Beastly kingdom


RandySavage said:
Non-disclosure agreements aren't required for HR managers. He is "unable" because he is a fraud. Not because of a NDA.
That's just sad, man.
Trust those of us who have been here for a while and are familiar with Corrus.
Mid-level HR? Not even close.
If you have evidence to the contrary, feel free to provide it.


Well-Known Member
Real_Epcot_Fan said:
I really dont wanna cause polemics or break out a fight here, and i am not saying Corrus is not who he says he is. But most perople here talk like he has never ever been wrong on what he says, and clearly he has not been absolutely 100% accurate on what he says.

In a link posted by space42 ( for those interested on the post link: )
about a Sea Cabs thread that began on November 12th 2005 (not very long ago), on the very first page of the thread Corrus posted at 17:16 (post Number 12) that day, that the Hydrolators could possibly back, but that the Sea Cabs "no way". And it turns out to be that the Hydrolators are gone and the Sea Cabs are coming back later this year. And like i said was a very recent thread so it wasnt like in such a long period of time things changed.

And also last week read on these forums an old thread about future attractions at Disneyland Paris, that was revived, one member posted that a Buzz Lightyear Astro Blaster attraction was in the works for the Visionarium at tommorrowland, and he denied that, saying that he was totally sure no Buzz Lightyear attraction would being built for DLPR. As we can see now a Buzz Lightyear attration occupies the old Visionarium Building. I am sorry i didnt post the link i searched for it but didnt found it but i am sure i read it.


So I've been sitting back and reading as this whole thing has gone along... And I was waiting for this post. Real_Epcot_Fan was braver than I and went through with it. :wave:

Here's how I see this thing: Corrus has obviously been around a long time, and had plenty of input on a variety of topics. And he's obviously earned the respect of a LOT of the people that have been here for a long time, as well. That alone means he's done something right. It's easy to see how quickly one can get judged on this site, and he's passed the test. Plus, the fact that quite a few people jump to his side like they have also tells me that he's actually a "known person" by many a people on this board... Obviously he's known personally, not just as Corrus.

But the other side of something like this is he's been off with his information before, as in the post above that I quoted. NOT SAYING HE HASN'T BEEN DEAD ON, EITHER... Maybe he's right 9 times out of 10... I don't know, I haven't paid attention. But at least a couple times, he hasn't been correct even when he's sounded quite confident.

I think if he (or those that are backing him) were to admit that sometimes he's not "in the know" on certain projects, or that sometimes what they hear isn't right, and that OCCASIONALLY he might be inccorect, people would back off a bit. While I've always liked what Corrus has had to say, in this situation he did "pull rank" pretty hard... Mind you, he was called out, but never the less... I finished reading what he had to say feeling like I should believe he was in the heart of every project going on, and that I shouldn't dare question anything... Even though once in a while his info has been off.

I guess I just think that it's quite over the top for people to suggest he might be a 15 year old with a computer... But at the same time it's a little excessive to believe everything that comes out of his mouth should be taken as fact without question. ** Not because he might potentially be making things up, but because at times he might not be getting good info, himself. **

I'm not sure what the whole point of my post here is... Mostly I guess to say he deserves the benefit of the doubt, but that at the same time I can see where he could be questioned by new folks around here that happen upon posts like the one above where the "sea cabs will not return".

And I don't go for anyone saying "technically he was right because the seacabs aren't coming back, they're clams!" or whatever... That's arguing symantics, and I don't believe that at all would be what Corrus had in mind. He's not that kind of guy.

Sometimes even the best of us have bad info. That's all.

I'll probably take a beating for this post, as well... I'd just point out that I diplomatically tried to view both sides. :sohappy:

Oh, and I don't think Beastly Kingdomme will get built as a stand alone land either. :D :lol:


Well-Known Member
RandySavage said:
This is hilarious.

Based on what I've read, I'm siding heavily with Skellington88, who has made some decent points and asked fair questions.

On the other hand, this "Corrus" character is unwilling to provide any substantial evidence that he is "in the know" and belittles anyone who would question his authority. I'm guessing he is a pathological 15-year-old whacko who has built a following on the internet by posting logical conjecture in order to feel elevated.

I also love how his minions rush to defend his ridiculous comments (and I can't wait for their response to this).

If Corrus really did work within WDC, he was mid-level human resources guy at best (minion: "He's the reason Castmembers exist!!"). He knew/knows nothing about the Company's strategic decisions.

Back on topic: I think Festival of the Lion King will be moved to Africa and design will proceed on a fantasy-themed land that will occupy the Beastly Kingdom pads - possibly incorporating Narnia.

