and ignored by most of the people here who are the most helpful.


Well-Known Member
I will say this in the newbies defence as I am still one as well. I've been here for several months now and this is the first time I've even heard Corrus's name. I've run into a hundred people in my few short months on these disney boards who all claim to "Know" what is going on. They know somebody or someone. So it's the obvious reaction of most people to immediately question someone, especially when they speak to say that they know something with certainty and when they attack others opinions.

Now Corrus may very well be someone who once held a high position in the company but his cryptic answers just leave me more confused to what he truly knows and where he truly came from. So don't immediately jump all over the newbies because they question you. To most people who don't know you, you're just some other guy on a forum. We've been burned by hundreds of people who claim to be someone in the know, so it's a natural reaction to not trust.

I'll take the word of tons of people in this thread that you're in the know and I won't attack you for what you say although I do admit to being confused.

That said.

Mad is not the word... I feel offended... :zipit:

Don't be offended over what someone who has no clue who you are says on a message board. Like I said, I've run into hundreds of people who claim to know people. I could claim to be Iger's best friend and without offering any proof you'd have know way to know 100% that I was lying unless I proved myself wrong. So it's people who say things like that that make us less likely to believe you when you say it.

Anyhow, I'm rambling now and I'll let it go. I'll trust those who've been here a long time when they say you're in the know, but don't expect us to differentiate you from someone who truly isn't just because you say it. We have no clue who to trust or not.

Best of luck, and in my uninformed opinion we'll never see Beastly Kingdom. I think we'll see some ideas from it but not a whole new expansion to the park although I'd love to see something in that area aside from Camp Mickey.



Well-Known Member
Hi.. long time, no post.

Now Corrus may very well be someone who once held a high position in the company but his cryptic answers just leave me more confused to what he truly knows and where he truly came from. So don't immediately jump all over the newbies because they question you. To most people who don't know you, you're just some other guy on a forum. We've been burned by hundreds of people who claim to be someone in the know, so it's a natural reaction to not trust.

Here are two recent exapmples of this concerning the return of the Sea Cabs.

In both cases, the people who 'claimed to be in the know' were correct with their information and the resident 'experts' stated that the Sea Cabs were not comming back.

Everyone's opinion is valid.

...back to lurk mode


New Member
does anyone have any pics of these sea cabs im hearing about,they sound cool and i hope they do put them in but i dont know what they are.
and also i hope they do make beastly kingdom at some point, i think it would be a great asset to AK sure they have just opened EE but in a few years that wont be as popular and the crowds will thin out at AK,if disney are planning on building Beastly Kingdom, they should build it then, to keep the crpowds coming.


New Member
dm77 said:
That has got to be the funniest thing i've read in the past 6 months. I clearly am checking these forums because i'm going to Disney in a few weeks, not because I care about some "forum rep" or(even funnier)"going beyond rookie status".
So then you're in the News and Rumors section because your researching your trip? And maybe in a few weeks Beastly Kingdom will be complete in time for your trip?

dm77 said:
I also don't have the time to go read the 50 million posts on this forum from the times of yore. Someone with this persons "esteemed status" can act with tact and in a humble manner. I saw arrogance, so arrogance recieved an arrogant response clear and simple.
If a member makes such claims as Corrus has and has 8500+ posts to his credit, has been a member here for more than 4 years, something more needs to proven before you take his word on something? Now what about the fact that many long time members have come to his defense? Still no validity?
Well maybe Corrus responds the way he does because he offers a wealth to this site and it must get old having to get into it with people who just show up to research a trip or who just wish they could offer some real information. It's a shame to see a member such as Corrus have to get into it with newbies. I would say maybe he would be best served to stay out of it but then again, he has so much to offer that watching newbies make a mess of themselves at the hands of Corrus is so, sickly enjoyable...

If you come on here looking for information, feel free to use the search. I can guarantee this debate has happened, 100 times....

And just be thankful you won't be suffering the wrathe of Thrawn. Then it becomes a "Depends" moment.... As you were.:D


New Member
brich said:
If a member makes such claims as Corrus has and has 8500+ posts to his credit, has been a member here for more than 4 years, something more needs to proven before you take his word on something?

So if I hang out here for 4 years and make 8500 I become a "reliable Source" and automatically am "in the know". Lurking around here making an absurd number of posts doesnt mean you know anything it means you have no life.


Park History nut
Premium Member
bassman said:
does anyone have any pics of these sea cabs im hearing about.

Have a look in my photoalbum (the orignial cabs - the new ones havn`t been posted from what I know. Just think Horizons!)


Well-Known Member
Skellington88 said:
So if I hang out here for 4 years and make 8500 I become a "reliable Source" and automatically am "in the know". Lurking around here making an absurd number of posts doesnt mean you know anything it means you have no life.
No life? He averages 5.5 posts a day. Most of us could make that many posts in maybe 20 minutes. I probably send 5.5 emails a day, and that doesn't mean I have no life. No, 4 years and 8500 posts do not make someone a reliable source; 4 years and 8500 posts where the vast majority of the information given is accurate, however, does.

You might choose your battles better. The people you really want to question are the ones who say the monorail is going to be expanded within a year or a Harry Potter ride/land is coming.


Skellington88 said:
So if I hang out here for 4 years and make 8500 I become a "reliable Source" and automatically am "in the know". Lurking around here making an absurd number of posts doesnt mean you know anything it means you have no life.

No, if you come in, contribute accurate information and avoid being antagonistic toward respected members then you would get some credibility.

I find it quite contradictory that people come here for trip planning help yet feel the need to question the credibility of one of the most respected and trusted members of this community. Logic would dictate that you would see that many longtime members trust Corrus. These are the people, after all, that you are hoping to help you plan your trip; you know all those people that "have no life" because they post so much.

Of course, insulting them is always another course to take. I'm sure that will bring out a plethora of knowledgeable members to help.


Skellington88 said:
So if I hang out here for 4 years and make 8500 I become a "reliable Source" and automatically am "in the know".

Get a job with WDI and work there for 15 years or so...that will make you a "reliable source" and "in the know".:rolleyes:


New Member
three huge 'heads'

I went to the Animal Kingdom in March, and while I was waiting for the park to open I noticed above the ticketing area as you enter that there are three huge 'heads' : one is a dinosaur, one is an animal, and one is a dragon. It would almost appear that there are three distinct areas to the Theme Park. So currently two are built (animal and dinosaur); therefore we might be able to take the third (dragon) as a yet to be built area in the Animal Kingdom Park; and Disney knows this is a future area, and thus has already built it into entrance area.

Forgive me if this has been discussed/mentioned 8500 times before. This is my first post.. :)

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