You've been here two days, and yet you seem to know Corrus so well?

As others have said, read between the lines, Corrus knows what he's talking about. :wave:


Buried20KLeague said:
But the other side of something like this is he's been off with his information before, as in the post above that I quoted. NOT SAYING HE HASN'T BEEN DEAD ON, EITHER... Maybe he's right 9 times out of 10... I don't know, I haven't paid attention. But at least a couple times, he hasn't been correct even when he's sounded quite confident.
I think if he (or those that are backing him) were to admit that sometimes he's not "in the know" on certain projects, or that sometimes what they hear isn't right, and that OCCASIONALLY he might be inccorect, people would back off a bit. While I've always liked what Corrus has had to say, in this situation he did "pull rank" pretty hard... Mind you, he was called out, but never the less... I finished reading what he had to say feeling like I should believe he was in the heart of every project going on, and that I shouldn't dare question anything... Even though once in a while his info has been off.

No one has ever said that Corrus or any other member has to be 100%. That would be foolish considering that decisions and plans are made in a dynamic environment not a vacuum. What is accurate today could change tomorrow. Anyone with common sense knows this.
What the longtime members have said is that he is credible not omnipotent.


Well-Known Member
Iakona said:
No one has ever said that Corrus or any other member has to be 100%. That would be foolish considering that decisions and plans are made in a dynamic environment not a vacuum. What is accurate today could change tomorrow. Anyone with common sense knows this.
What the longtime members have said is that he is credible not omnipotent.

It just seems as if the overall feel was that he IS dead on. Which is usually correct, but not always. But if I'm new, and I see that he catagorically stated the sea cabs weren't coming back, and I'm not up on his history... I'm going to wonder why everyone backs him like they do. That's all. I can see both sides.


Buried20KLeague said:
It just seems as if the overall feel was that he IS dead on. Which is usually correct, but not always. But if I'm new, and I see that he catagorically stated the sea cabs weren't coming back, and I'm not up on his history... I'm going to wonder why everyone backs him like they do. That's all. I can see both sides.

Well, if someone's credibility is going to be questioned because of 1 post out of 8,500 then I doubt any type of logic would work.


New Member
I think Corrus knows alot less about what is going on then you folks think. When asked about future projects he usually says something vague and you old timers here, like the little green men in toy story are all like "ooooooh the wise one speaks". And then when someone questions his "infinite wisdom" you guys are like "be quiet! He knows alot he just cant say anything because uh...hes under NDA...yea thats the story were sticking too!"

So he is under NDA so very conveniently he cant say what is coming yet he can say these vague hints and sound important and it also gives him the right to make such extreme statements like "Beastly Kingdom will NEVER HAPPEN" and "NO EXPANSION FOR DISNEYWORLD". When people were discussing the rumores that Disney was going to buy out Pixar and Steve Jobs was going to become largets shareholder Corrus came in the chat and was like "Not gonna happen...sorry" and when timekeeper first closed down and people were speculating what it was going to be replaced with..Corrus marched into the chat with his infinite wisdom and said "It seems like LITTLE GREEN MEN are coming.". You see where im going here folks?

On top of this, the guy is apperantly on a power trip. In one post he was like, and im obviously paraphrasing and slightly exagerating here: "Yea I went to Disneyland Paris and this cast member was being rude to I walked over to the manager and told him who I was and instantly the rude cast member was fired and they appologized to me and started kissing my feet." He then goes around attacking other people like the guy who was a cast member at the beginning of this thread and started talking down to him. I also don't appricate all the doom and gloom he has to say about current Disney management and the ways things are being done now. Sure Corrus, Eisner and Sklar were the champions of creativity and Iger and Lasseter are villians who are only interested in building cheap parks around the globe and want to neglect the domestic parks. Riiiiggghhhtttt buddy.

Obviously you have alot of friends here and thats fine...but you have absoluetly no right to get nasty with people and I don't think you have the authority to say wether Beastly Kingdom will get greenlit or not.


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
I'm sorry, I really thought you had a clue and just were too new to understand some things. You have proved me wrong - you're clueless. Do you have any idea how an NDA works, especially at a place like the WDC? I've been under them before, specifically for a major computer manufacturer (one of the top 3) - they aren't to be taken lightly. They have no problem sending in legal teams if they catch wind that you've violated an NDA.

You want to pick 2 or 3 things he's said out of thousands to prove your point (and Monster's Inc. had a little green man, so maybe that was his hint)? You're grasping at straws.

So, please, post more comments like you have. You dig yourself a deeper hole with each comment, and it'll make it that much easier for people to justify putting you on their Ignore list.

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